Amusement park.

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Vanoss's POV-
I woke up and looked at the time. 9 o'clock. Well time to make breakfast. I was getting up but a pair of strong hands where grabbing my waist preventing me to stand up. I turned around and looked at a sleeping Jon. "Good morning Jon." I said. Once I said that Delirious opened one eye and smiled. "Good morning Evy-bear." I chuckled at the nickname. "Evy-bear?" "Yeah you don't like your new nickname?" "Yes I actually really like it." I kissed his lips and stood up to make breakfast.

Once I made breakfast I screamed out "Breakfast!!" Once I did I saw a wave of people running down the stares. Everyone sat in their normal seats and I put everyone's plates in the table. Everyone had normal pancakes except for Delirious. He had a whip cream shape of a heart and in the center was melted chocolate. "Man delirious! You're so lucky." Lui said in his squeaker voice. "Don't worry Lui I got you something." David said while pulling out a bag of gummy worms. "GUMMY WORMS!" Lui said while hugging David and the gummy worms. "You know everyone is dating each other and you two are the only ones not dating each other. Plus you two will make a great couple." Mini said all cheerful. They both blushed but David then leaned close to Lui and kissed him. They looked like tomatoes once that happened. I guess Lui liked David too because he then leaned close to David and kissed him again. After that David asked Lui to be his boyfriend and their both now dating.

When we finished breakfast we where all thinking on what to do. "We can watch a movie?" Delirious asked. "No we've been watching movies almost all the time. Let's go somewhere outside of the house." Everyone agreed but never knew where to go. "Oh oh oh I have an Idea!" Tyler said all exited. "What is it?" "How about if we go to an amusement park?!" Everyone agreed and cheered. "Alright! Delirious what time is it?!" "8 o'clock!" Everyone laughed because of the old joke. (If you get it I LOVE YOU!! 😄) "We have extra time what do we do?" I said and everyone was thinking again. "How about we just swim?" David said. Everyone agreed and we went to get our swim suits.

•Time skip to when it's 8 o'clock p.m.•

We all took a shower and changed to our normal clothes to go to the amusement park. "Hurry up guys!" Delirious said rushing everyone out the door.

Delirious's POV-
I want to go to the amusement park really badly because I love that place and that means I can hang out and have fun with my best friends and with my new handsome boyfriend. "Hurry up!!" I screamed kind of pissed that their not faster. "Jeez Delirious don't worry about it once we get their we will have plenty of time to have fun." Vanoss said. "Well don't you remember that their are other people coming too and their might be a huge line?" "Yeah I do but don't worry about it. If we arrive their at 8:30 then we will have 3 and a half hours left." "I guess your right but still. I want to leave now." After 20 minutes of finally getting out of the house and making it to the amusement park we got out and I dragged Evan to the ticket booth. He laughed a little then faced the nice lady up front.
   "Hello how may I help you?" "Yeah we would like 30 tickets please." "Alright hot stuff." She winked and took the money from Evans hand. I got kind of pissed for what she did but I didn't do anything since I know he will never hurt me. Maybe...
She gave Evan the 30 tickets and I saw her hand him a white piece of paper. "Call me~" She said with a wink. Of course Evan didn't like that either and he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hug and then kissed my cheek. "Thanks for the phone number but I don't need it I already have a very special person in my life." The girl looked sad and disappointed. "Whatever I already have a boyfriend." I laughed and said back to her. "Well aren't you a hoe." Me and Evan laughed while the girl just turned around probably to angry to see us. We left and gathered with the guys.

  "Why did you guys take such a long ass time?" Tyler said. "Because a bitch was trying to take Evan away from me." "Oh okay then. We can meet here at this spot once they start closing is that alright?" Everyone agreed and we went our esperate ways. I went with Evan, obviously, Craig went with Tyler, and Lui went with David. We went on roller coasters and all of those fun thing that I forgot what they where named. Time passed and I was having a blast! We both where kind of hungry so we went to get a snack.

  "Hello and what can I get you?" A guy with a very familiar 'X' on his eye said. "Yeah can I get 2 snickers and 2 cokes please?" "Yeah here you go. Can I ask you a question?" "Yeah what is it?" "Is your name Jonathan?" "Yeah, I have a question is your name Luke by any reason?" "Dude you remember me?!" "Oh god how where you by the way?" "I've been good how about you?" "Good. Hey do you want to trade numbers?" "Yeah sure." I gave him my phone number and he gives me his and that's when Mr. Jealousy walked next to me. "Hey Del, who is he?" "Is someone jealous?" I giggled and he turned a very light shade of pink. "No I just wanted to know." Before I said anything Luke interrupted me. "Hey I'm Luke. Jonathan's old friend." "Oh okay then." I guess Luke suspected something. "Are you two dating?" "Yeah." I said. "Oh okay cool. Well see you around Jon." "Bye Luke." The park was closing so we went to the spot where we have to meet everyone at and left home. While I was walking to the car Evan's face was not happy. It was more like hatred. Like if he wanted to beat someone up.

Vanoss's POV-
  I know their's something wrong with that guy Luke. Once Del said that we where dating he looked hurt and mad at the same time. When we where leaving I turned around to say bye but he shot me the death glare. "Hey earth to Evan?" I snapped out of it and looked out the window to see that we made it home. I turned around to see Del just standing their waiting for me. "I zoned out all the ride didn't I?" "Yeah you did. What where you thinking about?" "Nothing lets just go." I went to my room and went to my bed. Del opened the door and went to sleep in his bed. I closed my eyes and just let darkness consume me.

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