Chapter 5 : The Angel Of Music

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The house opened with people filling in. Not as much as we usually get when we perform Opera.

I was making my rounds before I go to my box when a sudden noise made me hide.

"Excuse me! Until I'm better ha!" The yelling was coming from Carlotta's dressing room.

"Madame, the doctor said if you sing before you're fully healed you can hurt your voice." It was Daroga.

"He's right. You should be home taking a break." Interesting, that's Carlotta's mother.

"Fine." I could picture her pouting.
That Carlotta is a feisty one. Just because she has money and her late husband was a great singer, she thinks she can rule all.

Slowly the door opened, Daroga stepping out. He looked tired. Slowly as well I walk toward Daroga.

"You alright?" I spoke quietly putting a hand on his shoulder.

"She wants to sing again."

"Yeah she does, but none of us want her to. For more reason than just her health."

"True." Daroga patted my shoulder while gesturing to walk.

"I know about what happened before rehearsal today." I'm not going to hear the end of this.

"I know you were watching her." We stopped walking.

"I'm not stalking her. I was making sure the others weren't giving her a hard time."

"And if they were?" They wouldn't see the light of day.

"Erik, please be more careful. I must go. The show is about to began."

Daroga is right, I need to be more careful.


I made my way back down to the house on the lake to eat. Gently I can hear the music flow through the darkness, trying to give it some light. I was awfully tired to try to go back up.

It's been three days since Christine began. I should try to give her lessons. It didn't dawn on me till now, how am I supposed to give her lessons? She will be disgusted by me. She will probably think I'm insane. Oh, why does she do this to me? Why does she make me feel this way?

I began to pace, thinking how to start. Ha! Why didn't I think of this before. At my desk I pull out my quill and paper.

Ms. Christine Daaè,

Meet me when the clock strikes Eleven times tonight in the practice room, the one with the piano. I will explain when we meet.

Sincerely, your tutor

With everyone watching the performance I was able to walk around like a normal person. Carefully at Christine's dressing room door I slid the note in.

Sitting at the table I began to grow impatient. Glancing up toward the clock it read 10:30. Ah, being early wouldn't hurt. Daroga was still upstairs in his office, probably figuring out how much money was made tonight.

With the vocal warm-ups in hand I began to feel nervous. She's just a girl. Stop it! Turning the corner I hear a sweet voice. The voice was trying to sing 'Le Beauty' a piece from Monticello. Is she already in there? Reaching the door, I put my ear on it to see if it's coming from there. It was.

Oh my, it's Christine. Taking in a deep breath, with my open hand I twist the door open. She was still singing sitting at the piano playing its keys. Slowly trying not to disturb her I closed the door, only to let out a loud squeak. She spun around quickly.

"I'm sorry I'm early."

"No worry." I fully closed the door.

"How did you hear I needed a tutor?"

"Daroga and I are good friends." I walked toward the piano, but to the left so she would see my human side.

"Thank you. It's been my dream to be here." Christine smiled.

"What is your name?"

"Umm." She cocked her head.

"I want to stay anonymous."

"Oh. Well since there singing lessons what about Angel, from The Angel of Music. It was a story my father use to tell me."

"Yes, Angel. I also wear this mask-" I lifted my head to fully look at her.

"To stay even more anonymous?" She cut me off.

"Yes." To be honest I wasn't even sure what I was going to tell her. I'm glad she cut me off.

"Let's get started then." I walked around the piano to the bench. Christine got up standing near the piano.

"We will began with a few scales"

UPDATED: July 12, 2016

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