Chapter 27- Fit To Snap

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  "Did you get any sleep last night?" Katia asked Molly as she stood next to the couch in the living room. "Here and there" Molly yawned readjusting Junior in her arms. "He wouldn't settle?" Katia asked. "No. I came down here so he wouldn't wake everyone. He felt so cold most of the night. And now he's slightly too warm" Molly said. "Would you like me to get a cool cloth for his face?" Katia asked. "Could you? Thanks. I don't want to move in case I wake him" Molly said. "That couch couldn't have been that comfy" Katia said. "It beats the rocking chair. The duvet makes it comfy" Molly said.

"Have you seen Cris?" Katia asked. "Nope" Molly replied. Lucky for her or maybe Cristiano that Dolores wouldn't let him come into the nursery last night. Molly had spent ages trying to warm Junior up and she knew she couldn't be in the same room as his father the way she had felt last night.

"Here" Katia said holding out a wash cloth to Molly. "Thanks" she said gently placing it against Junior's forehead. Careful not to wake him. "Where are your two?" Molly asked Katia. "I left them in with Zé" she smiled. "I'm sure he was happy" Molly said. "He was ok actually. It's weird. Zé gets normal and Cris well he goes.." she stuttered. "Continues to be a dickhead" Molly mumbled.

"Please tell me there is coffee" Irina groaned coming into the room. "There you are" Cristiano said as he rushed into the room. "What are you doing down here?" he asked as he walked to the couch. "Being considerate of others" Katia snapped at her brother.

"Can I take him?" Cristiano asked Molly. "He's asleep" she replied. "Cristiano coffee" Irina called out. "Is he ok?" he asked. "What do you think?" she snapped as he flopped onto the couch. "Cristiano" Irina moaned as she banged presses closed in the kitchen. "What's with the cloth?" Cristiano asked. "To cool him down" Katia said. "Seriously all that fuss yesterday cos he was cold now you are trying to make him cold" Irina said. "That was- Don't even bother Katia" Molly said butting in on an annoyed Katia.

"Cristiano coffee" Irina wined again. "I'm coming" he replied as he stroked Junior's cheek and frowned when he realized his son's cheeks were burning up. "Cristiano" Irina said. "Oh for heaven sake" Molly said placing Junior in his father's unexpected arms.

Molly stood up and stormed to the kitchen. She took a cup from the press and poured a cup of coffee from the freshly brewed coffee pot which she had made in anticipation of everyone getting up. She place the cup in front on Irina who sat on a stool. Cristiano watched as Molly went to the panty, then opened the fridge and poured milk into a bowl. "One cup of coffee and a bowl of low carb cereal. With low fat skimmed milk of course" Molly said placing the bowl next to the cup.

Molly headed back to the couch. "I'll get you some coffee" Cristiano said as she took Junior out of his arms. "She can't drink it" Katia whispered. "Oh ya" he said remembering that Molly was breastfeeding Junior. "I'm going to get him dressed and feed him. I'll be down to help with breakfast when I'm done" Molly said to Katia. "There's no need" Katia replied but Molly was in a world of her own.

"You are so lucky to be alive right now" Katia said to her brother.

Do this Molly. Go here Molly. Get this Molly. Two days later and Molly was fit to snap. She and Cristiano had only spoken when necessary. But Irina had found her voice when it came to talking to Molly. Or telling her what to do. Junior still had a high temperature and wasn't sleeping well. Which meant Molly wasn't sleeping well. She felt awful. So tired and weak.

"Oh good you are here" Irina said walking into the living room. "Since you are doing anything. Can you get these things on this list for me?" the model asked placing a list onto the coffee table. "A list. For you" Molly said. "And Cristiano" Irina said.

"Where is Cristiano? I need him to watch Junior for a bit while I go to the pharmacy" Molly said. Everyone was out of the house expect Cristiano and his girlfriend leaving Molly with no other choice. Junior needed something to help get rid of his temperature. It was only still slightly high but Molly made a mental note that if he still had a temperature by Thursday then she would take him to the doctor.

"He's busy" Irina said. "But I need him to watch his son" Molly said standing. "Take him with you. Cristiano is busy" Irina said. "Junior is sick and I don't want to drag him out" Molly said. "Oh he's fine. Take him with you. And you can get the things on my list while you are out" Irina smirked. "But" Molly said in disbelief.

"Cristiano is busy this afternoon. We want time alone. Now you should be going. Cristiano said the dry cleaners closes early on a Tuesday" Irina said before strutting out of the room. "I'll be as quick as I can sweetie. We'll be back soon" Molly said placing a kiss on Junior's cheek.

She knew she should storm up to Cristiano and demand for him to look after his son. But Molly couldn't find the energy to it. There was no point. He wasn't going to take any notice.

"Just leave it" Irina said wrapping her silk dressing gown around her body. "The buzzing of the gate is annoying me and Marcosa won't shut up" Cristiano groaned as he pulled a shirt over his head. "Where is everyone?" he asked as he walked down the stairs.

"Cristiano" Dolores called out as she walked into the room. "Didn't you hear the bell?" she asked as Katia with her two kids and Sergio followed her into the room. "Hey man" Sergio smiled. "What do you want?" Cristiano asked. "Cristiano don't be so rude" Dolores said. "It's ok Mrs. Averio. Think he's just annoyed that I got him out of bed" Sergio smirked at his teammate. Dolores rolled her eyes.

"Where's Molly? I got her a muffin" Dolores said walking to the kitchen. "Here somewhere" Cristiano said. "You forgot your phone at training" Sergio said smirking as he tossed the phone to Cristiano. "Thank you" Cristiano mumbled.

"Mama I can't find Molly" Rodrigo said coming back into the room. "I'm sure she's here somewhere" Katia smiled at her son. "I checked everywhere and she's not answering me" Rodrigo wined. "What do you mean she's not answering?" Cristiano said storming upstairs. "Not again" Katia groaned knowing this was not going to end well. "What's going on?" Zé asked coming into the room.

"Molly isn't here" Sergio said. "Well I know that. Her car isn't in the drive" Zé said. "Where the hell is Junior?" Cristiano yelled coming back into the living room. "With Molly I'm sure. No I know he's with her" Dolores said."And where the fuck is she?" he yelled. "Ronaldo" Dolores said.

"Don't start Maé. She's taken my son out of the house without telling me. Did she tell you?" he asked Irina. "No. Not that I can remember" Irina said.

"Molly get your ass back here with my son right now" Cristiano yelled into his phoned.

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