Chapter 22

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I woke up and ran to my dorm, leaving Harry by himself. I threw a pillow at Ginny as I grabbed my robes and ran into the bathroom. Quick shower, throw up my hair, brush my teeth, done! I ran back into the dorm to see Ginny still sleeping, so I did the only thing I could think of. I used Levicorpus, and she wasn't happy.

"What the bloody hell was that for?" She snapped, rolling over in her sleep.

"Nat's gone. Only two chasers, last minute replacement, training NOW!" I searched for my broom in a hurry, chopping my sentence. Gin didn't need any more of an explanation, she started running about and the next thing I heard was running water. I don't even know if Demelza agreed, but I shudder to think what will happen if she didn't.

Ginny came back out, fully dressed, hair up, and broom in hand. "Ready."

"Me too. Lets go!" I threw the door open and stopped when I saw our new chaser. "Oh thank goodness! Please tell me you said yes?"

"Duh!" She beamed, her hair was up as well, and she had her broom in her hands. I sighed in relief, a small smile. "The match doesn't start 'till noon, do we have time to go down and grab some toast before we start practicing?"

"What time is it?" I asked, Ginny an I following her down the stairs. Only seven. "Plenty of time. Besides, if we want to practice we have to get a teacher so they know we aren't jinxing the balls or anything." I shrugged, relaxing a bit. She said yes, and she's a good player. "The plays we do aren't difficult, but they look tricky, which is the point. Confuse them and we win. You've seen us play obviously."

Demelza nodded. "A lot of fake outs. I've memorized a lot of them."

"Good! Makes this a whole lot easier!" Ginny smirked, sitting at the table. I sat beside her and Demelza across from us. There was only one other person in the hall, a first year Ravenclaw who had a load of books in front of her. Reminds me of Mione in first year. Demelza laughed, and payed close attention as we explained the plays in detail, but keeping our voices down to a hushed whisper.

"You know, nobody knows who our new chaser is. They won't know what to expect. Brilliant!" I beamed, high giving the girls. Harry and Ron came down a minute later, both dressed with brooms in their hands. Harry came and sat on the other side of me, Ron sat with Demelza.

"Don't scare me like that! You've never been gone when I woke up." He muttered, wrapping his arm around my waist. I apologized with a smile and kissed his cheek. "So, are you nervous?" He asked, looking at all of us. No body said yes. "Good! We've got this in the bag. Have you caught Demelza up?"

"Yeah. She memorized a lot of the fake outs and stuff so it wasn't too hard. Just taught her the new ones and how to perfect the old ones." I shrugged, tearing a piece of toast in half and feeding it to Harry. He smiled and instead if taking it, just ate it. I giggled and continued to feed him.

Demelza watched us with her eyebrows raised. "Are they always like this?"

"Yes!" Ron, Ginny, and Draco chorused with identical smirks. Harry an I rolled our eyes, and I blushed, but that doesn't matter. "Just wanted to tell you all good luck." Draco smiled, sitting beside Ginny. Demelza looked shocked, but didn't say anything.

"Thanks! You too!" Gin smiled, kissing him quickly. Ron's fingers tightened on his fork, but he didn't say anything. Just kept eating his eggs like a good little boy. "Now go on. We have things to discuss!" The beaters were coming into the hall now and we need to introduce them to Demelza.

Draco rolled his eyes, kissed her again, gave me a hug, and left. "Ready guys?" I asked, standing up. Everyone nodded, Jimmy and Ritchie followed us out of the hall. We made our way down to the pitch with Grandma McGonagall, Harry didn't use any balls but the quaffle, so it's not like we were trying to sabotage the snitch or anything. And besides, we have more than one set of these things, and that's what's really confusing me.

Anyway though, Demelza did really well. Better than her tryouts even. She flys well and she scored quite a few goals, much to Ron's disappointment. By the time we were done, it was time for the match. Harry took us all into the training room to give us a speech.

"We've worked hard this year, and whether we win or loose, you've all done brilliantly. I couldn't ask for a better team!" Harry smiled, his eyes swimming with pride. "I don't want anyone hurt, so go out there and have fun. The game is always better, not to mention that you play better, when you think of it as a game with friends. If you forget that, obsession takes over and you're no longer playing for the love of the game, but for greed."

No one said anything for a few minutes. "Captain for one year, and you've already given a better speech than Wood's ever even dreamed of!" I smirked, standing up. "Come on team, and remember that word, team. We're in this together, so lets go out there and win it. Together!" I smiled, sticking my hand out. Everyone smiled, placing theirs on top of mine. "What should we say?"

"Gryffindor! Short and simple!" Ginny rolled her eyes, fingering her broom happily. She's ready to played. I nodded and counted to three, we all chorused Gryffindor, and then it was time. We flew out together, taking a lap around the pitch. Three sections of the stands cheered loudly, only the sea of green booed and hissed. I smiled, letting the air whip my hair around. I almost want to take it down completely. Though I have a feeling Harry wouldn't like that very much.

"Alright! I want a clean game! From all of you!" Madam Hooch looked at each of us sternly. Déjà vu. Harry and the Slytherin captain tried to break each others fingers when they shook hands, even more déjà vu. On the whistle, we mounted our brooms, she threw the quaffle up, Demelza grabbed it, and the match had started.

Demelza was quick to pass whenever a Slytherin got to close, but I don't blame her. You can see their plan written all over their faces. Blood. I took the quaffle, avoiding a bludger Ritchie hit. He sent me an apology quickly, claiming to have been aiming for a chaser behind me. I waved him off, racing up the pitch, I aimed, bringing my arm clear back, but their chaser elbowed me in the gut as another ripped the ball from my hand. I bent over, trying to catch my breath considering that knocked the wind out of me.

I spun around and raced after the chaser, along with Ginny and Demelza. Jimmy hit their chaser in the gut with a well aimed bludger, winking at me. I laughed as the chaser dropped the quaffle and Ginny caught it. We formed a triangle, attempting to pull off one of the moves we'd seen at the World Cup with the Irish chasers. It worked and I scored the first point for Gryffindor. Demelza scored the next one, then Ginny. Demelza, Ginny, me, the quaffle went back and forth and all three of us scored multiple times. Luna was commentating, much to my amusement.

"You know, Wrackspurt is of excellent use when..... Oh my! Harry Potter has seen the snitch!" I whipped around so fast a Slytherin chaser flew right by me, missing the quaffle by yards. No, Harry hadn't. He's doing a Wronskei Feint. And it worked. Draco crashed. I laughed when I flew by him since he was alright. Harry however, pulled out of the five and flew straight up, then stopped to hover. I surveyed the pitch, throwing the quaffle to Ginny. A flash of gold caught my eyes, circling Ron's hoop. I flew to Harry as quickly as possible.

"The hoop Harry!" His eyes darted over, Draco was closer, but didn't see it. Harry zoomed forward while I returned to my position, watching anxiously. Yes! He caught it! Harry's got the snitch! The whistle blew and we all cheered happily. Ron blocked three shots in the time I was telling Harry where to look, the girls an I averaged about seven goals apiece, and the only mistake our beaters made was the one Ritchie hit at me. We played well!

The Slytherins marched off the field glumly, but Lavendar raced Mione onto the field, running up to Ron. Mione glared at her, but Ron was watching Mione. He hugged Lavendar quickly, then ran away. "Well? How did I do?" He beamed, grabbing Mione by the hips.

Blushing furiously, she smiled and threw her arms around Ron's neck. "You did amazing Ron!" She breathed, pulling away. Their eyes locked and I wanted to go 'awwwwwe' really loud, but I didn't get a chance. Lavendar interrupted. She pulled Ron away, shouting off about a party in the common room.

I ran over to Mione who didn't seem to upset by this. I was going to tease her, but once again, I didn't get a chance. "Do you think he likes me?" She whispered, her voice sounded a lot like Luna's, and she was watching Ron go up to the castle with a happy smile. I giggled, putting my arm around her.


*******Harry's POV*******

After the party, Hermione and Ginny drug Gracie off through the castle somewhere, and while I'm not happy with it, I don't want to be overbearing. So I let them go and Ron, Seamus, Dean, Neville and I were sitting in the dorm playing exploding snap, laughing, telling stories, and eating candy. A box of fire whiskey cauldron cakes had been found on top of my trunk and Ron quickly ate one.

His eyes went blank and he started smiling really weird. "Ron?" Neville asked, eating another bean.

"Do you think she likes me?" He sighed, walking over to the widow in a daze. I exchanged a look with the guys and we all snickered.

"Lavendar? I'd say so considering snogging is all you two seem to know how to do. " I rolled my eyes, opening a chocolate frog.

"No no no Harry! He's talking about Granger he is!" Dean winked at me, and all of us burst into laughter except Ron. He seemed angry.

"No! I'm taking about Romilda!" He snapped, throwing a pillow at the four of us. What the hell? Romilda? I grabbed the box of cauldron cakes, and sure enough, it had her name on the tag.

"I don't believe it! She sent them to me! Spiked them with a love potion!" My jaw dropped and I looked up to the guys. They were howling in laughter, rolling on the floor with tears in their eyes.

"And Ron, Ron ATE them!" Neville shouted, banging his fist on the floor. I rolled my eyes, walking over to Ron.

"Come on mate. I know Romilda. I'll introduce you!" I sighed, leading him out of the door. The guys' laughter followed me all the way out into the corridor. Ron was on about what a good friend I am, and I didn't know what to do other than roll my eyes. "Professor!" I shouted, banging on Slughorn's door. He opened it rather reluctantly. "Sir, it's Ron. He's been slipped a love potion. Could you, could you fix him?" I grunted, trying to steady him. He's dead weight at this point.

Slughorn opened the door fully. "You aren't Romilda! Harry, why'd you lie to me? Do you have her hidden in there?" He finally stood up, trying to look behind Slughorn. I rolled my eyes and led Ron inside, ignoring both men while he gave Ron the antidote. It was amusing watching the smile slip off his face.

"Yes yes, I know. Depressing isn't it? Nothing a little mead won't fix!" Slughorn laughed, popping the top off the bottle and pouring three glasses. "Was a gift this was, but I don't really have anything better to do with it!"

Ron downed it in one go, but then he turned green as dropped to floor, foaming at the mouth. "But, but, it can't be poisoned?" Slughorn stuttered, staring at the bottle. He was too shocked to help Ron.

"What do I do?" I groaned, then remembered our lesson. I ran to the supply cabinet and began searching frantically. Slughorn sent a patronus for help and I grabbed what I needed, running back to Ron. I shoved the bezoar down his throat and waited for him to start thrashing about until I relaxed.

Hell of a night.

*******Gracie's POV*******

"Gracie, Mione come quick! It's Ron!" Ginny shouted, panic in her eyes. Mione and I exchanged a glance before we got up and ran after Ginny. She led us to the hospital wing, my heart racing. Ron lay unmoving on the bed. The three of us raced each other to his bed side. Ginny lay beside him, curled up to her big brother. Harry sat at the foot of the bed, his head in his hands. I went and took Ron's hand, sitting beside Harry, and Mione didn't even grab a chair. She dropped to her knees with tears in her eyes, taking Ron's other hand.

"What happened?" I croaked, looking at my brother.

"Poisoned mead. I shoved a bezoar down his throat." Harry muttered, wrapping his arm around my waist. I nodded slowly, waiting for him to come around. All of the teachers were piling in, whispering and talking, but we all turned to the door when it flew open.

"Where is? Where's my Won-Won?" Lavendar screeched, running over to the bed. She stopped when she saw Mione there holding his hand. "What's she doing here?" She sneered, shoving Mione aside. I watched my best friend stand up for herself for the first time since she slapped Draco in third year.

"I'm here because I happen to be his friend!" She snapped, glaring at Lavendar. It wasn't much, but she did do something. Lavendar however, snorted.

"Please, you've barely spoken to each other in weeks!"

I scoffed. "Shows how much you know!"

We all shut up as Ron began to stir. "Her-my-knee. Hermione!" He moaned, clutching at the sheets. Lavendar squealed loudly, tears in her eyes. She stood up and ran from the hospital wing. Mione, however, was also crying, but hers were happy tears. She smoothed Ron's hair back out of his face, whispering to him.

"Shhhhh. I'm here! I'm here!"

"Ah, to be so young and feel the keen sting of love!" Dumbledore smiled, the familiar twinkle in his eye. I winked at him, then watched the two of my friends.

"'Bout time!" Harry snickered, watching the same as I was. Hermione looked up at us with a smirk.

"Shut up!"

A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style 2 *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now