"5 years."

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Chapter 17

Nicole's POV:

Right now Sadie and I are heading back to the house. We invited the guys over to see if they wanted to join us for a Bon fire. Today has been a really good day. We got wood, stuff to make s'mores, and camping chairs. We were setting up when the door bell went off.

"I'll get it." Sadie said. I started the fire.

"Yes! Fire!" Ashton yelled. (A/n We were like Yes Fire!)

"Fire is a bitch." Michael said.

"That was your fault for trying to like your fart on fire." Calum said.

"Wait what." Sadie said laughing.

"You tried lighting your fart on fire. What you do burn your ass." She said.

"Yes." He said.

"Oh my god. That's fucking great." I said laughing in tears.

"Haven't you done anything stupid?" Michael asked.

"The only stupid thing I did was dye my hair blonde." I said.

"That was the most awkward stage in your life." Sadie told me.

"More like girliest stage." I said.

"What about you Sadie?" Ashton asked.

"I tried breaking into school." She said.

"Oh my god I ember that!" I said.

"Why did you try breaking into school?" Luke asked laughing.

"Long story short. I left my favorite guitar pick in my locker. So I wanted it back." She said.

"Did you get caught?" Calum asked.

"Nope." She said smirking.

"No you almost did. Till I started scream singing." I said laughing at the memories.

"I thought egging people's houses was fun." Ashton said.

"We've done that to this jocks house. Turned out it was actually his girlfriends." I said.

"I don't know if that's bad or great." Calum said.

"His girlfriend was a really nice person, but after that she became a bitch." Sadie said.

"That's another way to put it." Luke said. All of the sudden there was a thud. It was my dog.

"My dog everyone." I said getting up to let him join us.

"Awe he's just like Luke. Adorable but clumsy." Michael said.

"I hate this band." Luke said.

"But you love Replay." Sadie said wiggling her eyebrow.

"It's iffy." He said. My dog jumped up on my lap catching me off and there goes my chair.

"Mother fucker." I said.

"Did you have a nice trip?" Calum said laughing.

"It was so great that my dog is fat." I said.

"Someone's phone is going off." Michael said.

"What's it playing?" I asked.

"The bitch came back by Theory of a deadman." Sadie said.

"That's my mom." I said grabbing my phone.

(Nikki",Her mom')


'Nikki I miss you.'


'Are you ok.'

"I'm fine. Just allergic to bull shit."

'That is no way to talk to your mother.'

"If you mean whore"

'Nicole Hailey Ross!'

"Evelyn Ross!"

'I just came to say sorry.'

"For what. Ruining my life, cheating on my father, oh and trying to take my best friend away from me."

'I just wanted to say sorry for having an affair with your ex.'

"How long."

'You don't want to know.'


'5 years.'

"Fuck you." With that I threw my phone.

"Nicole what's wrong?" Sadie asked.

"5 years Sadie." I said sitting on the camping chair.

"5 years of what?" Ashton asked.

"5 years that the whore was having an affair with Owen." I said.

"That's low. Not you. Your mom." Calum said.

"He was just using me for my mom." I said.

"Nikki's mom has got it going on." Calum sang.

"Just stop." I said laughing.

"Hey, at least you don't have to deal with them." Ashton said.

"Just why me." I said.

"The worst goes to the best people." Michael said.

"Wouldn't we know it." Sadie said. I just gave her a sad smile.

"Everyone here has the worst past." Luke said.

"Sadie. We never heard your story." Calum pointed out.

"Sadie you don't have too if you don't want to." I said.

"No. It's about time." She said.

"Ok. So this is what I've been through. At age 5 I lost my dad. A fire started in the house. I didn't know why. Until my mom and I walked out. I soon learned it was because of a meth lab. My mom and dad were drug dealers. We moved around a lot until I turned 11. That's when we moved next to Nicole. My mom would blame me for my fathers death. The one night I was over at Nikki's and there was a fire in my house. My mom died. I had no where to go. No family member wanted me. I was an orphan. I got put into foster homes. Until Nicole's mom adopted me. that's when I felt as I had a real family. Her mom would always try to shape me into something not. After she stopped trying the band happened. Now I'm here." Sadie just looked at her hands.

"Your here now with us." Michael said. "And next time don't cut."

I laid my head on Ashton's shoulder and soon fell asleep.

"Which one is her room, again?" A voice asked.

"The one on the right." Another one said. I felt the person moving and I heard a door open. I felt my bed underneath me and I opened up my eyes.

"Don't go. Please Ash." I said.

"I can sleep downstairs." He said.

"I wanna cuddle." I said sitting up. "Pwease." I said pouting and bringing my arms in front of me.

"I guess." He said laying down.

"Yay." I said cuddling into him.

"Goodnight, love." He said.

"Goodnight Ashy." I said smirking at him blushing.

"What am I going to do with you." I heard him faintly say.

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