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Later in the night

Kimberly and I walked around the neighbourhood, smoking a joint and just going over the randomest topics. It was around maybe three in the morning so it was pretty dark and quiet.

"You know, I actually like Huey more than Riley." Kimmy said said.

"No way, Riley is better. He's more... I don't know? Cooler?"

"But Huey speaks the truth and he's more clever and smarter."

"But Riley is funnier and is more chill unlike Huey who's uptight and always serious."

She rolled her eyes and smiled. "Whatever, Luh."

"I win."

"Mhm sure." She giggled.

"So are you and Jai really... dating?"

She stayed quiet for a minute. "He's a nice kid but... to me, no we're not. He just said that because he was under pressure and didn't know what else to say. Could've just said friends but." She shrugged. "I don't know him that well, you know?"

"Yeah." I nodded. I put my arm around her shoulders.

Her phone buzzed. She looked down at her screen. Two gunshots went off. She yelped and fell back.

"Kimberly!" I screamed.

I looked down at her phone.

Jack: i'm tired of you fucking around. it's over.

"Fucking piece of shit!" I grabbed my phone out and dialed 911. "My friend's been shot! We're on Honeymoon Street!" I yelled over the phone. I grabbed Kimmy's hand.

"Ambulance should be there as soon as possible."

"Okay, okay, thank you please hurry." I put my phone back into my pocket.

"Derek?" She said weakly.


Blood seeped through her shirt. I started balling. I put my hand over it.

"I-I-I love you s-so much." She choked on her words.

"I love you too, baby. So much and I'm so sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry I didn't change my ways like you wanted me too. I'm sorry I didn't treat you right at times and I'm sorry I made you feel like you weren't enough. Because baby you are. You really are." I cried and kissed her hand.

She gave me a small smile. Her smile faded and her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

"Kimmy?" I said softly. "Kimberly, no." My voice squeaked. I started crying quietly. I dug my face into her neck. That wonderful smell of vanilla and cinnamon. I then started laughing. Remembering when she sprayed it into my eyes when I scared her.

I sat there, in silence. I continued crying quietly, my face still tucked into her neck.


I'm a shitty writer


- soul 💞

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