Chapter 7: SwelvenBuckingem Prized Weapons; Finding the perfect weapon

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As night started to consume the sad world, Florence became more antsy to reach the weapons house, speed walking faster through the forest and trying to rush all of us.

When finally we stumbled upon a small cottage in the woods. Something you'd think would be owned by Grandma, who bakes cookies and waits for Little Red Riding Hood to come. Florence quickly rushed to open the gate and walk towards the door.

"This is the place where a man creates weapons. Does he build them in some secret shack hidden away?" Joey asked, smirking at the small cottage, as we followed Florence to the cottage.

"Don't assume rude things, child" Florence heaved as he knocked on the small wooden door.

A tall woman answered and opened the small door, peeking her large body out the door as surprise filled her face. Long brown hair fallen towards the ground, her ears pointed and her voice soft.

"Florence, hello dear friend" The woman softly said, her voice like silk, as she flung herself onto Florence in a hug, her arms around Florence's shoulders.

"Yeah, it's great to see you too, but I have rebelles. We need some help" Florence replied, holding her arms.

"Yes, please come in," She told us, turning around and tilting her head to welcome us in as she rolled her tall self inside the small cottage.

Inside the 'small' cottage was a large house. The roof to the stars, as it seemed and a space that seemed infinity, pillows and blankets layed on the floor as in another room, I assume, was a kitchen, and to another room was something, but the door was closed.

"Well I'm Elizabeth, and I am an elf smith," Elizabeth the elf, with the soft voice, told us, smiling warmly," I'll bring my husband out soon, as he is a elven smith, himself, the best."

"That'll be great, Elizabeth, but we need to hurry, we have three days and basically two left, we need weapons for the each of us" Florence heaved out, out of breath and nervous for losing time.

"Of course Florence, we will have you in and out," Elizabeth told him, smiling," JOHN GET OUT HERE"

The door swung open and out came an equally taller man who had his face with shoulder length hair and a long beard, graggely and strangely large.

"What is it, Elizabeth, you know this shield isn't going to be wield by itself" A gruff voice called out behind all the curly hair made on the face.

"Florence has come for weapons for rebelles" Elizabeth told him, her soft, gracious hands, coming to a fold.

"What you wish is at your command, Florence, you may have anything" John replied, his gruff voice talking.

"I greatly appreciate it. John, you're wife has a talent of finding the beat weapons for people, so may she for these rebelles?" Florence asked, motioning towards us.

I manage to look towards Kinsey and Joey go see their expressions. Joey was in awe and Kinsey seemed horrified that there were elves in front of her.

"Of course, come children, war is coming for you, and you must win. The ways of Lord Hades are evil. Let's get you prepared." Elizabeth told us as she led us into the other room, John following right behind us.

Inside the next room, it was flooded with training grounds for weapons and tables, with plenty of tools and weapons laying astrew.

"First, I will have of you first," Elizabeth told me, pointing in my direction ," What is your name?"

"Nelia" I replied, not knowing exactly to say.

"Well, Nelia, you have passion, passion for multiple things, but you have passion and grace, things I excel at, and things yous excel at with the bow. Let's continue" Elizabeth told me, leading me towards the training grounds where a metal bow lay, an eagle inscribed.

"Pick it up," She commanded me, as I followed, following every one of her commands," Load the bow, pull the string back to your cheek"

"Done, now what should I be doing?" I asked, holding the string to the side of my cheek.

"Feel the life of the bow in your hands. You are now the bow shooting it's prey. This shoot, fates your life. Make the bow do your wish, and the bow will obey, grace and never harm, protect. You are the bow" Elizabeth whispered in my ear as I let my hand escape the grasp of the arrow in my fingers, the arrow leaving the bow and landing in the head of a sack dummy.

"Well done. Keep practicing, and I will return soon, now I will do the next girl" Elizabeth called out to Kinsey, who walked towards Elizabeth, in awe.

I looked at the bow again, the eagle engraved, and I took the shaft of arrows off of my back, to look at the hand made arrows that would be nailing victims. I looked a little harder at the shaft, which also had an eagle engraved, and also engraved, sat the words of; The Eagle will fly.

I am the bow.
The Eagle will fly.

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