Chapter 8:The Patron

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I found myself behind Christine's mirror again. With a rose tied with black ribbion in hand, I walked thru the mirror to her dresser. My open hand waved over her belongings. Her belongings, her possessions. I want to clutch it in my grasp. They loved her! I know the people would ask to see more of her! She will bloom, sending our voice a flight. Gently I put the rose on a clear spot on the dresser. Ah, Christine.

Outside the door I could hear shouts of Christine's name. Quickly I slipped into the mirror closing it. The door flung open, entering Christine and Meg.

"Sorry!" Meg yelled at the people, shoving the door closed.

"Wow." Meg said out of breath.

"I can't believe this Meg."

"You can't? I can't! You sang beautifully. Like an angel." Christine smiled, sitting into her chair at her dresser. Slowly with perplexion she picked up the rose.

"That's from him. He was pleased!"

"He probably gives everyone roses." Christine put the rose up to her nose.

"No, he never gives one to Carolatta. I got one once when I had a dance solo. I remember the applause." Meg paused lost in the past.

A knock followed from the door. Coming back to her senses Meg opened the door.

"Ms.Daaè is not allowed to see fans."


"I'm an old friend." The voice said. It sounded as the man Daroga met with.

"Let him in Meg." Meg opened the door letting him in. It was the man.

"I'll leave you too." Meg left, leaving Christine with the man. I don't like this. My fingers began to clutch into a fist.

"You probably don't remember me."

"I'm sorry, I don't."

"Ha,ha" the man chuckled taking off his hat. "That's alright. Do you remember the boy who swam after your red scarf?"

"Yes, his mother was so upset. He ruined his outfit. Raoul?" The man smiled.

"Yes, Christine." Christine rose, "Oh my goodness" She hugged him. He hugging her back.

"I can't believe this. How have you been?"

"I've been okay. I heard a Ms.Daaè was singing and I told Philippe we must come see the Opera."

"I'm so glad you guys did!" Christine smiled. Oh god! Please no! "I'm sorry to cut our reunion short, but I'm very tired."

"Of course. I will see you soon, hopefully." Raoul smiled, kissing Christine's hand. Ughhh! He has just marked war on himself! Stop! Think straight you must get to her door, she is expecting her angel.

In a few minutes I was in front of her door. Lightly I knocked on her door.

"Who is it?"

Really girl? "Your teacher." I whispered my face close to the door. The door flung open, I walked in, Christine closing it behind her.

"You did amazing my dear."

"You watched?"

"Of course. I said I would." Christine came closer to me, then wrapping her arms around me, hugging me.

"Thank you Angel." She was warm. She smelt of flowers. I pulled away slowly.

"Christine, if you want to be fully complete you must devote yourself to the music."

"Of course, my angel. Will we sing tonight?"

I smiled, "if you want we will." Christine smiled back.

"I will meet you in our regular room. Get comfortable." I spoke walking out the door. God! Help me god! Shes too beautiful to love this monster.


Giving Christine time I found my way to Daroga's office. Moving a book from the shelf I saw no one but Daroga.

"Your fine Erik." Daroga spoke his face looking at his paperwork. I pushed the book self forward letting me enter the office. Playing it safe I lock the office door.

"Is something troubling you? You never come in my office after performances."

"No, just a simple question." I sat down in the chair facing Daroga. "Who was that man?"

"Which man?"

"The one who was with Madame Giry this morning."

"Oh, that's the Raoul Viscomte De Changy." No. I can't believe this.

"He is sponsoring the Opera House." Great! Great! Just great! Now he will be here often. Looking at MY Christine! Fiercely I stood from the chair making it squeak. Making Daroga lift is his eyes from his papers.

"You okay?"

"Yes. I need to get to the practice room." I open the bookshelf quickly closing it behind me. Why now, when my life was finally becoming worth living! I would kill for her. I would punish anyone who went against her. My breath began to rush making me lean on the tunnel walls. Calm down. You must prove yourself to her. Prove her you love her more than that Viscomte.

Opening the door to the practice room I see no Christine. She should be here soon. To pass the time I start to play 'I love you' from My Love Giselle.

Giselle my love
Don't say anything
Cause I love you
And I know you do too

I love you,
I love you Giselle
Your my world
My life
My fantasy
Say you'll be mine forever
Giselle, I love you.

I sighed, oh I love her. Glancing up I see a figure. I jump to my feet, my eyes focusing. It was Christine.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you."

"I didn't hear you come in." She smiled.

"I heard singing and when I heard it coming in here I knew I had to be super quiet. You sing beautifully my angel." I smiled making her smile more. I never noticed until today her cheeks were filled with hints of red.

"What would you like to practice?"


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