Chapter 3- Glad Some Things Haven't Changed

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  "If you stayed we could be like this all the time" Irina said stroking Cristiano's chest as the laid in bed. "You know that I can't. I have work and a -

"Son. Yes I know. I'm hardly going to forget since everyone wants to remind me of that" she said pulling away from him and sliding out of the bed. He grabbed one of the sheets around him. "Him. Not that" Cristiano snapped. He had spent the past two days trying to make her happy. To treat her. But she was still blowing hot and cold with him.

Jezz even Mol.......he shook his head.

"I just wish you weren't leaving" she pouted turning back to face him. "You can come visit us. Look Irina you're important to me but so is my son" he said. "I understand that. It's just going to take a while to get used to. Even more now that everyone knows about him" she said. "But I'm sure he'll love me just like his daddy" she said kneeling onto the bed. "We'll make it work" he said.

"We can work now" she said dropping her sheet. "You're torturing me now. You know I have a plane to catch in a while" he said as she started to kiss his chest. "It's a private plane. They won't leave without you. And I think after everything I deserve a proper goodbye" she said.

Goodbye. Goodbye. He hated those words. "Goodbye Cristiano" she has said walking out the hospital room door. It was so final. "Cristiano" he heard been called and blinked his eyes to find Irina glaring at him. "Just thinking how to treat you" he smiled.

"I should get to Madrid in September" Irina said as she watched her boyfriend zip his suitcase. "That's sounds great. Everyone will be so happy to see you" he said. "Well if your mother and sisters are there, then they can watch the baby while we have some alone time" she said. "I'd like us to spend time together. You, me and Junior" he said. "We will be alone time won't hurt. He's a baby. He won't even miss you" she said wrapping her arms around his neck.

Doesn't stop Cristiano from missing his son though. There was a knock on the door and she groaned. "That will be Ricky" he said. She rolled her eyes. "I get it" she said lifting her arms off him. The boys had stayed at a hotel with Cristiano. He didn't want to crowd her at her place. Plus Irina's sister was staying with her. And Cristiano wasn't her favourite person.

"It's you" Irina said opening the door. "Lovely to see you today" Ricky said as she stormed back into the bedroom. "Ready to go?" he asked his friend. "Ya" Cristiano replied. "We should be at the villa by morning" Ricky said. "If you're not going back to Madrid then I don't know why you are leaving" Irina said. Cristiano sighed. He had a long flight ahead of him and he wasn't in the mood for another discussion about why he was leaving. "I'll call you later" he said. "Try not to miss me too much" she pouted.

"Did you get much sleep?" Ricky asked as the sat in the car as it drove towards the villa where his family were staying. "A little" Cristiano shrugged. "Zé got some anyway" Ricky said jestering to a drooling Zé who was slumped up against the car window. "He knows he has two kids that are going to be awake when he gets to the house" Cristiano said. "It's 5.30. No one will be up you muppet" he said. "Sorry I didn't mean to call you that" Ricky said after Cristiano glared at him and the rest of the car ride was spent in silence.

"Noite" Zé groaned before disappearing down the hall to find a bed, the minute all three men stepped foot into the house. "Think I'll crash on the couch and watch some TV. Everyone will be up soon" Ricky said. And Cristiano nodded. He knew exactly where he was going. He quietly walked down the hall to where the bedrooms were. He stopped at an open door on his left.

He smiled at the sight of Katia with Rodrigo stretched across her in the bed. She had both her boys in with her by the looks of things Cristiano thought. He closed the door shut and continued to walk down the slightly sun light hallway.

He stopped at another opened door and peaked in and smiled. He leaned against the doorframe as he watched her feed his son. It was really earlier and they both looked sleepy as she sat in the rocking chair. His son looked so content as he got his morning feed. Cristiano couldn't wait to hold him. He watched as she stroked his cheek as she rested her head against the chair with her eyes closed. He moved slightly causing the door to squeak.

Her eyes flew open and she sat up straight in the chair. "Bom Dia" he smiled. She rubbed her eyes with her free hand. "Hi" she whispered. "Someone is hungry" he said. "He's hungry every morning at this time" she said wiping Junior's chin with a towel.

"I didn't mean to interrupt" he said as she began to stand. "He was finished for the moment anyway. I'll go start breakfast. One less thing for Katia to moan about" she said as she moved to walk towards him. Cristiano walked further into the room. "Just in time to change his nappy" she said and held Junior out to his father. "Hello little man" Cristiano grinned as he took his son in his arms. "I've missed you" he whispered placing a kiss on his son's forehead.

"Just change his nappy. I'll dress him after breakfast. He usually wants another feed" she said reaching the door.

"You look good. Given the time" he smirked looking her up and down.

"Muppet" she cursed picking up a sweatshirt on the ground before walking out of the room. Cristiano laughed and looked down at his son. "Glad some things haven't changed" he laughed.

 Molly and early mornings had never gone together.  

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