Chapter 11- Getting Too Close?

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  A couple of weeks later and the La Liga's season was up and running. It was nearly time for Cristiano to leave for international duty. Something which Molly was looking forward to. They had barely spoken in the past few weeks. Eveytime they did they would start to bicker. Hugo had arrived with Alicia and Molly had been busy entertaining her and Junior.

"Alicia go downstairs and ask Nuno to get you some juice while I go change my top" Molly said as she placed Junior in his cot. Alicia had wanted to show how big she was and tried to help Molly when she was changing Junior's nappy. She had been helpful too until she throw baby powder all over Molly. Molly grabbed the baby monitor and headed to her room.

Once there she searched the dresser for another top. She had spent the morning with Ana and Andria doing Pilates. Alicia had loved attempting all the moves and Junior and Victoria has sat in their chairs ignoring all the chatter.

Molly lifted her blue shirt over her head and began to tie her hair up. Her eyes glanced into the mirror and she let out a screech.

"What the fuck are you doing in here?" she yelled twisting around to face the muppet sitting in the chair. "I needed time to think" he sighed. "And you couldn't find another room in this fucking mansion to do so?" she asked holding the shirt in front of herself.

"It's quite in here. Plus no one would look for me here" he said. "How different from a year ago" she snapped turning her back to him to put her top on. He leaned his head against the chair and he knew she was right. The only place to find him last summer was either in her room or his with her. "I'm going on international duty later" he said. "I know. I've been counting down the hours" she snapped and he sighed.

"Why are you here?" she asked not knowing why she was even talking to him. "I came to think" he said. "Well do it somewhere else" she said. "Come here" he said. "Just for a few minutes. Please?" he asked. "Get the hell out Ronaldo" she said glaring at him through the mirror. "Please just come here" he asked. "Two please in under a minute. What the hell is wrong with you?" she asked turning to look at him.

"It's my Papi's anniversary in a couple of days" he said. "Oh right. Explains all the thinking" she said and he nodded. He held out his hand and she relented and walked towards him. He caught her wrist and before she could utter a word she was in his lap.

"Just sit for a few minutes. Please?" he asked. "Another please. Ok now you are making me nervous" she joked. "I wish he was here to meet Junior" Cristiano sighed. "But I'm sure he's watching over him" Molly said staring at the bed. She didn't know what to say to him. He was clearly missing his father. "I know that I am lucky" he paused. "You wouldn't be human if you didn't wish things were different Cristiano" Molly said.

"I'm sorry that I yelled at you for taking Junior out" he said. "That was days ago" she said. "Can you not give me a little break for saying sorry at least?" he asked. "Maybe a few days ago" she muttered.

"Molly" he said. "Maybe" she said crossing her arms. "If you don't forgive me then I'll tickle you" he smirked. "Don't even think about it" she warned as her head turned to look at him and he laughed. "You're a good driver apparently" he said. "I have no idea how I stopped myself from cursing in front of your mother that day. Like I said a lot of words that she might not like" she said pausing when he laughed.

"What's so funny?" she asked. "I'm just trying to picture you keeping your mouth shut. It's rarer than an eclipse" he joked. "Hey" she said playfully smacking his chest and he grabbed her legs and pulled her further onto his lap.

"Have you heard from your parents?" he asked and she sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. "Dad sent a few letters to Jorge's office in Lisbon and he forwarded them to me. Not long letters. Just a couple of lines" she said.

"What does he say?" he asked and gently stroked her knee. "The same as always. That they are both fine. Not to worry" she said. "I'm sorry" he said. "What have you to be sorry about?" she asked. "Well actually you have quite a long list if I think about it" she joked before he could reply. "Careful or my talented fingers might just tickle you" he said and she could feel his finger at the end of her shirt. "Don't" she warned. "I won't. But I'm sorry you are missing your parents though. Maybe their finally sorting out their lives for the daughter" he said. "Why bother after all these years" she mumbled.

They stayed sitting in the chair quietly for a few minutes. Molly in his lap, with her head on his shoulder as he brushed her hair with his fingers. "My friend Sarah saw the pics of me with Junior and your mother" she said lifting her head and sat up straight in his lap. "What did she say? Ask?" he asked.

"She wanted to know if you were as hot in person" Molly smiled. "And what did you tell her?" he asked as his chin rested on her shoulder. "In your head ya" she smirked. "I remember a time when you used to think that I was hot" he whispered and the heat of his breath hit her neck.

"In fact I recall numerous of times when you said I was hot" he whispered. Molly turned her head slightly and she was now looking into his eyes. Cristiano moved his hand slowly up her back as the other stroked her lower leg. Her knee. Her thigh. He ran his tongue across his bottom lip and –

A cry came from the baby monitor and Molly pulled her head back. "I should go get him" she stuttered shakily getting out of his lap. Cristiano watched as she picked up the monitor on the dresser and headed out the door. He banged his head off the chair and let out a curse. What the hell was he thinking?  

  From bickering to well whatever you think just happened there, what will happen next?  

Take Good Care Of My Baby-Sequel to You,Me and BabyWhere stories live. Discover now