Chapter 40: The Sewage System

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As we pulled our hoods as far as they could go, we fastly walked towards the streets, the sewage system top cover laying at the end of the street.

"Hey, who are you," A gruff voice asked, a guard running toward us.

Florence dove forward, frantically grabbing the cover of the sewers entrance, the round metal cover being lifted.

Florence flew around and threw the cover at the guard.

"GET IN THE SEWERS," Florence yelped, scrambling to his feet as we raced to the entrance of the sewers.

One by one we crawled down the ladder, landing safely on the tunnel floor. Sounds of water falling on the ground, in the emptiness of a sewer. The blankness, darkness, emptiness, of the sewers were alarming at the moment. Anything could be in here, watching us.

"Okay, Florence," Kinsey's voice began,"How are you going to fix things now?"

"Well, we for awhile, we're on a close street, so the directions to get to Nelia's house will be the directions through this place," Florence replied, digging through his bag to find a match to light.

Eventually, after a few minutes, Florence found a match to light, so he illuminated a little of the sewers we were in. We began to slowly walk through the sewers, following only wat the match could show us.

Turning corners, we followed the way Florence led to my house, if we were outside the sewers we'd probably have walked for about 3 or 4 blocks. Inside the sewers, ladders filled the place everywhere, showing the places that we could go up to go into the town. My house could be anywhere and we should be arriving soon.

"How much longer do you think we have until the portal closes," I asked, my eyes following the light around the match.

"Well, we're here," Florence replied, not answering my question.

As we looked around a ladder was going up to the entrance of another exit.

"Listen, when we get out there, we have to be ready to fight. Lord Hades isn't going to allow us to go into the house and leave without a fight," Florence paused,"Again."

"He just won't give up, will he," Joey sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Guys, it's now or never," Kinsey groaned.

One by one we all climbed up the ladder, Florence first, me second, Kinsey next, Katelyn following closely behind, and Joey last. Florence flew open the sewer lid and I gripped an arrow. I flew out of the sewer to find guards already around my house. My arrow flew to my bow, I released it to fly to one of the guards. I let another arrow fly and we all ran to the house.

Florence started fiddling with the doors, the door being unable to open. More guards were coming, and Kinsey and Joey were already fighting off plenty of guards. I turned around gesturing Katelyn to help Florence and I reloaded my bow again. Katelyn ran over and Florence and she began fiddling to fight the door open.

After 20 guards later, the door popped open and we all fled in, the door slamming shut and being locked quickly. We all rushed upstairs, fleeing to get into my room.

I slammed my door open, to reveal the portal glimmering open, but it was slowly shrinking to close.

"Guys, hurry up, the portals closing!" I screamed, running forward, I dove to reach the portal, to keep it open.

Before I could reach the portal, it closed, the rest of the gang came into the room to see me on the floor, heartbroken.

"We were too late," is all I could say before my voice broke. Now we'll never get home.

We were stuck in this everlasting nightmare.

Hey guys! I know I haven't updated but I've been super busy between schoolwork and school activities, I finally managed to update. Not too many chapters left in this book! Maybe 2, and then an authors note! I really appreciate you guys, especially my followers committed to my stories because I know I'm probably the worst updater on this planet earth :( okay, well I ask to vote and comment what you think :) I promise I'll try to update again soon tonight or tomorrow.
Hey y'all kentucky is part of the elite 8 now so yeet.
Okay bye now, I'm tired, I'll probably update tomorrow because I'm a bad procrastinator.

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