Chapter 53- Let The Games Begin

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  "What games do you want to play first?" Iker asked. "Games?" Molly asked looking up at Cristiano as he held an arm around her shoulders. "It's games night apparently" he said. "Ronnie lad is just afraid he's going to get his ass whopped" Pepe smirked. "I can beat you at anything" Cristiano replied. "Now now boys let's start the games before the ego talk begins at least" Ana said walking towards Molly. "We thought a games night would be fun for you" Ana said pulling Molly with her back to couch.

"What games are we playing then?" Molly asked. "We all bought a selection. There's jenga, monopoly, Guess Who? Oh Buckeroo. I love this" Marcelo said and everyone laughed. "We also have Twister" Xavi held up. "Yes" Fabio said. "No" Molly said and they all looked at her. "I'm not the one who will have to explain to my couch how I got injured playing twister with my teammates" Molly said. "Molly has a point. Twister might not be such a good idea" Cristiano said and Molly smirked at him. "Molly has a point has a nice ring to it. Doesn't it?" she said and he rolled his eyes at her. "Even you would get bored of hearing you are right all the time" Cristiano said. "Hearing once might be a start" Sergio said to Cristiano.

"What else did everyone bring?" Pepe asked noticing Cristiano glaring at Sergio. "Forget the games for a moment. Why don't I see to the food. I'm starving" Molly said moving to stand. "Sit. You are here to have fun. The food is all taken of" Ana said. "Ok. What shall we play first then?" Molly asked. "Charades" Pepe said clapping his hands together. "Anderia and I made up some topics" Ana said. "Ana can't wait to see Pepe act like a fool" Cristiano said. "She lives with him. Surely she sees that a lot already" Molly grinned at Cristiano. "Very funny. Why doesn't smart mouth Molly start so" Pepe said. "You walked into that one" Cristiano said.

"Let the best start first" Molly said standing. "Show us what you've got smart mouth" Cristiano smirked holding out a bowl full with pieces of paper. "Careful Ronaldo or Messi won't have any competition" Iker joked. "Why did I agree to this again?" Cristiano groaned as Molly picked a piece of paper. "Oh sit down and stop pouting" Molly smirked. "I do not pout" he said. "You two stop bickering and let's get this game started" Marcelo said. "He can't wait for his turn" Clarice said. Molly sighed when she saw what was written on the paper. "Come on Molly" Sara said. "Ok ok let me think" Molly said. She held up three fingers. "3 words" Anderia said and Molly nodded and held up two fingers. "Second word" Iker said. Molly acted out that she was opening an umbrella and moved her fingers to show something was falling on from the sky. "Umbrella by Rihanna" Marcelo said and Molly shook her head. "3 words remember" Nagore said. Molly held up three fingers and pointed at Iker and the Xabi.

"I'm confused" Pepe said. "Doesn't take much" Ricky joked and everyone laughed. Molly pointed at Fabio, Ricky, Cristiano and Sergio. "It's Raining Men" Pepe shouted. "Yes" Molly said relieved. "How did you figure that out?" Cristiano asked. "The rain falling. Pointing to all the men" Molly said swapping places with Pepe. "Glad that's over?" Sara asked Molly. "It's way more fun watching someone else act it out then doing it yourself" Molly said.

"Movie" Marcelo called out as Pepe began to act out his piece of paper. "1 word" Molly said. Pepe started to punch the air. "Rocky" Mareclo yelled. "That was easy" Iker wined. "Then how come you didn't get it" Marcelo said sticking his tongue out at his Captain. "Time for the master to show you all how it's done" Marcelo said choosing from the bowl. "Where did ye find him?" Molly asked. "Clarice asks herself that question everyday" Cristiano joked and Molly laughed. Marcelo started to act out the name of his film but no one could figure out what it was.

"I thought you were meant to be the master?" Ricky asked. "Ah you can't talk remember" Molly said to Marcelo when he was about to say something. He then started pounding on his chest and running around the room. "What the hell?" Anderia said as Marcelo starting rushing around the room. He went jump on the couch and fell over the back of it. "Ouch" Marcelo yelled. "George of the Jungle" Clarice shouted as everyone laughed. "And I thought twister was going to cause injury" Molly said to Sara.

"Are you ok?" Sergio asked looking back over the couch to where Marcelo rolled around the floor. "Fine" he called out. "And you call me a muppet" Cristiano said to Molly. "You are" Sergio, Molly, Ricky and Ana all said. The doorbell went and Molly raised an eyebrow wondering who it could be. "Pizza" Pepe yelled jumping to stand up from his chair. "Will you quieten down. Junior is asleep" Molly said to him. "Oh ya sorry" Pepe said. "I'll get the pizzas" Cristiano laughed.

After eating and playing more charades, the group divided into smaller groups to play board games. "Pepe and Xabi are arguing if a guy has a beard or not in Guess Who. Why the hell did you decide on a games night when most of the attendees are competitive?" Molly asked standing next to Sergio and Ana as the watched Iker try to take out a small leg bone in Operation.

"Like you don't want to win all the time too" Ana smirked. "No she just wants to beat Ronaldo" Sergio mumbled. "Well that can be fun too" Molly smiled. "Well Iker is trying to win this game in record time" Ana said. "Well with those safe hands of his the patient is in safe hands" Molly joked. "Ssh" Iker said. "He takes things way too serious" Sergio whispered wrapping an arm around Molly's waist. "He's the serious one and you're the joker so in the pair of yours bromance" Molly whispered to Sergio. "I'm not just the joker all the time" Sergio mumbled. "I know. But the joker you makes me smile" Molly smiled up at him. "Then I'll be more of a joker so" he smiled. "I win and I didn't buzz once" Iker shouted proudly. "Iker you're not five for heaven sake" Sara called out from the kitchen.

"Beat that Ramos" Iker smirked at his friend. "Ya Sergio let's see if you can beat him" Cristiano said walking up behind Molly and Sergio. "It's all about the steady hand" Sergio said to Cristiano. "Looks like a steady hand Iker" Cristiano said taking a hold of the arm Sergio had around Molly's shoulders and holding it in the air. "He can't do it" Iker said smirking. "Crush him" Molly and Cristiano said to Sergio. "And you lot think she's all sweet and nice" Cristiano said wrapping his arms around Molly's neck and resting his chin on the top of her head. "I am very sweet" she said. "I remember" he whispered into her ear.

"Come on Sergio. Let's see you lose" Iker said and Cristiano pulled Molly to the couch and pulled her close to his side before she could resist. "Is Junior ok?" Molly asked him as Sergio moved to pick up a small arm bone in the game. "Out like a light" Cristiano smiled at her. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He knew it was Irina. He knew she wanted to talk to him but he didn't want to have to leave the room.

"You think Sergio will beat Iker's time?" Molly whispered to him. "Probably not but I hope someone does or we'll never hear the end of it from Iker. He likes to win and gloat" Cristiano said leaning closer to her. "And you don't?" she asked. "So do you" he said. "It's fun to win" Molly shrugged. "Exactly" Cristiano said. "Especially when I'm beating you" Molly mumbled. "Cheeky" he said rubbing her shoulder as he left his phone go to voicemail.  

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