Chapter 87- You Get Used To Things

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  "Hey Ronnie. Are they trying to wind me or up are they telling the truth about that English ass and Molly?" Sergio asked the moment the Portuguese had a foot in the door of the changing room. "Their telling the truth" Cristiano said. "Told you" Marcelo called out.

"Looks like you've missed your chance Ramos. If you're luck he might be willing to share" Higuaín smirked. "Easy Cris" Pepe said pushing an angry Cristiano back as he moved towards the Argentine. "Let's get outside" Iker shouted. "Ignore him and get ready" Pepe said shoving Cristiano to his spot in the room. "So like did he ask her out or did she ask him?" Sergio asked standing next to Cristiano. "He asked her" Cristiano muttered. "Ass" Sergio muttered. "He's an ass who's going to get himself a fine bit of ass in Molly" Higuian smirked and Cristiano grabbed a boot and threw it to where Higuian had been standing.

The door closed and the boot hit it. "I'm going to wipe that smile of that dickhead's face once and for all soon if he doesn't watch his mouth" Cristiano yelled. Sergio, Fabio, Marcelo and Pepe all stared at each other shocked at Cristiano's outburst. "He's just jealous that Molly knocked him back. He's not worth it" Fabio said handing Cristiano his boot.

"So where is he taking Molly tonight?" Sergio asked and Cristiano groaned. "Sergio just leave it. Cris doesn't control Molly's life. He doesn't know everything" Pepe said afraid that Sergio would be on the end of another Ronaldo outburst if he didn't stop asking questions.

"Irina?" Pepe asked Cristiano when he cancelled a call as they walked to the carpark after training. "She wants to go out tonight. And keeps saying that I should tell Molly to stay and do her job for once" Cristiano said. "For once" Pepe said. "Her words not mine" Cristiano said. "Good cos I was about to smack you" Pepe joked. "Oh great" Cristiano muttered as he saw Ana's car pull up. "I'm the early one for once" Pepe smiled leaning into Ana's open window to give her a kiss. "For once" Ana smiled at her boyfriend. "She's taking me furniture shopping" Pepe groaned to Cristiano. "I'm sure you'll have fun" Cristiano said. "And I'm sure you'll have fun at your empty house" Ana said. "Empty?" he asked.

"Well Dolores wanted company for something so Molly has taken Junior and gone with her. Which was a shame since we were having such a great time discussing this date of hers tonight" Ana said. "Enjoy furniture shopping Pepe. I'm going home to rest my feet on mine" Cristiano said heading to his car. The last thing he needed was Ana glaring at him over Molly. He didn't need to be told that she would cause problems if he did anything that stopped Molly from going on her date. It wouldn't be his fault if Molly decided on her own though Cristiano thought.

Cristiano shut his front door and rested the back of his head against it. The house was silent and he sighed. He was already bored and had only just arrived home. Irina was busy for the day according to her. Or else she was sulking that he wouldn't take her out tonight. He headed to the kitchen and smiled as Marcosa came running to his feet. "Hello boy. Are you going to keep me company?" Cristiano mused patting the dog. He placed his keys on the table and picked up a nearby note.


So I've taken Junior with me to keep your mother company (keep an eye on) while she runs some errands. My phone is on charge so I couldn't text you to tell you so you can stop being annoyed with me for not telling you. I don't want a fight" he read and frowned.

Did she really think he would be? "Of course she did you muppet. You always jump to conclusions" Cristiano muttered to himself before scanning the letter to continue to read.

"Although I guess I could have used Dolores's phone. Damn I should have thought of that" he read and smiled as he could picture her annoyance at not realizing it. "Anyway there's some lunch in the fridge. And I won't tell if you eat what's under the plate. We won't be long.


P.S You might find a couple more of these notes around the place. It's you so I couldn't take the chance you would see this one.

P.P.S Find the others and destroy along with this one. Don't need Dolores telling me off for keeping an eye on her!

P.P.P.S The drool at the end of this is Junior saying Hi

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