Chapter 12-I Was Always The One Who Could

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  "So Andreia how are you liking Madrid?" Ana Sofia asked as Molly, Andreia and Ana stretched in Cristiano's gym. "It's different. With the move and the baby. It's been crazy to tell you the truth" Andreia said. "Well you've made new friends now so it will be easier. Isn't that right Molly?" Ana asked.

"Huh. Sorry ya. It's easier moving when you find good friends" Molly replied as she spread her legs wide on the floor. "We should have a girls night out when the boys get back" Ana said. "Would that be for someone's birthday?" Molly smiled. "No for that I just want a quite night in" Ana said. "What do you think Pepe will get you?" Andreia asked. "If he remembers" Ana said. "He'll remember. That man worships you" Molly said. Plus she knew he wouldn't forget since she had helped Pepe pick out a bracelet for Ana a couple of days earlier.

"Any men worshiping you Molly?" Andreia asked winking at Ana. "Only one" Molly replied. "Who?" Ana asked. Surely someone would know if Sergio had asked Molly out. "Well he's cute. Adorable. Seems to be only happy when I feed him. And doesn't talk back" Molly smirked as she took Junior out of his carrier seat and stood him on the mat. "Very funny. But Junior is a cutie" Ana said.

"It must be a change working for Jorge to minding a baby?" Andreia asked. "Well Cristiano and Pepe can be babies sometimes" Ana joked. "I didn't do much for Jorge anyway" Molly said. "You did a lot for him Molly. He was only telling Pepe how much he would like you back in Lisbon" Ana said. Probably wanting her away from Junior Molly thought. "Though the guys would put up a fight if you tried to leave" Ana joked and Molly rolled her eyes.

"As strange as it sounds they did miss you as much as I did. Well I think it was watching you and Cris bickering" she laughed. "You missing having him around this week?" Andriea asked. "Who. Cris. God no. I mean Junior misses him of course" Molly said. "Of course like he does of him. Don't miss him annoying you though" Ana smiled. "If you asked him he'd say I annoy him" Molly muttered.

"Have they always been like that?" Andreia asked. "Everyone makes it out like we fight a lot but we don't. We just disagree on a few things occasionally" Molly said. "A few?" Ana asked. "Not as much as we used to" Molly said. They used to bicker way more but they haven't talked that much since she had the baby. "Well he can be an ass" Ana said. "A big one" Molly smiled. "Well I agree with Elma. It's nice to see you not letting him annoy you" Ana said.

"So I hear Irina is coming soon?" Ana asked. "Sometime next week apparently" Molly said. That's what Dolores had said. She had walked into the nursery giving out about Cristiano asking her to be welcoming towards Irina when she came to stay since it would be the first time she would meet Junior. Dolores had been annoyed because she was always welcoming to Irina. Most of the time anyway according to her. "What's she like?" Andreia asked. "She's nice" Molly said. "Hmm" Ana said. "She is" Molly insisted. "She can be when she wants to actually care. It will be interesting to see how she gets on with Junior" Ana said. "I'm sure Junior will like her" Molly sighed placing a kiss on the boy's head. "It would be easier for Cristiano if he did" she said.

"He really does like sucking your breasts doesn't he" Cristiano said smirking as he leant against the door frame. Molly jumped in her chair and Junior began to cry as his mouth slipped from her nipple. "Sssh it's ok" she said to the baby. "What have I told you about sneaking up on me" she groaned. "Sorry" he said. "When did you get back?" she asked. He had been gone on away with the national team for the past week and they hadn't spoken a word to each other. Anytime he had skyped or called to see Junior, Molly had let Dolores speak to him. Molly's mind couldn't stop thinking about all the changes that were happening. What Irina would be like when she met Junior? Molly hoped the model would want to be around Junior. What had happened in her room before he left?

"A few minutes ago. I saw the light on" he shrugged. "He likes his food" Cristiano mused walking to the couch bed in the nursery. "At least he's happy" she said. "He does seem to like your breasts" he smirked, "Oh shut up" she said rolling her eyes.

"At least you can say he gets that from me" he grinned. "I can't believe you just said that" she said and he could see her cheeks redden. "Couldn't resist sorry" he said. "He does look happy when you feed him though" he said. "I could express some milk and you can feed him with the bottle if you would like?" she asked. "I thought he didn't really like the bottle" he said. "Well he doesn't really but that's just because his own personal cow is around. He'll have to get used to a bottle eventually" she said.

"Think he's happier when you feed him" he replied. He didn't want to disturb his son's routine. Plus the one and only time he had it hadn't gone too well. "Maybe in another few weeks" she smiled. "Ya maybe" he said watching her. "You should get some sleep" Molly said. "Ya it's been a long day. Noite" he said standing. "What's left of it anyway" she smiled.

"Bom Dia" Cristiano grinned coming into the kitchen a few hours later. "How are you so chirpy at this time of the morning?" Elma groaned as she took a spoon of cereal into her mouth. "Jezz. I though Molly was the one who looks like crap in the mornings" he said.

"Ass" Molly said swatting him in the back of his head as she took a seat next to Elma. He laughed knowing she had been behind him. "I was up most of the night" Molly groaned. "I didn't hear Junior. Is he ok?" Cristiano asked. "Like you ever hear him" Elma said. "I do. It's just Molly gets to him" he said. "Well you could always try getting up with him" Elma said, "That's why Molly is here" he mumbled.

"Junior is fine. You on the other hand might not be if you keep talking" Molly said. "Think you could fight me. Do you?" he said holding in fists into a boxing position. "I'm more than happy to find out" she smirked at him.

"Mmm you do fight dirty though" he said tapping his chin with a spoon. "And a hell of a kick if you listen to Zé" he smirked and she let out a laugh. It hadn't been funny that night they had broken into her apartment all those months ago. "Could get you flat on your back so" she smirked moving to the fridge.

He walked up behind her and Molly could feel his presence behind her as she stood staring into the fridge. "You're wrong Molly. I was always the one who could get you on your back" he whispered into her ear before his hand swept pass her and he pulled out some orange juice before walking back to the table.

"Still not sleeping well?" Elma asked Molly. "I'm fine. Just afraid I'm getting sick. Have you seen any of those vitamins that I was taken last summer around?" Molly asked opening and closing the presses. "Ask Maé?" Elma said. "Ask Maé what?" Dolores asked as Marcosa walked by her feet.

"Have you seen the vitamins you gave me last summer? I thought they made a difference then. Well maybe it was in my head" Molly said. "No I haven't. And you should be careful what you take when you are breastfeeding. I'll get you some breakfast" Dolores said. "It's fine Dolores" Molly said pulling out a box from under the sink. "Ah here they are" she said holding a small bottle in her hand. "Molly don't take them" Dolores practical shouting.  

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