Chapter 68- Just Like His Mothers

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  "Molly is this ok?" Rodrigo asked kneeling on a chair at the table. "Let me see" she said walking over to him. "Oh aren't those sweets in perfect order to be placed on the gingerbread men" she said. "Can't we put them on now?" he asked. "We will soon or else you will have all the sweets eaten" Molly smiled tickling him.

"Hello" Cristiano called out as he entered the kitchen. "Ssh" Molly and Roderigo said turning to look at him. "What?" he asked. "Junior and Dinis are having a nap" Molly said gesturing to the living room where the two babies were fast asleep in the buggies. "Oh sorry. Did ye go for a walk?" he asked coming around the kitchen island. "Just up to the community gate and back. They wanted to play who could scream the loudest" Molly said. "Oh man sorry. Sounds like you had a rough morning" he said leaning against the sink. "Let's just say the kids won't the only one in need of an early bedtime tonight" she said moving to stir the pot of melting chocolate on the cooker.

"I told you not to do too much" he said walking up beside her. "You know I don't do what you tell me" she mumbled. "I should be used to it by now. But surprisingly I'm not" he smirked. "Rodergio stay away from the sweets" Molly said turning her head slightly towards the table. "Molly" the little boy wined. "What are you guys making?" Cristiano asked licking chocolate off his finger. "Hey" she said tapping his chest. "We are making gingerbread men for Anderia's party this afternoon. And the chocolate is for sticking the sweets. Now stop eating it" she laughed. "But it tastes so good" he smiled. "Well just because you think something is good for you doesn't mean it is" she muttered. "Depends on how good for you it is" he muttered as she moved to the table with the bowl of chocolate in her hands.

"Now shall we see if these sweets will stick" Molly smiled at Rodrigo. "Yeahhhh" Rodrigo yelled. "Sssh" Molly said. "Oops" he giggled. "Those gingerbread men look great" Cristiano said. "And not for you so don't even think about eating any" Molly warned. "She won't let me either" Rodrigo pouted. "You can eat some at the party. Now let's get these decorated before the chocolate sets" she said.

"Molly's bossy" Cristiano whispered to his nephew who laughed. "Yes I am. Now why don't help Rodrigo" Molly smirked at Cristiano. "Let me show you how talented my fingers are" Cristiano said to Rodergio and Molly coughed as she took a sip from a nearby glass of water. "Are you ok?" Cristiano asked with raised eyebrows. "Yup" she nodded as she avoided looking at him.

"Now if I don't say so myself, I think these look good" Cristiano smiled. "They do. I'm just amazed they are have sweet buttons since you two kids kept sneaking some into your mouths" Molly smiled. "I have no idea what you are talking about" Cristiano winked at his nephew. "Well try and leave some for the party please" she said laughing as she walked over to the couch.

"Someone must like the smell of the food" Molly said picking a now awake Junior out of his stroller. "Wonder who he gets that from" Cristiano muttered to himself as she carried Junior back to the table. "Hello my little man" Cristiano said shaking Junior's hand. The baby wined and snuggled up to Molly. "Someone is cranky when he wakes up" Molly said smiling.

The door banged loudly and Zé came into the kitchen. "Your shopping madam as request" he said. "Hey you were the one looking to get away from all the baking" Molly smiled. "I'm going to get Dinis ready? You coming Rodergio?" Zé asked. "In a minute" Rodergio said and Zé took Dinis upstairs. "If you needed something you could have phoned me. I don't mind helping. In fact you shouldn't do too much for Zé Molly" Cristiano said. "I'm not. And I didn't need anything urgently. I just wanted him out from under my feet. I swear he's more of a child then Rodergio" Molly whispered as she carried a bowl to the sink with Junior on her hip.

"You didn't use all the chocolate" Cristiano said. "Didn't I?" she smirked as he watch as she stuck her finger into the bowl and brought it to her lips. Her tongue licked her finger clean and she giggled. "You're right. It is good" she laughed. "It's nice" he said. "Chocolate is always nice" she said. "I was talking about the smile on your face. It's nice to see" he said. "It's just a smile Cristiano" she said. "You're happy aren't you?" he asked and she froze as she walked to the table.

"Hello" a voice called out and Molly turned to see Ana walk into the kitchen. "Well don't you all look like one big happy family" Ana smiled at the sight of Molly, Cristiano and the two children. "Hey Ana. We were just finishing up some treats to Anderia's" Molly said. "Looks great" Ana said. "Why are we going there again?" Cristiano asked. "Because she wants to have a party for her mother. Now Rodergio go get ready" Molly said. "Don't eat my gingerbread men Tío Cris" Rodergio said as he ran out of the room. "It's you he should be worried about eating them" Cristiano said.

"I wouldn't do that. I don't eat much" Molly said. "It would be easier to believe you if you didn't have chocolate right here" he said moving his finger to the side of her lip before wiping the chocolate away. "Anderia wants to know if you have any chocolate buttons. Apparently she needs some" Ana said reminding Cristiano she was in the room. "I'll take Junior and get him ready" Cristiano said taking his son. "I left an outfit in his cot" Molly said. "Ok" he said. "Today should be fun" Ana said. "So many Portuguese in one room. How will I ever cope?" Molly joked. "Portuguese are the best. Wait so who is coming today?" he asked. "Just Pepe and I and all of this house" Ana said. "So no Spanish boys are coming?" he asked. "You'll just have to cope without Iker and the others for the afternoon. Now Ana you're in luck. Zé just happened to buy some chocolate buttons today" Molly said. "Great" Ana smiled.

"Do you like them?" Rodergio asked Pepe as the older man took a bite of the gingerbread man in his hand. "It's his second one Rodergio. I think Pepe likes them" Ana laughed as chatter filled the Fabio's house. With both Fabio and Anderia's family members in town plus the Portuguese contingent of the team, the house was packed and everyone was having a great time. "I helped Molly make them" Rodergio said proudly to Pepe. "And they are delicious" Pepe said. "Rodergio loves spending time with Molly. Don't you sweetie" Ana smiled at the young boy.

"Molly is fun" Rodergio said. "You miss not having her in Lisbon. But at least she is here in Madrid when you come to visit" Ana said. "Ya" he said. "Pepe could you get me another wine please?" Ana asked her boyfriend. "Sure" Pepe said standing from the couch. "How do you like being a big brother Rodergio?" Ana asked. "Molly says that I can be Junior's big brother too. So I have to protect both Junior and Dinis" he said. "Which I'm sure you will be good at. You must miss not seeing Molly everyday? I know I missed not seeing her when she moved to help your Mama when Dinis was born" Ana said. Something about what Rodergio had said the other day and got Ana thinking. And she couldn't help think she was missing something.

"I didn't see her that much" Rodergio said. "Why not? I suppose she was busy helping your Mama" Ana said. "Sometimes" he shrugged. "I hope you listened to me about not making jokes about Molly having a big belly" Ana smiled. "Molly doesn't have a big belly" Rodergio said. "I know. It's just the other day you said that she had a big belly like your Mama did" Ana said. "I didn't like that" Rodergio said. "Why not?" Ana asked.

"When her belly got big, I didn't get to see her much and I didn't like it" Rodergio wined. "And when did her belly get big?" Ana asked. "Here you go Ana" Pepe said holding out a glass to her. "Thanks" she smiled before Rodergio ran off to play.

"Oh Cristiano your son is so adorable" Anderia's mother beamed as she smiled at Junior as he sat on Dolores's hip in the kitchen. "He takes after his papa" Cristiano smirked. "We are all just thankful he doesn't have my son's head" Dolores said. "Who doesn't have whom's head?" Molly asked as she placed some dishes into the sink. "I was just saying how adorable Junior is and Dolores was saying how thankful she is that this little cutie doesn't have Cristiano's head. "Oh everyone is thankful about that" Molly joked as Junior held his arms out towards her.

"He is gorgeous Cristiano. You must enjoy being a Dad" Anderia's mother said. "It's being amazing" Cristiano smiled. "Of course it has. Junior is a wonderful baby. You know better than anyone Molly" Ana said standing next to Cristiano. "Well he is adorable" Molly smiled taking the little boy into her arms. "He's certainly getting big" Anderia's mother mused. "Ya he is" Cristiano smiled. "He's the spitting imagine of you Cristiano. Those chubby cheeks" she laughed. "My cheeks aren't chubby" Cristiano pouted.

"If you say so" Molly smirked as she moved Junior's hand from her hair. "He's taken a like to your hair there Molly" Anderia said. "He's in a mischievous mood this afternoon" Molly joked. "He's got such goregous brown eyes. There a lovely shade" Anderia's mother said.

"Just like his mother's eyes" Ana whispered low enough for only Cristiano's ears before his glass went falling to the ground.  

  Ana knows the truth and Cristiano knows she knows. What will happen next?

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