Guess who?

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Delirious's POV-
I woke up with a headache and me naked next to Vanoss. Wait what?! Did we actually do it? I then got memories of what happened last night. I blushed a deep red and felt 2 arms wrap around my waist. "Good morning love." "Good morning Evy- bear." I layed down and just locked eyes with him. "What do you want for breakfast?" He said kind of sleepy. "How about the usual." He smirked and got close to my ear. "How about a sausage in the side~" Evan said while smirking. "Shut the fuck up you bitch!" I said and punched him lightly in the arm. He touched his arm and acted hurt. "Jonathan I can't believe you just hit me. That's abuse." I laughed at the stupid little comment he said. "Shut the fuck up you bitch. Let's go make breakfast, well you make breakfast." I said while getting up and entered the restroom to take a shower.

I changed the water just the right temperature and I just jumped in. I was just thinking of random stuff then the curtains moved a little revealing a handsome face. "Can I join you?" Evan asked. I chuckled and let him in. We where messing around with each other and then got out. We got dressed and walked to the kitchen.

Everyone was awake and sitting down in the table with nothing in front of them. "You know their are kids in this place that heard you all night long doing noises." Lui said with a kid voice. The guys laughed and so did Evan but not me I just looked down with embarrasment. I sat down in a chair and felt pain in my ass also when I'm walking. I tried so hard not to act that my ass hurted but I guess it was very obvious. "Well someone is butt hurt." Tyler said earning some laughs. I put my head down blushing like crazy. "Well just for the looks at it I guess Delirious was bottom." Craig said. "Shut the fuck up you bitch! I bet you're also bottom with Tyler." I said making Craig laugh while everyone laughs.

Evan's POV-
I was cooking breakfast like usual and I made everyone the usual while I cooked Delirious and me some bacon. (Who doesn't like bacon? BACON IS LIFE) I put food in everyone's plate and sat down. "Since when did you start cooking Tyler's family Vanoss?" Delirious said. We all laughed while Tyler just gave Delirious the death glare. "Shut up bitch!" Tyler said obviously pissed.

We finished eating and just started watching tv. I got a call and hoped it wasn't Sydney and luckly it wasn't. It was brock.

E- Hello?

B-Hey Evan! It's me brock.

E- Yeah well no shit. Whats up?

B- I just wanted to say open the front door.

I was about to say something but Brock just hanged up. "Whats wrong?" Nogla said. "I just got a call fron Brock and he said open the front door." Everyone stood up and walked to the door. I opened it to reveal Brock and Brian? "Sup." Brock said. "Hey Brock." Everyone said at the same time. We talked and I guess Brian was too focused on a phone call because he walked kind of far from us and didn't turn around he had his back to us. Perfect. "Hey guys I have an idea." I said quiet. I told them we should grab a bucket of water and throw it on his head. Every single person even Brock grabbed a bucket of water and we silently walked towards Brian. We stopped a little because of what he was saying. "What do you mean that... I should've know you bitch!.. No I'm done with your crap... You're not keeping him... No it's mine end of the fucking conversation I'm keeping him and thats fucking it you bitch!" He hangged up and took a deep breath. "I know you fuckers are behind me I'm not that stupid." He turned around and saw our buckets of water. "NOW!" I screamed and we threw the water at brian. He just closed his eyes and didn't move. "You know I kind of needed that because I needed to relax a bit. That doesn't mean it's over I will still have my revenge." Everyone laughed and we walked inside. "Wow this place is huge. I'm kind of surprised their's no mess here." Brock said. "So Brian why where you screaming at the phone that you're keeping him and telling someone a bitch?" I said. "Because I want to keep my son." Everyone looked at him with wide-eyes. "WHAT!?!" We all said at the same time. "No I'm just messing with you guys." He started laughing and everyone did but Brock didn't. "No but really why where you screaming at your phone?" "Because my girlfriend cheated on me and she want's to keep the dog that I bought and fed all the time while she went out with her friends." "Well it's kind of obviouse you should keep it so if I where you I should of just grab it with no problem." Delirious said. "Yeah I guess you're right. That's ghe first time you're ever right."

We all laughed and decided to go to the pool. Time passed and they left but said they would visit soon. We all went to bed and I went to mine. I was about to fall asleep when I felt someone tap my shoulder. "Can I sleep with you?" Delirious said with his beautiful bright blje eyes. I scooted over and he layed dosn with me. "Good night Evy-bear." "Good night my little bitch." "I am not you're bitch!" "Yes you are and I proved it yesterday in the night and I can prove it again." "Fine whatever. At least I'm your bitch." "Forever."

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