Chapter 36- Can We Get Past?

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  "You think I'm just saying sorry to stop all the tension and agro but I'm not. I've being so stupid. Everyone saw how miserable you are. Miserable because of me" Cristiano said. "I..." Molly stuttered not able to form any words. "You are miserable Molly. And it's my fault. The other day" he started but she shook her head.

"No" she said. "We need to talk Molly. We can't go on like this. I can't have you.." he paused reaching for one of her hands. "Can't have me what?" she asked. "I can't have you giving up" he whispered as his thumb gently stroked her knuckles. "I don't understand" she said.

"Let's sit" he said he said taking her hand in his but she didn't move. "Please Molly" he begged. "I've lost count how many times you've said please since you woke me up. It's weird" she mumbled taking her hand out of his and she walked to a weight seat. "I don't say it enough" he said. "Try never. Or thank you. Or oh what's the point" she said taking a seat.

"The point is that I've being horrible to you" he said taking a seat on a treadmill. "Horrible? You've being" she paused. "I've being what Molly? Tell me" he said. "I don't want another fight" she whispered. "I'm sor- "I will leave if you say sorry once more Ronaldo" she snapped.

Leave the room or house he wondered.

"It's kind of hard to avoid not saying it" he shrugged. "Then don't bother talking" she said. "The other day I went too far" he said quickly and she looked at the door.

"Oh God I don't know where to even begin" he mumbled. He hadn't a clue what he should say. "I shouldn't have acted like I did" he said. "Exactly what are you referring to? When you thought I had taken Junior. When you tried to control me by telling what to do. What?" she asked.

"I was angry because I didn't know where you were. I was worried. Anything could have happened" he said. "I told your Russian where I was. And I wouldn't have taken Junior only you were too busy as usual to watch him" she snapped.

"I've being a rotten dad to him. Haven't I?" he asked. "If you think I'm going to give you a pep talk about you parent skills then think again" Molly snapped. "I just snapped. I don't know why I did it. I've being trying to manage everything. I've being trying to spend time with Junior. With Irina. With my family" he said.

"I've done nothing but help you Ronaldo. And all I get is grief. I'm not you servant. I'm not here to be and you beck and call" she said. "I know" he replied. "Really. Cos the past week "The past week has been what?" he asked. "Molly will you tell me" he yelled.

"Hell. It's been hell" she shouted. "All I have heard is do this Molly, do that Molly. And that's when I'm even noticed" she said. "I haven't meant to ignore you. Or Junior. Or Rodrigo" he said. "Ya well I'm pretty ignorable. I'm used it" Molly mumbled.

"I shouldn't have yelled at you. I just wanted to know where my son was" he said. "I had no choice but to take him with me. It was made pretty clear that you were busy" she said. "That list wasn't for you. I know you're not my servant" he said. "I'm here to look after Junior. Helping out is one thing but.." she stuttered.

"It will change I promise" he said and she rolled her eyes. "I lost it the other day. When you came back and everyone was having their say and- "And I refused to do what you ordered me to" she interrupted.

"I wasn't ordering you" he said. "How the hell would you interpret you are not going? I've told you more than once not to control my life Ronaldo. You don't get to tell me where and when I can go somewhere" she said.

"You kept pushing and pushing" he said. "Me. You're blaming me. You thought I took Junior" Molly yelled. "No I didn't" he said. "What's you plan? You make my life miserable and I leave. If you want me to leave then just say it Ronaldo" she said and he held his head in his hands.

"The whole house will fall apart if you leave" he said resting his elbows on his knees. "Your mother is here. Maybe she can help you juggle your life" Molly said. "I shouldn't have behaved like I did. When we went outside, I just wanted to us to talk" he said.

"You just wanted me to shut up. You were afraid I was going to tell Irina why I am really here. Don't even bother to deny it Ronaldo" Molly snapped. "Partly ok you're right. You would have thought the same if you were me. You were acting- like a bitch" she said.

"Acting not like yourself" he said. Molly had no idea what herself was anymore. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I shouldn't have gripped your wrists so hard. I shouldn't have shouted in your face" he said. "I've had worst bruises" she mumbled.

"I'm not like them. When you said that about how I wasn't the first to lay a hand on you, I snapped. I shouldn't have mentioned Tony" he said. "Stop" she said. "No Molly. I need to say this. And before you say it it's not just about what I need. You need to hear this too" he said as she fumbled with Junior's monitor in her hands.

"Maé is right. I was cruel. Heck I was just plain nasty. The words were out of my mouth before I could think about what I was saying" he said as Molly's eyes focused on the door. "I shouldn't have said what I said about your parents. Molly they don't deserve to have you as their daughter. And I'm sure they are just trying to make their lives better so they can show you someday. "And what I said...about you disappearing" he stuttered. Molly couldn't take it any more and tears started to fall down her cheek. He heard her sob. "Molly" he said rushing over to her. He knelt in front of her and lifted her hands from her crying face.

"Please don't cry" he begged. "Molly listen to me" he said placing his hands on either side of her head. "So many people would miss you. You wouldn't be able to disappear. Ana would miss you. Maé, Katia, Rodrigo, all my teammates. I'd miss you" he said softly.

He wiped under her eyes with his thumbs. "I wasn't thinking when I said all of those things" he said. "But it's true" she whispered her eyes looking anywhere but at him.

"No it's not. Look at me" he said tilting her chin up. "I know the past few weeks haven't being easy. I know I haven't treated you right. But please don't feel miserable. I never want you to feel like that. You've been through so much in your life Molly. Please if you feel upset talk to me. Talk to anyone. But please don't shut us out. Do you have any idea how worried everyone is about you?" he asked.

"Why would they be worried about me?" she asked. "Because they care about you. Because you have people in your life who care about you and you have to know that" he said dropping is hands from her face. "They're worried cos you've shut everyone out. You've barely spoken since our fight. Not to mind not coming out of your room. It's like you've given up. Just please. Please don't give up. I swear things will change" he said.

"I don't.." she stuttered. "I can't see you like this. None of us can. After everything with your parents, Dr. Frenz, me, Junior, everyone. You have every right to shut people out. But don't. Don't do anything to that will shut you out from us for good. Promise me" he said taking her hand in his.

"What?" she said shocked and confused at what he was saying. Did he and everything think she would do something permanently to shut them out of her life? "Why would you think?" she mumbled. "Cos I'm looking at a girl with sad, lost eyes, instead of the feisty, annoying, chatty girl who everyone won't shut up talking about" he said.

"I.." she stopped. "Just promise me" he said. "I promise" she whispered. Neither said what she was promising but both knew what she was referring to not doing.

They sat there in the gym in silence. Neither knew what to say anymore. Cristiano had wanted to sort things between them. But he didn't know if he had done enough. "Molly" he said. "It's late. Or early" she said moving to stand. He stood from kneeling on the floor.

"I know it's my fault you are miserable but I promise I will fix it" he said. "I'm not going to be happy just because it would suit you better Ronaldo" she said. "I don't want us to fight anymore. I don't want you to hate me" he said.

"Again it's about what you want" she snapped walking to the door. "Molly" he said. He thought he was getting somewhere with her. "Things will change I promise" he said. "Just leave me go back to bed" she said opening the door.

"Can we get past what happened this week?" he asked half afraid of the answer he would receive. "I don't know" she replied leaving the gym.  

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