Chapter 107- On My Knees Asking

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  "You were never too busy for Junior. You were never negligent with him. And I never intended to imply that Molly. Like I said everything I said kept coming out wrong. I just snapped when you agreed" he said. "And you told me to leave" she said. "I told you my words were wrong that night" he said. "What is that meant to mean?" she asked. "It means that I don't want you- Cristiano began to say but Junior's cries stopped him from continuing.

"I think he needs his nappy changed" Molly said. "Oh right. I'll get his bag" he sighed dropping her hand and moving to stand and collect the bag beside the arm chair he had sat in. "Can I?" she asked when he had a nappy in his hand. "Of course" he said handing her the nappy. "Let's get this stinky nappy of you then huh Junior" Molly smiled laying him on the floor. "You must have really missed him if you're happy about changing his nappy" Cristiano said taking a seat on the floor beside her. "I never minded changing nappys" she said unbuttoning Junior's baby grow. "He always preferred you doing it" Cristiano said. "I thought you were Mister nappy changer" she said. "Doesn't mean it's me he wants" he shrugs.

"There's some grapes in the kitchen" she said. "Huh" he said. "They'll go off if I don't eat them" she said. "I do feel a bit peckish" he smiled standing. "Here put that in the bin" she said handing him the dirty nappy. "So I hear that you are going to England with Jorge" she heard him say as she changed Junior's nappy. "Ya I leave tomorrow. I'm not entirely sure what use I'm going to be to him but Luke was going to Manchester too so" she said. "Why not go I guess" Cristiano said appearing beside her again. "I found a chocolate yogurt in the fridge too. It will be out of date by the time you get back so" he smiled. "Something to dip the grapes into" she smiled bringing Junior up to her chest. "Just don't tell my coach" he winked.

She moved so her back was against the couch. "Are you going to visit your parents while you're in Manchester?" Cristiano asked as he held the open yogurt out to her. "Ya. Well I'm going to try" she said dipping a grape into the chocolate. "Have you spoken to them lately?" he asked. For all he knew she could have spoken to them while she was away from him. "Nothing since my birthday card" she sighed. "I'm sure they'll be happy to see you" he said.

"Will they?" she asked. "Of course they will. Why wouldn't they?" he asked. "I don't even know what they are like at the moment Cristiano" she said. "Your father said he was going to get better Molly" Cristiano said. "He always says that" she said. "And I'm sure he did" he said. "You don't know that" she said. "You might be surprised" he said. "I've had enough surprises lately. Anyway I might be too busy with Jorge to go see them" Molly said. "He won't let you get too busy. I'm sure they'd love to meet Luke" Cristiano said. "I'm not sure" she said.

"You are going to take him with you? Right?" he asked. "I don't know. I haven't....He doesn't know...I haven't told him everything about my family" she said. She didn't know why but she just couldn't bring herself to tell Luke everything about her parents. "Molly take him with you when you go to see them" he said. "Why? I can go by myself" she said. As much as he hated saying it, Cristiano knew that Luke was better than no one going with her. "Just take him please. Don't go on you own" he said. "You think they're still gambling. Don't you? You think they've gotten involved with another Tony type" she said. "No" he said. "But" she said. "I don't think that Molly. I just don't think you should go on your own. So promise me you'll ask him to go with you" he said. "But" she said. "Molly" he said. "Fine. Ok I will ask" she said.

"Good" he smiled. "And you think that I'm bossy" she mumbled. "Guess spending so much time around you rubbed off then" he smirked. "Has everyone really being giving you a hard time?" she asked. "Nothing more than I deserve. Pepe was right. We both needed space from each other" he said. "He told me I should give you a chance" Molly said. "Look at Pepe trying to be mister fix it" Cristiano said. "He said he doesn't want our friendship being ruined" she shrugged as Junior smiled up at her. "Neither do I" Cristiano said.

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