Chapter 15; The Palace

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29 hours left.

"We must hurry," Florence told us as he hopped over a log, us following behind him.

"The castle looks as far as it has been," I replied, my leg throbbed from the scratch, but what could I do?

"That's the way it looks, but near the palace is a town, a very bad town, but a town of guards, and people very loyal to the Lorde of Hades, that's where we must be most secretive and hidden," Florence told us, his cloak leading behind him,

We followed him swiftly, to the edge of the forest. The clearing of the path began into black stone bricks, leading into a small, dreadful, town.

"Follow me, get your hoods on, and stay close behind me," Florence told us, pulling his cloak hood over his ghostly head.

We pulled our cloak hoods over ourselves and slowly walked into the small, and dangerous town.


Keeping our heads down, hoods pulled, and our weapons hidden, we walked quickly through the town, following Florence and trying to reach the castle soon, the little sunlight disappearing from the sad world.

Curiosity and temptation flooded my mind as to raise my head at least a bit to intake around of my surroundings.

It was beginning to get dark, dim lights consuming the town. So my face wouldn't completely be able seen.

I did it anyway, I lifted my head a little, darkness still on my face, but my hood still over my face to protect my identity.

Next to the dark stone bricks of the pathway, were dirt roads and basic dirt, leading to small houses and huts. People littering the streets, in old clothes, depressed, and simply living the boring and depressing lives they'd bring to life. I pulled my hood a little more down, we weren't far from the castle, but the further we became to the castle, the more stares we had achieved.

Finally, we had reached the castle, people staring as Florence led us around the front of the castle to the side of the large palace. Leading us to a pair of doors, leading to inside the ground, the only down side, of that, was of the doors were locked.

"How are we going to get in through these?" Kinsey asked, keeping her voice low since we were near the town.

"Listen, this lock," Florence replied, whispering, and holding the lock in his hand,"is fake" crushing the lock, in his ghostly white hand.

All of our jaws dropped as the lock crumbled to dust, and Florence threw the doors open, allowing us to crawl into the castle.

The death trap, known as the Palace.

28 hours left.

Hey guys! Here's the first chapter of the gang inside the castle. They have 28 hours left, with only a few to spare inside the castle, so they can make a less than day hike back to the town. Trust me guys, this castle isn't going to be easy, and time is the least of their worries.
Anyway, I'll be posting 5 chapters today as the award for getting me to 100 and 500 views. I really appreciate everything!
Thank you guys so much!
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