Can't sleep

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It's annoying the fact that if I look at the other side of the bed Phil is sleeping since hours and I'm here, contemplating the white walls of my bedroom.

I don't know that much about insomnia, but it's been a month since when I started to act like this. Maybe it's more an anxious status of the insomnia, I don't know.

The fact that I can't sleep is obvious.

I'm tired and sometimes my eyes close by themselves, but my body is still up and I don't know what to do.

I decide to turn around and caress Phil's hair from the behind, maybe he wakes up. I don't want him to, but he's the only person who can stay with me at the night and I have to wake him up in the way less awkward than possible. Also tomorrow is Sunday so we haven't to work, it's perfect.

I feel horrible anyways.

I can see that he rubs his eyes and yawns, then he gets back into the sheets and ignore me. "Phil?" I recall him.

"What," he mumbles and arches his head, then looks at me with sleepy eyes. "What's wrong?"

I never told him that problem but now I don't want to stay alone and I need him. It's weird because I spent all these night alone and now I need someone so much.

I bite my lip and I answer, "I can't sleep."

"What time is it?"

"Half past three, kinda."

"Come here," Phil whispers with his sweet voice that makes me melt from the cuteness. I get in his arms and he kisses my forehead. "Why can't you sleep?"

"I'm tired but I can't," I whisper too.

"Well, if you need me I'll stay up with you."

"Doesn't it bother you?"

"Nah, it's okay," he answers and I can feel that he caresses my arm with his thumb. "Don't worry."

"Okay, thank you," I smile.

"Cuddles? Film? Anime? A chat about the meaning of life?" he asks repetitively giggling.

"Where is the sex option?"

"In these sentences: I can't even move my legs, I'm still sleepy, my body is inflexible right now," Phil laughs and I laugh too.

"Just kidding," I smile. "Cuddles, and a chat about something cool."


"Like me," I interrupt him and I feel that he giggles.

"You? I love you," he answers and kisses my temple.

"I know."


I look in his eyes and he smiles, then places a kiss on my lips who makes me feel in heaven. Just a normal kiss, shit.

"I really wouldn't mind the anime option," Phil adds.

"Internet says that watching at screens doesn't make you sleep," I make him notice and he shakes his head.

"Internet lies."

"I don't think so," I giggle and I hand him his laptop. "But, we can look at the phan tag on Tumblr."

"Are you kidding?"


He smiles and when it's open he goes on Tumblr, just looking around the home page.

"Is this a Dalmatian holding a baby Dalmatian with its mouth?" Phil says excited and I look at it.

"I think it is, if you read the caption you can understand that the baby Dalmatian is a girl."

"She's so cute, look at her close eyes," he smiles and points at the screen.

"If you like them that much I think we should adopt a Dalmatian family."

"You can't even take care of yourself," he giggles and I raises my eyebrows.

"Ugh, alright dad."

He looks at me with his eyes more open and I laugh. "Sorry."

"Thanks," he smiles. I yawn and he looks at me. "Sleepy?"


"Let's search how to sleep," Phil proposes and I smile. "Falling asleep isn't always as simple as placing your head upon a pillow and shutting your eyes-"

"I know."

"I'll go right at the point. Make your room cool, clean, and quiet."

"It is," I smile.

"Use muscle and mental relaxing exercises to prepare your brain for sleep. Focus on deep, regular breaths. Inhale for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, then exhale for eight seconds."

"Got it."

"Fifteen minutes before going to bed, stretch out gently."

"Stretch me, Phil."

"God, stop it," he giggles and I smile. "Escape into your imagination."

"I always do it."

"It's good. Blow some bubbles. Get a bottle of bubbles, the kind children play with. Blowing bubbles makes you focus on deep breathing."

"Blow me, Phil," I say and I laugh soon after.

"Fuck you." he smiles. "Put your legs up against the wall and stay there as if you're sitting on the wall. It's a weird position, but it is scientifically proven to make you really sleepy."


"And now, this will make you suffer. Try sleeping with a pet; it can be very calming knowing that there is a living being with you. However, if your pet moves a lot, makes noise and/or lies on you, this can backfire on you."

"Don't worry, you're my pet," I smile and I kiss his cheek. Phil looks at me and rolls his eyes.

"Finished," he says and yawns. "I'm tired."

"I know, let's lie down."

He nods and we get down into the sheets, Phil hugs me like before and I feel comfortable. He kisses the back of my neck and I shutter a little, then with his caresses I relax.

And.. I think I fall asleep.

phan oneshots (book two)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora