Chapter 36: The Cabin

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We began sprinting over the land, my leg throbbing, as usual and Joey barely jogging along, the pieces of few light out for us beginning to dawn. We began to see more of the rooftops of the town and began to run harder, until Florence stopped us.

"I'm about to literally die," Kinsey complained, strained by her words.

"Keep going," Florence growled, his legs carrying his thin body easily.

"Florence, I-" I stammered, looking heavily at the sky which was once beginning to gleam with the dark sky streaks, now becoming darker than the dawn.

"KEEP GOING," Florence yelled, noticing the intensity of the sky.

"We need to take cover," I yelled back trying to keep speed like the rest of the group.

"There's a cabin about 3 miles from here. If we can make it there, then we could probably stay there for until the storm lets up or until it's time to go," Florence told us, beginning to run faster.

"Oh no," I thought, thinking to myself that it would be impossible to run three miles to a cabin. In P.E. I could barely run a mile, let alone three. I looked around to find Kinsey and Katelyn breathing heavily and their legs looking ready to give, while Joey was looking as if he were about to die from his back condition, and the fact he was injured and could barely function correctly.

Yet the sky's darkness and our worries intensified. Soon, we could see the cabin coming in the distance, relieved as the storm was about to begin at any giving moment.

Eventually, we came to the clearing to lead to the cabin, it's large dark walls gleaming over to our small bodies. The cabin was large enough to sat it was a two story house. It's dark wooden walls gleaming with moss and ivy, leaving ourselves cowering before the beaten windows on the doors. As we slowly crept forward, hesitant to enter, we swung the doors open, a layer of dust flying into the air.

Florence walked in first, glancing around to find if anything were in there. Once he found that the cabin would be safe, he motioned for us to come in. As soon as the door shut, the storm began, the booming clouds rising and yelling their anger to the ground.

Inside the cabin, leading straight forward was the staircase going up, a wall dividing the stairs and another room. The wall dividing the stairs led to a small kitchen with a table in the center a single candle stood, unlit.

The other side beside the staircase was a small living room, an old couch sitting in the center and another table in front of the dusty leather couch.

I decided to explore upstairs as I started to set foot up the old stairs, praying and hoping that they wouldn't give out. Katelyn slowly started coming up after me to explore with me, as we left the rest of the group downstairs to continue on their search.

As I made it to the top of the staircase, a hallway condemned the stairs to another list of doorways into other rooms. On the first door to the left was a small bedroom with a single circular window peering in very little light, raindrops glittering against the window. A small couch was tightly in a corner, a table next to the door.

I left the room to realize the rest of the rooms were the same style, one circular window and in some a bed laid and others had a few chairs or a couch.

Katelyn slowly came after me, glancing into rooms and leaped to another.

Finally, we came across the last door, which wouldn't budge, I wasn't in the mood to burst it open, so I left it and crept down the staircase once more.

Katelyn and I crept down the stairs to find Florence, Kinsey, and Joey sitting on the couch peering out the window towards the fiery storm raging outside. We plopped down on the floor, my legs burning from running, and sore from the hikes.

"I'm hungry, and dehydrated," Kinsey complained, breaking the silence as she crossed her legs.

"We have two water bottles and a few crackers," Florence replied, digging around in the bags we had brought, to show two water bottles, a half drunk flask, and a roll of 16 crackers.

"We'll have to share our water supply," Katelyn stated, taking a water bottle and taking a sip, as she passed it over to me.

I took the water, trying to lose my sanitary thoughts, and drank the sweet water, life bursting on my tounge as I felt Katelyn hand me a few crackers.

I pulled the bottle down, relieved to have drank water in such a long period of time. I handed Kinsey the water as she took a gulp. We ate our crackers with one last sip of the water.

Then the floorboards above us creaked, stirring our attention to the floor above us.

"What was that," Joey asked, his legs on the couch.

"I have no idea, but we better go check it out," I replied, thinking about the possibilities, as I heard Kinsey arise and follow me, Katelyn soon behind, as Joey and Florence soon followed.

I crept up the stairs and onto the hallway to reveal all the doors closed, when they were all, except for the door at the end, open.

I slowly went forward to fling open each door, in each room nothing appeared, until we came into the last room, which the door still wouldn't budge an inch.

"We gotta get it open," Florence told us, grief in his voice.

We all huddled on the door, our arms against about to push our whole body weight onto the door.

"1," Joey began,"2," a pause as Joey thought about what we were about to do went through his head,"3!"

We slammed all our weight into the door, as we all fell forward, the door falling to reveal the largest room of the house.

The house's roof curved upwards like a triangular roofing style, and revealed one circular window with two large rectangle windows. We looked over to see closed closet doors, and a messy bed, for who knows how long was there.

Although the room was quite beautiful, it stunk, a horrible smell vibrated the room in many ways, flies and their corpses littered the floor.

"Check the room for anybody or anything," Florence told us, walking towards the windows to peer out.

Kinsey walked over to the bed, Katelyn walking off towards the closet, Joey following her and I following Florence.

"What's going on with the window," I asked Florence, looking at his ghostly blue eyes and white hair, with his skin pale as night.

"Just checking to see if the rain has let up," He replied, not looking towards me.

"These doors won't budge," Joey complained, as I refused to look back.

"Guys, dust is going to be everywhere when I pull these back," Kinsey warned, as I looked back her hands were lined up with the covers, prepared to pull back.

"1," Joey called out to Katelyn, about to break the closet door open.

"2," Kinsey screamed, about to pull them back.

"3!" They all yelled together, as the clang of the doors being broken sounded and covers being ripped from a mattress, as a scream pierced the air, causing Florence and I to whip our heads around.

Taking a look at Kinsey, the bed had revealed a faint blood stained sheet, and a dry and old corpse sitting on the mattress, flys above and around the darkened body.

The smell was terrible. As if the stench was bad before, it was worse now.

Katelyn backed up behind me as I whirled around only to see a flesh open corpse itself in the closet, a rope around its neck and their hair over their eyes.

That's when the door slammed shut on its own.

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