Chapter 60- Let's Say It How It Is

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  "What has you in such a mood? You just won" Jorge asked Cristiano as the walked into the house, "Nothing" Cristiano said. "Well whatever it is, get over it quick. You look like you are picking for a fight. And knowing you that will mean a fight with Molly. Which she doesn't need right now" Jorge said.

"She doesn't need it. What about me? Why doesn't anyone think that I don't need any stress or arguments?" Cristiano said as he flopped onto the couch. "You don't need any stress. Now what is bugging you?" Jorge asked. "I nearly hit Higuaín today" he said. "Please tell me that I heard that incorrect?" Jorge asked. "You didn't. And I wasn't the only one. Any of the others would have nearly too. You should have heard the way he was talking about Molly" Cristiano said.

"Ah about Molly" Jorge said. "He just keeps making snide comments about Junior. I just snapped today ok" Cristiano said. "Well try and ignore him" Jorge said. "Well if he doesn't shut up, it won't just be me, he'll have to worry about. At least Ramos and the others all see he's an ass" Cristiano said. "Well Ramos has a soft spot for Molly so that's his excuse. What's yours?" Jorge asked. "I don't understand" Cristiano said.

"Why are you so annoyed with Higuaín?" Jorge asked. "The stuff he was saying about Junior. And Molly. Making her uncomfortable" Cristiano said. "If Molly is uncomfortable about something then she'll- Tell someone about it. Ya I know.

Oh I'm going to bed" Cristiano said standing. "You mean you don't want to have this conversation" Jorge said. "What conversation?" Cristiano asked. "Go to bed Ronaldo" Jorge said shaking his head.

"Junior's out for the count" Cristiano said and Molly yelped. "What the hell Ronaldo" she yelled placing the shirt she had just taken off in front of her chest. "Relax it's not like I haven't seen it all before" he smiled walking towards her.

"What do you want Ronaldo?" she snapped holding the shirt tighter around her. "I just wanted to thank you for bringing Junior today" he said. "You told me to bring him. Now just get out" she said. "Hey what's wrong?" he asked giving her bare shoulder a squeeze. She shrugged his hand away. "I just want to go to bed" she replied. "Ok. Noite" he said and turned to leave. "I'm sorry about Higuaín being a bit of a sleaze today" he said when he reached the door.

"Really? Him the sleaze" Molly said. "You won't see much of him from now on anyway so you don't have to deal with him. See you in the morning" he said closing the door after him. "What about the sleaze who just left the room?" Molly muttered taking a seat on the bed. "Nothing I haven't seen before" she muttered in annoyance.

Molly spent the next day doing paper work for Jorge in the office. She was tired having not slept too well the night before. Her phone buzzed next on the table and she opened the text. "Video chat?" Sarah's text read and Molly smiled. "Two mins" Molly replied and started to search for the skype button her laptop on the table.

"Hey girl" Sarah said as she appeared on the screen. "Oh you have gone so American" Molly joked. "I can't help it. I love it here" Sarah beamed. "You look happy" Molly smiled. "I am. Mike and I both got promoted already and we are moving into a bigger place. It costs more but it's worth it" Sarah said. "That's wonderful news Sarah" Molly said. "Plenty of room for visitors" Sarah smiled. "Is that so" Molly said. "Come on Mols I haven't seen you in. What over a year. I miss you" Sarah said. "I miss you too" Molly said.

"So come to San Fran. There are so many little art studios here. And art schools. Even sport teams if you want to do something relating to your course" Sarah said. "Sarah" Molly said. "You seriously had a plan to look after a kid twenty four seven all your life. You said it was only temporary" Sarah said. And Molly sank in the chair. "Mols" Sarah said. "What if I said that I was thinking about going to see you" Molly asked. "Really. Like a quick visit?" Sarah asked. "Maybe for longer" Molly said. "Move here. Yes that would be brilliant. And you can always go back to Madrid to visit your friends" Sarah said. "Ya" Molly said knowing that once she left she could never ever come back. It would be too hard she thought as her eyes glanced at a photo of Junior on the wall.

She heard a cough and her head flicked towards the door where she found Cristiano leaning against the doorframe. "Sarah I'll call you back" Molly said closing down the laptop. "You didn't have to end your chat" Cristiano said. "Can I help you with something?" she asked. "So Alicia told me you shouted for my goal last night" he smirked. "So did an entire stadium" she said.

"Told you I could make you shout more than Pique could. Or was that moan" he smirked. "Well let's see if Sergio can make me shout during the next game. In fact why don't I see if he can make me moan" she snapped standing. "Like hell. What is your problem?" he asked swinging her back around to face him.

"You are my problem" she yelled. "Me" he said closing the door and standing in front of it. "What have I done?" he asked. "What have you done? You seriously are going to stand there and ask me that" she yelled.

"Stop yelling before someone comes in here" he said. "What are you afraid that you'll have to explain?" she snapped. "I doubt I could since I have no idea what is going on here right now" he said. "What is going on is that I'm sick of it" she said. Sick of it he thought.

"I'm sick of you. The way you act" she said. "I've been more involved with Junior" he said. "The way you act with me. You actually had the nerve to call Higuaín a sleaze, when every word that comes out of your mouth is sleazy" she snapped.

"I'm not a sleaze" he said. "Then stop. Stop with the remarks about making me moan or my body. Stay out of my room. Just stop" she said. "Mols I was just- "Just what? Being a creep. Treating me like your own personal showgirl. You had more than enough time to use me for you own pleasure last year. You got what you want from me. Your son. I fulfilled my need. So stop" she said.

"I....." he stammered as he watched her against the door. "I'm not here to keep you entertained while your girlfriend works out what her properties are. So you can stop with all your remarks about you and me. It was all just an necessary to get what we wanted" she said moving to turn around to open the door.

"Mols wait" he said placing a hand on her shoulder and she shrugged it off. "Don't even waste your breath by saying sorry Ronaldo. I'm as sick of hearing those words come from your mouth as I am..." she paused. "Am what?" he asked nervously.

"Mols please look at me. Please" he begged and she reluctantly turned to face him. "Do you really think I use you as entertainment? I'm sorry. Don't look at me like that. I can't think of another word to use" he said when she scowled at him. "You are and have never being my plaything or anything remotely like that. I've never felt that you were" he said.

"You have to see past yourself to see it" she muttered. "Mols" he whispered and out of habit brushed her cheek with his thumb. She recoiled from his touch and he took a step back from her. "Just stick to football and your son" she said.

"Mols" he said as she opened the door. "And don't call me Mols. Only my friends call me that" she snapped. "You are my friend" he said. "I'm a complication Ronaldo. Always have being. Let's say it how it really is" she said and walked out of the room slamming the door after her.  

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