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Delirious's POV-

I woke up to the smell of really good food. The thing was that Evan was with me and we where cuddling. Who's cooking if it's not Evan? I started to move slowly so I don't wake up Evan and then went to the kitchen. Every step I took the smell of bacon, pancakes, and tost with butter filled my nose. It smells real good. Once I finally walked to the bottom of the stairs I saw that Kelvin was the one cooking breakfast. "Good morning Kelvin." I said and walked to the fridge to grab some apple juice. "Good morning Jonathan." "It sounds weird when people call me Jonathan since they always call me Delirious." "Do you prefer me to call you Delirious?" "If you want to. It's your choice. Anyways what are you cooking that smells really good." "Nothing special. Only pancakes and some toast with butter followed by bacon and some hash-brown." "What do you mean by nothing special? That's something only chefs serve. I guess cooking is in both Evan's and your's genes." I walked to the couch and then sat down.

10 minutes passed and Kelvin finished cooking but the guyswhere still asleep. "I have a plan!" I said. "What is it?" Kelvin said. "How about if we get a water gun and spray them?" "That's a great idea." We both walked to the patio and grabbed two big water guns and filled them with freezing water. Best plan I ever had. "Okay I'll go wake up Evan, Tyler, and Craig. You wake up Piper, Erin, David, and Nogla. Alright?" I said. "Wait why do I have to wake up 4 people?" "Do you really want to wake uo Tyler?" He was thinking for a moment then nodded. "Yeah I'll go wake up 4 people." "3.... 2..... 1.... go!" I went to my room and Evan's room then saw him peacefully asleep. Awww he looks so cute. What a shame if he would wake up. I put my gun on his face and shot. He moved a lot then stood up. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH- JONATHAN WHAT THE FUCK!" Evan screamed obviously pissed. "Sorry, love you, gotta blast!" I said and ran to Tyler and Craig's room. I shot them with water and Craig just covered himself with his hands while Tyler just jumped up and looked even madder than Evan. "FUCK YOU DELIRIOUS!! YOU ARE SO DEAD!" Tyler yelled at me and started to run towards me. "SHIT!! EVAN HELP ME!!" I yelled and Evan opened the door and looked at me run from Tyler. "EVAN!" I said. "NO BITCH!! YOU'RE SO DEAD TOO!" Evan said and started to run towards me too. "SHIT PIPER HELP ME!!" I yelled and I saw Piper run to my side. "Hey Jon! Need help!" Piper said. "Yes please!" "Well Kelvin told me it was your idea so no!" She tried to grab my arm but I doged it and ran to the patio. SHIT THEY MIGHT THROW ME IN THE POOL! STUPID! I ran and ran until my legs where literally giving up on me. I tried to run more but I couldn't feel my legs and I just fell on the floor tired. Evan, Tyler, and Piper catched up to me and looked at each other. "Should we throw him in the pool?" Piper said. "Yeah we should." Tyler said. "NO wait I got a better idea." Evan said but before Evan could say his idea Tyler and Piper both carried me to the pool and threw me in.

I started to swim up and I took my shoes off since it's too much weight then layed their on the water too tired to move. "Thanks for throwing me in the water. Really appreciate it." I said just to make fun of them. Kelvin yelled that the food was going to get cold so everyone went inside and I got out the pool. Everyone was already sitting down eating and I just walked up the stairs. "Are you going to eat Jon?" Evan said. "Later when I get myself cleaned up!" "Their won't be no more food!" "I can go buy myself something don't worry!" I said and walked inside the bathroom and took a shower.

Once I finished taking a shower and putting on some cloth I walked down stairs and the guys where playing some video games. "I'll be right back I'm going to get some food. Does anyone want something from the store? No I will not bring you candy Piper." "Come on Jon! At least a little piece of candy." Piper said. "Fine alright. Anyone want anything else?" "Can you bring a little box of Ice cream for me?" Evan said. "I'll bring you a box just for you. Anything else?" "What!? How come you buy Evan more stuff than your own sister?" Piper said. "Because he's my boyfriend and your my sister. Anyways nobody wants anything else?" "GUMMY BEARS!" Lui yelled with his squeaker voice. "Alright I'll be back."

●Time skip to when he makes it to the store.●

I got out of my motorcycle and entered the store. I went to grab some gummy bears and grabed a big box of cookies & cream flavor Ice Cream and payed for it. I went to the closest place I can grab food and it was Taco Bell. I order what I wanted and waited. While I was waiting a kind of short lady walked up to me and smiled. "Hello." "Hi." "I know who you are Jonathan Dennis." I was confused. How does she know my name when I don't even know her? "I also know you're the famous YouTuber H20Delirious. You may ask who I am well my name is Clare. I'm the one who Evan called. I'm also the perfect match for Evan so if I where you I would back up from my man." Clare said. "Bitch please he's my man since I asked him out to be my boyfriend not you." My order was called and I didn't even listen to what she said. I just grabbed my food and walked to my motorcycle. She came outside but I put on my helmet before I could even hear her voice. I left the place and drove home.


Once I opened the door I gave Lui his gummy bears and I told Evan his Ice cream will be in the fridge. "Hey where's my candy?" Piper asked. "Shit I forgot! I can give you some of my food if you want." "No it's fine." Since when is she nice. -_- Something is up. Maybe she went soft since she's with Kelvin that's the only reason. I sat down next to Evan and he smiled at me. "Evan remember the girl that you called?" "Yeah why? "Well I saw her. I didn't know who she was until she came towards me and said my name and last name also my YouTube name. She also told me her name was Clare. Does that sound familiar to you?" Evav froze for a second then nodded. "That's one of Sydney's friend. She would always flirt with me all the time and she must've been with Sydney and that's maybe how they knew who you are. But what about the other girl that liked you?" "I don't know I only saw her. Let's just hope she doesn't know where we live or they don't spy on us." "Yeah I don't want to deal with drama. I already had to deal with Sydney." "Yeah."

3rd POV-

Everything was fine. The guys where playing their games, Jonathan was eating his food, and Everyone had someone to love well... mostly everyone. All was going so well but what they didn't know was that their where 2 girls looking at them from afar.


What will happen to them? Anyways sorry for not updating I already told you guys about it. FUCKING PROJECTS CAN DIE IN HELL!! Anyways I was going toupdate this chapter when I saw how many views it had. 1.6 K VIEWS!!!! HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!! I never imagined my book being that good. I always thought this was just a story that only a handful of people see but I guess I was wrong. Just for that I'm going ti do a face reveal. I promised my brother that if my book gets a lot of views I will do a face reveal. Now I won't promise it will be tomorrow but it will happen one day. Thank you all for the views and PEACE!!✌✌✌✌

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