Chapter 23

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"Gracie! Pst, Gracie!" I jolted upright, scanning my surroundings quickly. It was only Mione, and she was still holding Ron's hand. Harry was asleep, as was Ginny. Mione was looking at me, a determined look in her eyes. "I think they've got a connection?"

"What's got a connection?" I yawned, looking outside. It can't be more than two in the morning! Mione rolled her eyes in exasperation.

"This! The incidents with Ron and Katie!" I was finally starting to wake up, I glanced at Ron, trying to think of what connects the two.

"Mione, how? The only thing I can think of is that they were both fatal." I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"And neither of them met their mark!" She hissed, squeezing Ron's hand. My eyes darted to him again. We know the poison didn't, but what's to say the necklace didn't?

"How do you know? Maybe someone did have it out for Katie. I mean, she's a seventh year and she's an amazing quidditch player, and I hear her grades are really good as well. She's had several offers for jobs and even an offer for a quidditch team or two, someone could have been jealous, or a rival for a position. What better place to do it than Hogsmeade? Where hundreds of wizards go a day." I know Mione is desperate to know, but I can't stand it. I have to stay logical. This is my brother we're talking about and I have to look at this from all angles.

"You said you saw Draco in Hogsmeade. And he's been giving Slughorn all sorts of gifts to butter him up. I think it was Draco!" She snapped, glaring at me, tears in her eyes. She's been crying for a while, you can tell. She's also blaming Draco.

I know he's a deatheater.

I know he has a mission.

I know he was in Borgin and Burkes.

I know he also planted that necklace for Katie. He doesn't have to tell me, it's painfully obvious.

Do I want to know whether he attempted to murder my brother?

Ginny would be ticked off right now, and honestly so am I. I'm not going to lie, the thought that Draco did it had been fooling around in the back of my mind since we found out it happened, but I didn't elaborate my thoughts for a reason. I don't want to believe Draco did it, but what other option is there? I can't keep putting it off, there is too much evidence against him. Not to mention what he had Harry hear at Slughorn's Christmas party.

"I, I don't want to believe it Mione. I don't. But, what other option is there? The question is, why? I mean, he's changed. He came to Ginny with tears in his eyes and told her everything! We know his plan has changed. So why is it just now coming into play? How long was Slughorn going to hold onto that stuff?"

"I don't know. We'll ask Harry in the morning to go over it all. I just wanted you to hear me out. Go back to sleep."

"You too. Don't argue!" She had opened her mouth to protest. "Curl up there beside him Mione. He won't mind, I promise. And if anyone asks you have three options, no four. One, tell the truth, you like Ron. Two, tell them I told you to. Three, say you were upset and needed the comfort. Four, and this is only if you're really embarrassed, pretend you don't know how you got there and act like you did it in your sleep." I yawned, shrugging. I curled up beside Harry, preparing to sleep in the chair, but Harry groaned in his sleep and grabbed me, tucking me protectively into his arms on his lap.

I smiled to myself, conjured a blanket, and kissed his forehead. I made sure he was covered to, because it's really really cold in here, and then conjured another for Ginny. I levitated it to cover her completely, I was going to cover Ron as well, but Mione had it covered. Still smiling, I mumbled a good night, and fell asleep.


"Should we wake them?"

"Nah. They all look so cute!"

"So cute!" The twins chorused, I could all but hear the smirk. What are the twins doing here? That should mean....

"Nat!" I bolted up and grabbed the nearest person. It was her! "I missed you!" The others started to wake up, probably because I'm screaming at the top of my lungs. "What are toy guys doing here?"

"We came to see Ron. Make sure he's okay. Molly and Arthur are with Dumbledore, he's telling them what happened. Mione!"

Mione nearly fell off the bed. "What?" She gasped, glaring at Nat and Kelly! She brought the baby! I grabbed Kel eagerly, letting her and Mione talk.

"You, you kissed him! On the face!"

"Oh well um, yes. I did." Mione muttered, turning back to Ron. Nat looked shocked so I sent her a look letting her know I'd tell her later. It was amusing, watching Fred and George gape at the two of them. Kelly was in a good mood today, all bouncy and giggly. I was smiling, she still had blue eyes.

Then her hair changed. It scared the living daylights out of me! I gasped, jumping a bit. Harry bolted up next, looking around the room. He saw Kelly and smiled. Her hair was bright pink. "I take it she's had some Tonks time?" I giggled, watching as she made her hair grow. She's only a few months old, not very big, but she's making her hair down past her butt. Nat nodded, watching with a proud smile.

Fred took her from me and stuck his tongue out when I pouted. "Daddy time!" He cooed, lifting Kelly in the air. She giggled like crazy, reaching down for his face. It was so cute. He made Kelly lay on his hand while holding he with the other. He made her 'fly' to Nat, then gave her a kiss while Nat pretended to gasp in surprise. It was the most adorable thing I'd ever seen.

Harry squeezed my hand, so I looked over. He had a smile on his face, but there was something else. I nuzzled my face against his neck, not wanting to watch anymore. He wrapped his arms around me, rocking me back and forth, muttering under his breath. Mione was preoccupied with Ron and Ginny was still sleeping, though I don't know how.

Molly and Arthur burst through the door. Molly was in tears, she ran over and hugged Ron, then Mione (she also whispered something that made Mione smile) and then threw herself into Harry's arms. "Thank you! Thank you! Thats three of my families lives you've saved!" She wept, kissing Harry's cheek. I smiled, squeezing Harry's hand again.

"Er, you're welcome." Harry muttered, scratching the back of his neck nervously. My heart swelled with pride. A lot of guys could turn into a real prat right now and be like yeah that's right, you owe me. I saved your life, bow down. No. Not Harry. I'm so proud of him!

Mione kissed Ron's cheek again, fresh tears slipping down her cheeks. It was heartbreaking. Madam Pomfrey came bustling in, shooing us all out. Except Molly an Arthur, though she did try to get them out too. I sighed, running a hand through my hair as we made our way to the hall. Hagrid met us the moment we got there.

"There yeh are! How's Ron?"

"Okay I suppose. Madam Pomfrey says he'll be just fine!" I smiled, giving Hagrid a hug. It was then that I noticed his eyes were watering. "Hagrid? What's wrong?"

"Oh, I don't want yeh ter worry. Focus on Ron!"

"No, really Hagrid, what's wrong?" Nat asked, coming to hug him as well.

"It's, it's Aragog! He's, he's sick!" Hagrid wailed, crying heavily. He hugged Nat and I tightly, then pulled Harry, Mione, and the twins into the hug as well. Aragog?

"Who's Aragog?" I whispered to Harry while Hagrid wasn't looking.

"Second year. Acromantula!" He mouthed, I nodded. I think I remember them telling me about him. And barely escaping, the car saved them I think. Poor Hagrid, if I remember right, that's his best friend. Of course he has us, but Aragog has been his friend for a long, long time.

"Oh Hagrid! Is there anything we can do?" Mione asked, hugging him. The twins looked lost, but didn't say anything. Fred was busy making sure the baby wasn't crushed.

"No, no, I don't think so. He's not exactly as young as he used ter be."

"I'm sorry Hagrid." I whispered, he finally put us down. Harry wrapped his arm around my waist, kissing my forehead.

"Thanks you lot. Best be on your way. Here comes Filtch."

"Bye Hagrid! Right us if he needs anything!" I smiled, hugging him one last time. He nodded and we all took off down the corridor. None of us said anything as we made our way to the common room. And guess who was waiting?


"I suggest you back away." I snapped, glaring at him. He eyed me up and down with a smirk, Harry grabbed me and his me behind him, glaring at McClagen.

"Listen Potter. I saw Weasley being taken to the hospital wing, we both know that means you're short a keeper. I want it."

"You complete ass!" Nat snarled, sending him furious looks from behind the twins.

"How dare you? Our brother, Harry's best mate, Nat's close friend, and someone near and ear to Hermione's heart was just poisoned, and all you can say to us is that you want his spot on his team?" I shrieked, pulling my wand. "I'll kill you!"

I lunged for him, tackling him to the ground. I jabbed my wand in his face, right between the eyes. I smirked down at him with what I hope is worlds evilest look. No one dared try to help him. He's not worth it. "Better apologize!" Nat laughed, skipping around us in circles. I snarled at Cormac, daring him to say anything else.

"I'm sorry!" He shouted, his eyes going cross eyed. I didn't want to get off of him. I want to hex him into oblivion. However, I was the bigger person so I got up and moved to stand beside Harry.

"Look McClagen, I don't want to give you this position, but I'm stuck. You've got it. But trust me when I tell you, one mistake, one! and you'll be gone before you can say quaffle." Harry warned, looking at McClagen with a look of pure hatred. My jaw dropped. I have to play with that prat? Blegh.

I scoffed, rolled my eyes, kissed Harry's cheek and then stomped up the stairs. I only kissed Harry's cheek so he knew I wasn't angry with him. I stopped on the top step. McClagen's back was to me. "OI! McClagen!" I shouted, fingering my wand. He turned around with a smirk. "I don't attack a wizard with his back turned!" I then shot the bat bogey hex, hitting him square in the face. Smiling, I crossed the landing and entered my dorm.


"Gracie wake up! We have a match today!" Ginny yawned, shaking me. I sat up groggily, stood up and grabbed my robes. Walked into the bathroom and brushed my wet hair before throwing it up. I'm glad I braided it after my shower last night. McClagen. Blegh. I have to play with that creep! I can't stand him!

I brushed my teeth and got dressed before leaving the bathroom. Ginny was waiting for me. We made out way to the pitch together, not even going for breakfast. Today's match is against the Hufflepuffs. "Luna is commentating." Ginny turned to me with a smile. I nodded, smirking.

"Should be interesting." I giggled, walking into the changing rooms. Everyone's hear except Harry. And I know we're late? "Where is he?" I glared at McClagen, thinking the worst of the situation. He probably got rid of Harry, hoping to be captain or something.

"Don't look at me! I don't know!" He spat, but his eyes roamed my body once again, a small smirk making its way onto his face. Eye rape. I feel violated.

"Hey! Her eyes are up here you great prat!" Ginny kicked him in his shin, making me as the rest of the team laugh. "I thought I recalled Harry telling you one mistake and you're gone. That's his girlfriend. I feel like visual rape would be considered a mistake."

"You mess with Gracie. You mess with us!" Ritchie smirked, he and Jimmy stood in front of me, bats in hand. I giggled, then saw Harry come running, he got to us right as it was time to fly out.

"Tell you after the match!" He said, then he was gone. Of course we did the traditional handshake where the two captans attempt to break each others fingers, she tells us to have a clean game, and we're off. Ginny scored right off the bat, McClagen however still had comments.

"Oi! Ignore that git!" I shouted, glaring at him. Ginny and Demelza nodded, along with the two beaters, and Cormac did not look happy. I smirked, going to score again. Success! Demelza scored next, then Hufflepuff scored, which irritated me. Ron hasn't let a quaffle in yet. In practice sure, but he's never let one in during game.

A bludger came flying at my head. I turned around quickly, I wasn't in need to be in a position yet so it was okay. Cormac was smirking holding the beaters bat. I don't believe this! "Oh I'll kill you yet!" I grumbled, getting Harry's attention. "Time!" He got the time so I flew over and punched McClagen. "Do it again and you'll get worse than that. I know you did it on purpose!" I hissed, going to get back in position. Harry sent me a look, but nodded at Hooch anyway.

Next thing I know, Cormac had the beater bat again and Harry is falling off his broom. I screamed at the top of my lungs, the Hufflepuff seeker caught the snitch and we lost. I couldn't care less. I flew as quick as I could, urging to broom to go faster. I caught Harry by the collar of his robes right before he hit the ground. He's already passed out.

Mione and Neville came running onto the field, along with the team and all of the teachers. Grandma got to him first, I was on my knees beside him as she checks him out, tears leaking from my eyes. "Please be okay, please be okay!" I chanted, rocking back and forth with his head in my lap.

"McClagen did it Gracie! He hit Harry in the back of the head with a bludger!" Ginny whispered, staring at us.

"He's not waking up." McGonagall gave me a grim look.

"I'll kill you McClagen!" And then I fainted.


"Ugh." I groaned, sitting up. Harry was in the bed beside me, Ron on my other side. We're in, the hospital wing? Why?

"Gracie? Are you alright Love?" Harry's awake. I nodded, looking at him. It all came back in a rush. He got hurt! "Calm down. I'm fine. I had a cracked skull, but Madam Pomfrey fixed it up quickly. You fainted when it happened. Or so I hear."

"Okay. Well, I suppose that's a good thing, that she fixed you up that is." I sighed, resting against my pillow, eyes closed. "Hey Ron! You up yet?"

"Yeah!" He grunted, but I didn't look at him. I'm too tired.

"Good. When can you play quidditch because I hate McClagen?"

"Oh even if he isn't released in time McClagen is gone!" Harry snarled no giggled and nodded. "Oh, and Draco us acting weird again. I'm not exactly sure he's made up his mind Gracie." His voice dropped to a whisper. I motioned for him to continue. "I'll see him on the map, and then he'll just disappear. Always the same place. I heard him arguing with Crabbe and Goyle and he needs bodyguards apparently."

"Kreacher!" I called, there was a feint pop.

"What are you doing?"

"Yes Miss?" The answer was grunted and there was a lot of yelping. I have a feeling Harry wasn't talking to me. I opened my eyes quickly, Dobby and Kreacher were both there, fighting.

"Oi! Knock it off!" I growled, they both stopped immediately. "Kreacher, I need you to do something. Follow Draco Malfoy. No communication what so ever, don't let yourself be seen or heard, and don't share the information with anyone except me, Harry, Ron, or Mione. Got it?"

He nodded quickly. "Dobby will help Miss!"

I smiled at Dobby. "Thanks! I really appreciate it!"

"Your very welcome Miss!" They both bowed and disapparated.

"Good thinking sweetheart."

"Thanks." I mumbled, my head falling to then side. "Harry?"



"Goodnight Love!" I heard him chuckle, and then I was out like a light.

A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style 2 *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now