Little fight.

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Delirious's POV-

  I was watching the patty's until I see Evan running towards me with a big smile. "Weren't you going to the bathroom?" "Yeah but I have to show this to you." He grabbed his phone and showed me the photo. I was shocked. " I KNEW IT!" I was happy for  both of them but I also wish that was me and Evan. "Wait! You knew they liked each other?!" "Well yeah, both of them told me." "WHAT! Why didn't Tyler and Mini tell me!" Evan looked a little pissed off because of that. "Well don't get mad at them at least their together now. At least they have each other." I whispered the last part but I guess Evan heard me. "What did you say?" "Nothing!" I tried changing the topic but every single time I try Evan always finds a way to bring that up. "Please Del! Tell me what you said!" "FINE! You always want to know everything. I just said 'At least they have each other.'" He gave me a small smile and said. "Hey don't worry you have me to hang out with." I was shocked. I thought he was going to say 'That's weird.' or shit like that. "Thank's Evan." "No problem. Let me call the others and tell them the burgers are ready."

Vanoss's POV-

  "FINE! You always want to know everything. I just said 'At least they have each other.'" I was kind of sad for both of us. I really liked Delirious but I don't know if he liked me. I didn't know delirious liked someone. I really hope he likes me but I don't even know if he likes men. I just gave him a small smile. "Hey don't worry you have me to hang out with." He looked really happy with the thought of that. "Thank's Evan." "No problem. Let me call the others and tell them the burgers are ready." "Okay." I left and walked first to Tyler's room. Craig was there with Tyler smiling and laughing. "Hey love birds the burgers are ready." They both quickly turn around and I saw they both were blushing a lot. "Fuck you Evan." Tyler said. "No you can go fuck Craig." Craig was blushing MADLY and Tyler just reached the door and slammed it on my face. I got close to the door to hear what they where saying. "Oh my god Evan is such a bitch!" Tyler said. "Hey do you want to tell them about us?" Craig sounded so innocent now I regret saying that curse you Mini and your innocent voice. I then called David and Lui to go get there food and went back to the patio. I think Delirious saw something was wrong. "What did you do?" "Well the story goes like this. I saw Craig and Tyler smiling and laughing then I just said. 'Okay love birds the food is ready.' Once I said that Tyler said. 'Fuck you Evan.' But I replied. 'No you can go fuck Craig.' Which made Craig blush furiously and which made Tyler angry and he closed the door on my face." I told him and he just started laughing so hard. I love his laugh. Every time he laughs I laugh. " What are you love birds laughing at?" Tyler. "Hey fuck you Tyler." "No go fuck Delirious." Oh my god. The pay back. I turned a light shade of pink and delirious well I couldn't see if he was blushing because he was wearing his mask. I ran to Tyler and I was about to punch him in his arm but Craig tackled me and said. "DON'T YOU DARE!" "So it's true. You guys are a couple." Delirious said. "How do you know?" "Oh um..." "EVAN! WERE YOU HEARING US WHILE WE WHERE IN THE ROOM!" "Maybe, maybe not."  "You-" "Tyler calm down they already know. Those are good news remember we where already planning on telling them." Tyler looked pissed off but then calmed down. "Fine, but next time it won't be pretty." "Ohhh I'm so scared." I said trying to make him kind of mad but it turned out he was REALLY mad.

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