Pizza,Games, and Sweatpants

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Chapter 5

Ashton's POV:

"Ashton Fletcher Irwin get your ass up." I heard Calum say.

"No." I said turning over.

"Fine." Calum said. "I'll just pour some water on you."

"Calum are you ready to leave." I heard Luke say.

"Yeah let me get shoes on and we can head over to the girls bus." Calum said.

"Wait your going over there." I said.

"It's up." Calum said.

"Don't leave me here." I said.

"Get your ass ready." Calum said.

"Are you just in sweatpants." I said.

"And a shirt." Calum said. I slowly made my way off the bunk and on to the ground. I look down to see I'm in shorts and a shirt..... Sweatpants or no sweatpants. Sweatpants.

"To the bus." I said throwing on shoes.

"Motherdick." We heard Nicole say. (A/N The Walking Dead anyone)

"We're here." Michael said.

"Haha motherfuca." Sadie said.(A/N Ted 2 anyone)

"I'm not asking what's going on." Calum said.

"I told you I would beat you at Halo." Sadie said.

"I will get you." Nicole said. Sadie turned white.

"So not asking what just happened." Calum ssaid.

"Make yourselfs at home." Sadie said.

"Anyone seen my Captain America shirt." Nicole said.

"What's wrong with what your wearing?" Luke asked.

"I only have a sports bra on." Nicole said.

"How can you exercise." Sadie said putting her control down.

"I kinda have to have muscle to play the drums." Nicole said.

"Oh Hey I found your shirt." Sadie said lifting it up.

"I have to come get it don't I." Nicole said.

"Yes." Sadie said.

"I hate you sometimes." Nicole said walking out with only a sports bra on and sweatpants.

"Whoa." Calum said.

"Don't you even dare say anything." Nicole said putting on the shirt.

"You have Fifia." Michael said.

"Fifia is so boring. It's like watching Football in London again but on a video game." Nicole said. (A/N They're British)

"There was nothing wrong with football." Sadie said.

"American Football is way better." Nicole said.

"Oh please it's like Rugby but safer." Sadie said.

"So what I'm getting is you don't like Fifia." I said. Nicole shakes her head Yes. "Finally someone understands me." (A/N Lets face it Ashton almost didn't make the band because he didn't like Fifia)

"This is the reason why you almost didn't join the band." Luke said.

"And that purple shirt and the shorts." Calum said.

"Remeber the push bike." Michael said.

"Fuck you guys." I said sitting down.

"Aww it's okay Ash we love you in a way." Calum said. As the girls laugh.

"Sadie was in a pink flower dress if it makes you feel better." Nicole said.

"Blame my mother." Sadie said.

"We had the same Mother. Dress. We had the same dress." Nicole said.

"Did you say mom?" Luke said.

"You guy didn't know. Sadie is adopted." Calum said.

"Way to say it Calum." Nicole said.

"There's no other way to say it." Calum said.

"There is it's called keeping your mouth shut." Nicole said.

"Are you wearing Pizza socks?" Michael asked.

"It's normal." Nicole said plopping on the couch next to me.

"How normal?" Luke asked.

"Say going on a rant about pizza for a straight hour."Sadie said.

"That's not normal." Calum said.

"To you." Nicole said.

"Anyone up for a game of Mario cart?" Nicole asked going through the games.

"Sounds good." Michael said.

"Feels good." I said.

"Lame." Sadie said.

"You think you can do better." I challenged.

"Let's pause, rewind, and repeat this conversation." Nicole said.

"Three albums. You are good." Calum said.

"So many Replay jokes ended up as me making them." Nicole said.

"Nicole you are so going down." Sadie said.

"Sure." Nicole said.

"Hey Ashton is that a cat I see." Michael said.

"Ha ha very funny Mike." I said.

"FOR THE WIN!" Nicole said.

"What I miss?" Luke asked walking out from the bunks.

"Nicole got first place in Mario Cart." Calum replied looking up from his phone.

"I ordered the pizza." Luke said.

"Yes! Pizza." Michael said.

"What movie should we watch?" Nicole asked.

"Deadpool?" Sadie said more of a question.

"What in the ass. How could I say no." Michael said.

"What in the shit biscuit. Is way better." Nicole said.

"I just became your new best friend." Michael said.

"I thought I was your best friend." Calum said.

"I got you Calum." I said.

"What about me." Luke said.

"We're in this together Luke." Sadie said. We all looked at Nicole.

"PIZZA!" Nicole yelled as we laughed.

"Nicole your a loner." Sadie said.

"It's my life." Nicole sang.(A/N Bon Jovi)

"Here we go again." Sadie said.

"Don't want to hear it. You just copied High school never ends by Bowling For Soup." Nicole said.

"Play the movie." Sadie said.

As the movie started I couldn't get comfortable. It was until the next movie when I felt someone leaning on me. I look over to see Nicole leaning on me falling asleep.

"Do you want me to move." I whispered to her. She shook her head no in response.

"Can we cuddle?" Nicole asks. I moved around so that I was laying behind her. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close. I put my other arm under her head. I put my head just above hers so if she moved I wouldn't get hit.

She rolled over and got comfortable. I saw her eyes start drooping and then they were closed. I heard her softly breathing. I look over to see Calum and Luke fast asleep. Michael and Sadie were wide awake. I soon started to drift to sleep but not until I heard the click of a camera. After that I saw darkness.

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