"I can't lose her, mate"

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Chapter 21

Ashton's POV:

I was sitting next to Nicole's bed. She hasn't woken up. She lost a lot of blood. Beep beep beep beep beep. Her heart rate picked up and then ended.

"No no no." I said.

"WE NEED A DOCTER!" Sadie screamed.

"Everyone out of the room." The nurses ushered.


3 hours. We haven't heard from her for 3 hours.

"What if I lose her." I said.

"You're not gonna."  Calum said.

"I can't lose her,mate." I said.

"I have great news." The doctor said.

"Ok and." Sadie gestured.

"She's alive." He said. We all sighed in relief. "But."

"But, there's a but." Luke said.

"She's still not awake. She's in a coma." The doctor said. A coma. It could be years. Weeks. No months. I don't wanna lose her. That's when I broke.

"There's nothing you can do?" I asked in tears. He just shook his head. Figures. He walked away with sad eyes.

"Why did this happen?" Calum asked.

"Owen." Sadie said.

"How was it Owen?" Luke asked.

"He left her a letter. Saying if she didn't say turn Ashton down. He was going to punish her. And I guess this is what he meant. I told her to tell you Ash. I didn't think that she went to meet him and not you. I'm so sorry. This is my fault." Sadie said.

"Sadie it's no ones fault. It's Owen's. He started this." I said hugging her.

"You know on tour. She would always be listening to your music. And every time she heard the drums she would always smile. The one time I heard her say 'I miss you Ash.' The day after you left from the bonfire. I swear she was the happiest girl on earth." Sadie said smiling at the end.

"What are we going to do?" Michael asked.

"What if we lose her?" I asked.

"We won't. Stop saying that we will." Sadie said.

"YOU!" We heard someone yell. We look over to see a guy with security chasing him.


"Go to hell Owen." Sadie said.

"Oh you think your so perfect huh. Bet you never told anyone about your miscarriage." Owen said.

"I WAS JUST 14!" Sadie yelled.

"Then you got my father killed. You couldn't handle any fun." He said.

"Your father raped me. He deserved to die like you do." Sadie said.

"You little bitch." He said.

"That's enough from you Mr.Wing." Someone said. They put him in a straight jacked as he got held back.

"THIS ISNT OVER!" He yelled.

"Don't worry about him. He's going to a mental award. For a lifetime." The lady said.

"Thank you." We said.

"No thank you for stalling." She said.

"Anytime?" Calum said more of a question.

4 weeks later

Four weeks. She's been asleep for four weeks. We all visit her. Hoping that one day she wakes up. And that day hasn't come. I've been losing hope. What if she doesn't wake up. What if she forgets us. What if that. What if this. That's all that can go through my head. I don't know what I'll do with myself if I lose her.

"Ash you sure your fine." Luke said.

"Honestly Luke. I'm really not fine at all." I said. (A/n ..... I WISH I COULD WAKE UP WITH AMNESIA. AND FORGET ABOUT THE STUPID LITTLE THINGS)

"We can get through this." Luke said.

"Can we. Can we really Luke." I said.
"She hasn't woke up. She got stabbed by her crazy ex. Her ex was fucking her mom while they were dating. She lost so much blood. That it put her in a damn coma. So tell me. Can we really get through this."

"Can you two be quiet damn." A voice said.

"NICOLE!" Sadie yelled.

"Thanks for the headache." She said.

"How are you feeling?" Calum asked.

"Like death." She said.

"We're just happy your okay." Michael said.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Your ex stabbed you." Luke said.

"How long was I out?" She asked.

"4 weeks." I said.

"Oh." She said.

"I'm going to get the doctor." Sadie said.

"We missed you. Mostly Ashton. He didn't leave the room for almost a week." Calum said. Nicole grabbed my hand.

"The doctor is here." Sadie said. He asked the normal questions. Checked up on her. And said she could leave tomorrow. We got told what we had to do to take care of her.

This is going to be a long and interesting process.

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