Chapter 34: The Flying Scandals

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I was right, the water was pure black as when I opened my eyes, I couldn't see a thing around me, except for Katelyn's body in front of me, her eyes wide open as well.

I motioned to swim upwards as she nodded. I took off, sprinting through the water, almost reaching the surface as my feet were thrown backward, tight and unable to move, Katelyn struggling to move as well.

Below Katelyn's feet, were pieces of tie holding her feet down like chains. As I assumed, my feet were the same, I tried to load an arrow to shoot, but soon realized my arrows were too wet to fly through the dense water.

I pulled an arrow out anyway to see if the tip was sharp enough to cut trough the tie.

I kneeled down, almost about to release my breath and drown, as I cut the tie in time.

Joyful that the ropes had been cut, but my joy soon ended as I looked over to Katelyn, her glasses askew, barely hanging onto her face, and she looked as if she were about to faint. Which she probably was, and barely hanging onto consciousness.

As I began to swim over, I felt the water start to drag me down, as I struggled to swim against the wishes. Finally reaching Katelyn, our hands gripping hard as I began to cut through the ties, this chain more thick than mine. But I continued to cut, and finally it let free, as we both began to sprint harder than ever before to the surface, anxious to feel the breeze and oxygen to fill our lungs.

The water descended as I grasped for the ground, and letting water spew out my mouth as Katelyn did the same, both panting, my hair floating in the black water, my dress damp against myself, and my hair out of the water stuck to my head.

"Well, boss they made it," A gruff voice called out, a dark black foot placing in front of me.

My head shot up to reveal the black demonic guards that had escaped earlier, one few feet away holding my bow.

"Take her arrows," Somebody called out.

The nearest guard flung me forward out of the water, specs of water flying everywhere. As I was flung forward, my cloak hood flying over my face, I felt my arrows fall off my back and into the hands of a demon. Katelyn was done the same, pushed out the water.

"So what now," I asked, glaring at every one of the demons.

"Well, yer gonna take us to the rest of your companions," The boss said, holding my bow tightly, in a gruff and horrible accent, staring at me.

"And if we don't," Katelyn asked, serious and hate covering her voice.

"Then this girl here is gernna get 'er bow snapped," The boss threatened, holding up the bow.

I glared viciously back at the boss, as he continued to stare at me.

"Fine," I responded before I could say anything as the demon guards flung us into a standing position to start walking.

"I hope you guys know, we have no idea what we're doing," Katelyn called out, joining my side.

"You better," The demon gnarled back, pushing Katelyn forward, as her fists rolled into balls.

"You should really be careful," I said to the guards.

"Why," Somebody behind us asked, looking at me.

"Because you should've seen what she did to last person who tried to hurt and boss her around," I replied, smiling as Katelyn smirked, her hands still balled.

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