Chapter 61- One Baby Step Forward and Three Backwards

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  "What the hell is wrong with you?" Pepe asked Cristiano as they walk towards the cars after training. "Nothing" Cristiano shrugged. "So you miss easy shots everyday then" Pepe said. "What are you talking about?" Cristiano asked.

"You missed two sitters today. You might as well have been at home then here, the use you were" Pepe said. "I'm not wanted at home either" Cristiano mumbled. "Ok start talking. We have a game in Paris in a couple of days and we need you concentrating on what's happening on the pitch not off it. You've been a pain in the ass all week" Pepe said.

"No I haven't" was the reply he got. "Well if you've been like this at home, I'm suprised Molly hasn't killed you yet" Pepe joked. "Will you stop talking about her. If it's not you, then it's Ramos" Cristiano snapped.

"At least Higuian hasn't utter a word about her since the other day. Now I take it Molly is the problem" Pepe said.

"Molly is always the problem" Cristiano muttered. "Cris" Pepe said. "I'm just tired mate. Ok. I'm fine. Molly is fine. Everyone is fine. Ok. I'll see you later" Cristiano said opening his car door.

Everyone was fine. Not that he really knew. Ever since Molly had stormed out of the office last week, things between Cristiano and Molly had been more than awkawrd. She had only just stopped walking out the room if he entered it. Had he really acted sleazy around her? They had stopped talking. And Dolores had even started to ask if there was something wrong. Now Pepe had noticed.

Jezz he needed to get a grip, Cristiano thought. "I'm a complication" she had said when he told them that they were friends. Did she really think that? She had been so angry and even disgusted at him.

He paused at the sight of her sitting on the stool in the kitchen. They lived in the same house. They could hardly keep ignoring each other. She spends more time with his son than anybody. This was ridiculous he thought as he walked further into the room.

"Hi" he muttered as he headed to the fridge. He didn't get a reply and he slammed the door shut. "Damn it Molly, can we please just be at least some what civil to each other. Everyone is starting to notice that there's a problem between us" he said turning to see her head bowed down.

"It won't kill you to say hi to me" he said and she didn't say anything. He was annoyed now and was about to yell at her when he notice something along her cheek. He looked closer and shook his head when he realized that she had earphones in. He walked closer to her and flicked one of the ear buds out.

Molly jumped in her seat and let out a scream. "Oh lord you scared the shit out of me" she said panting as she moved to pick the pencil that had fallen from her hand onto the floor.

"I was just saying hi. I...I thought you were ignoring me" he said. "Hi" she mumbled hopping back onto the stool. "What are you drawing?" he asked trying to peak before she covered the page with a newspaper.

"I'm just waiting for your mother. She wants to go for a walk. Have a feeling she wants to get me alone" Molly said. "She cornered me this morning" he said. "You'd think I'd be used to the are you alright Molly chats but instead they just- piss you off" he finished and she nodded. "Keep you ear buds in" he said. "Like she'll leave me get away with that" Molly said and he laughed.

"Look Junior. Papa is laughing with Molly. Have I walked into the past?" Dolores joked as she came into the room. "Funny Maé" Cristiano said taking his son. "There's nothing wrong Dolores" Molly said not wanting to discuss why she and Cristiano had been avoiding each other the past few days. "And you're fat" Dolores said. "I'm going to get my sneakers" Molly sighed hopping of the stool.

"Just leave it Maé" Cristiano said once she had gone. "You two have barely spoken to each other over the past few days" Dolores said. "What were we doing when you came in?" Cristiano asked. "Ronaldo" Dolores said. "Maé just leave her alone. I'll fix it ok" Cristiano said. "So there is something to fix?" Dolores asked. "Maé" he groaned. "It's not just Molly who has been miserable lately" Dolores said. "She's being miserable?" he asked. "Well more quiet. You've been miserable enough for the both of you" Dolores said. "I'm not miserable" he mumbled. "Fix whatever is the problem Ronaldo" Dolores said.

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