Chapter 66- Shopper Helper

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  "Good morning ladies" Cristiano grinned as he entered the kitchen. "Good morning son. What has you in such a good mood?" Dolores asked taking the milk from the fridge. "Does there have to be a reason?" he smiled rubbing Junior's head gently before taking a seat next to Molly at the table.

"How's my favourite little man this morning Mols" he smiled. "Good" she said. "What?" he asked noticing her questioning look on her face. "You're in a very good mood" she said. "And that's problem because?" he asked. "No it's not just. Strange so early" Molly said. "The sun is shining, my son is healthy and everything is good. What's not to be happy about?" he asked taking a sip of juice. "I'd wait till this afternoon then Molly" Dolores whispered but not too quietly to Molly.

"Wait for the afternoon for what?" Cristiano asked. "Nothing" Molly said. "Spill" he said. "Think it as a surprise. You don't want to ruin a surprise" she said. "Molly" he said. "Zé is coming with the boys tonight" Molly said and he sighed. "And Katia isn't coming with him" she finished. "Great" Cristiano groaned. "I know you wanted a quiet house but I bet Roderigo can't wait to see you. And I'll make sure they don't annoy you" she said. "Don't even think about letting Zé take advantage of you Mols. Help him with the kids but not all the time. You can't do everything" Cristiano said. "I won't. Now that went better than you thought" Molly said to Dolores.

"They are my family. I'm hardly going to hate them coming" Cristiano said. "You tend to like a quiet house" Dolores said. "When I want the house for something" Cristiano muttered remembering all the times he had wanted the house free when he wanted to get Molly alone during the time they were trying to get her pregnant.

"It will be fun" Molly said. "Easy to say when you're the fave" Cristiano mumbled. "Not my fault I'm so loveable" she laughed tapping his cheek before she stood. "I'm going to get this one dressed and then I have a pile of things to do. See you later Cristiano" she said. "Laters Mols" he said watching her. "I won't let Zé let her do too much" Dolores said. "She's going to anyway" he shrugged. "I better go. See you later" he said kissing Dolores's cheek.

After a full training session, Cristiano had just pulled up outside his house when his phone rung. "Hello" he said switching off the engine. "Remember me" Irina said. "Hey babe of course" Cristiano said confused. "Really so you remember that I'm your girlfriend?" she asked. "Yes" he said. "So how come you've forgotten our anniversary?" she asked and he smacked a hand against his forehead. "No I haven't" he lied. "You could have fooled me. I haven't spoken to you in days. Only short texts. And I'm ringing you now" she said. "Babe I'm sorry. You know how busy I've been lately" he said. "So have I" she snapped.

"It's only just gone 10 in New York. I'm just home from training. I didn't want to wake you up" he lied. "Something would have been nice at least to show you cared that I'm your girlfriend" she wined. "Your present is coming later in the day and you were meant to receive a bunch of flowers this morning. Or I thought at least before now. Maybe it was before 12. I'm sorry" he said. "Well you're not to blame if people can't do their job. Oh I miss you" she said. "Me too" he said. "I should be able to come over soon. I can't for the two of us to spend time together" she said.

"Can't wait either" he said. "I'm off to the gym. I can't wait to see my lillies. Love you babe" she said. "Hope you like them" he said. "And my present" she said. "Bye" he said and the phone went dead.

"Shit" he mumbled searching for Jorge's number and got no reply. He headed into the house and went straight to his office. "Oh hey" he said finding Molly at the desk. "Hey" she said tearing up a piece of paper. "Everything ok?" he asked. "Just the printer acting up. It made the writing all funny on the page" she said. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Sorting a couple of things for Jorge" she replied. "Have you spoken to him today? He's not answering his phone" Cristiano said. "That's because he's on his way to Dubai for a meeting" she said. "Urgh great" he groaned.

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