Chapter 52- What Ever Normal Is

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  "Ronaldo" Molly shouted as loud as she could as she stormed through the front door. She was going to kill him. He had no right to discuss her private life with everyone she thought as her eyes scanned the living room.

"Ronaldo" she shouted again as Ricky stood beside her a little out of breath. She had gone for a run to get out of the house. To get away from all her thought about Tony. She was in an enclosed gated community but of course someone had to go with her. Everyone kept telling her that she had nothing to worry about but she still felt like she was trapped in the house. Even with Tony having left Madrid the previous day, she still felt like she should be worried. Jorge had been informed that Tony had left the city and Molly had felt relief that the man wasn't in the same city as her anymore. But he could come back. And he knew where she was. All he had to do was find Cristiano's house.

"Ronaldo" Molly shouted. "Molly I'm sure-" Ricky stared to say before Molly glared at him. "Molly" she heard Cristiano call out and he came rushing into the room followed by Nuno and Jorge. "What happened?" the three men asked at the same time.

"What happened? I'll tell you what happened. That stupid, annoying, dickhead of a footballer standing there" she yelled throwing a cushion on each insult at Cristiano. "Told everyone about Tony" Molly yelled. "What?" Cristiano asked. "Molly calm down and tell us what happened" Jorge said. "Don't tell her to calm down" Cristiano groaned knowing it will probably annoy her even more.

"We bumped into Sergio on our run" Ricky said. "Fucking Ramos" Cristiano cursed. "He told her she shouldn't let that guy get to her" Ricky said. "How could you tell them?" Molly yelled. "I didn't" Cristiano said. "Then how did Sergio know?" Molly asked. "Pepe told him ok" Cristiano sighed. "What?" Molly said. "Sergio was worried about that you were ignoring his calls. He overheard us talking about you seeing Tony. And wanted to know if you were ok" Cristiano said.

"You shouldn't have been talking about it" Molly said. "I know ok. Look I told him not to discuss it with you. Not to fuss. And he doesn't know everything about your parents. I just said that he was a bad guy" Cristiano said. "You should have told him to but out" Molly said. "I did. Trust me I did but clearly he didn't listen. He thought I was talking about an ex boyfriend" Cristiano said. "He was just trying to be nice Molly" Jorge said. "If I wanted to talk to him about it then I would" Molly said heading towards the stairs.

"Well I don't think Ramos will be trying to talk to her for a while after today" Ricky said. "Why?" Cristiano asked. "We met him in his car. And he told her that she shouldn't let the guy worry her. And if she needed help or someone to talk to that he was there" Ricky said. "She has plenty of people to help her" Cristiano said. "Well Molly asked him how he knew. And he said that you told him. Then she started ranting about you. And Sergio told her to relax and she told him to but out and leave her alone. Then she rang back here. She's really fast too" Ricky said still winded from the run.

"Well now maybe Ramos will get the message and leave her alone" Cristiano said. "She was angry at the whole situation Cristiano. And he was just trying to be nice. Which I'm sure Molly will realises soon enough. If she is to get past Tony's sudden arrival, then she needs to act normal. Normal means hanging out with Ana and Andreia or chatting to Sergio and the other boys" Jorge said. Maybe Jorge was right. Molly needed normal. Whatever normal was now a days he thought.

The next day Jorge called both Cristiano and Molly into the office in Cristiano's home. "What's going on Jorge?" Cristiano asked as he shut the door after him. "Take a seat" Jorge said. "Jorge just tell us. You're making me nervous" Molly said. "I'm not sure how I should say this" Jorge said. "Spit it out Mendes" Molly snapped. "Tony is dead" Jorge said and Molly's legs began to shake and she found a chair to sit on. "He's dead? When? Where? How?" Cristiano asked. "Late last night. Someone shot him in a restaurant in the south of Spain" Jorge said.

"Oh my God" Molly said in complete shock. "Molly" Cristiano said. "He's really dead?" Molly asked Jorge. "Yes. I got it confirmed. He was killed instantly" Jorge said. "Pity. He should have had a long a painful death" Cristiano said bitterly. "Don't say that" Molly said. "Why not? A guy like him should have been put down a long time ago" Cristiano said. "Stop" Molly said running her hand through her hair. "Molly" Jorge said. "A person is dead" Molly said. "He had a hit out on his life. What else would he have expected to happen?" Cristiano asked confused at how Molly was acting. "I need some air" Molly said standing and leaving the room. "Leave her" Jorge said when Cristiano moved to follow her. "It's a shock for her" Jorge said. "Why isn't she happy?" Cristiano said. "Just let her digest the news" Jorge said.

Later that night Cristiano stared at his ceiling as he laid under the covers in his bed. Molly had been quiet for the rest of the day after Jorge had broken the news about Tony. Dolores had been relived that Molly didn't have to worry anymore about Tony. Everyone was happy. But Molly was still acting strange. Curiosity got the better of Cristiano and he had googled news of the shooting. It was defiantly done by someone who knew what they were doing according to the police. Tony took two bullets. One to the head and the other to neck as he walked from a bar to his safe house. No one else had been hurt. At least that was good news. Cristiano sighed and thought about going to check on Molly. He knew she was sleeping in the nursery. She had been all week since she had bumped into Tony. He could just go check on Junior and check on her too.

Cristiano moved to throw back the covers when a knock came from his door. It opened slowly and Molly peeked her head in. "Hi" he said. "Hi" she said holding the door. "Couldn't sleep?" he asked. "Not really" she said. "You going to stand there or come in?" he asked. Molly walked towards his bed and took a seat at the bottom of the bed. "Molly" he said moving in the bed to be closer. "I don't know how I am meant to feel" she whispered. "How do you feel?" he asked. "Guilty" she said. "Guilty. Why?" he asked confused. "A man is dead and-

"You are happy about it" he finished. "That's the thing. I'm not" she said and he touched her shoulder making her jump. "I don't understand" he said. "I know I should be happy but someone is dead. No matter how bad he was he was still someone's son, friend. I know you all are relived and I know I should be. And I am. It's just" she sighed.

"It's just that you are a good person. You shouldn't feel guilty for being that" he said pulling her back towards him. He wrapped an arm around her neck as she rested against his bare chest. "You don't have to worry anymore. There's no one going to hurt you" he whispered placing a kiss on shoulder. He paused as his mouth hovered over her bare skin. He stroked her arm. I should go to bed" she said as her shoulder still tingled from his lips.

"Molly" Ricky said knocking at the nursery's open door. "Ssh" Molly said looking from the ground. She was sorting out some of Junior's clothes. That baby had so much she thought. "I just put Junior down for the night" she said. "Oh sorry" he said leaning against the doorframe. "Can I help you with something Ricky?" Molly asked. "Ronnie wants you" he said. "I'm not sure his girlfriend would like that" Molly said and Ricky started to mumble words trying to think of what to say. "I'm kidding Ricky. I know what you meant. Why can't he come get me himself?" she asked. "He's downstairs. And he's annoyed" Ricky said. "Oh what have I done now" Molly groaned standing from the floor. Molly and Cristiano hadn't spoken much since their talk in his bedroom about Tony. Molly was just trying to forget everything.

"Molly" she heard Cristiano shout as she went into the hall. "What the hell is up with him?" Molly asked Ricky who shrugged. "Molly" Cristiano shouted even louder. "Urgh" Molly said as Ricky laughed waiting for her reaction as he followed her downstairs. "Molly get bloody down here" Cristiano yelled. "Ronaldo if you wake up your son I swear Messi won't any competition next year" Molly yelled coming into the living room.

"What the hell?" she said her feet freezing to the spot as she looked around the people filled room. "What are you all doing here?" Molly asked. "Well we did come to see you but now we want to see you kick Ronnie's but" Pepe joked and everyone laughed. "That would never happen" Cristiano said walking towards Molly. "I could take you" Molly said to him. "Ya but I'll talk my way into your good books before you get the chance" Cristiano smirked. "Well you do have experience of it" Iker said.

"What is going on?" Molly asked. "Thought you could do with some fun" Cristiano smiled placing an arm around her shoulder. "Now where are these treats that you baked?" Marcelo asked as Molly smiled at all the people in the room.  

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