Whoa. Back the train up

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Chapter 23

Sadie's POV:

I can't be, but I am. What am I going to say. How can I tell them. Nikki's already 8 months in. My wedding is in a month. And this happens. What will he say. I don't know what to do.

"Babe you ready to head over." Michael said.

"Yeah just one second." I hid the test and walked down stairs.

"To the Irwins." Michael said pointing out the door. Me and mike live in Me and Nikki's old house. Calum moved in with Luke and took Mikes place and well The Irwin's aka Nikki and Ashton live where Cal use to with Ash. Nikki and Ash already are married. Right after we found out 4 months in and they got married. Mike proposed a month after. And 3 months later here we are.

"Please have clothes on." Michael said walking in the house.

"No I'm going to be naked in the living room." Nikki said. We found out she is a very sarcastic and perverted pregnant woman.

"Uncle Calum is here." Calum said walking in the door with Luke. They've going on dates but they haven't found the right one.

"Guys. I have a girlfriend." Luke said. Maybe Luke has. "This is Bailey."

"And this is my girlfriend Sarah." Calum said.

"Wow I thought it was your sister." Nikki said.

"Don't mind her." I said.

"Is she pregnant?" Bailey asked.

"No I just automatically got like this in 8 months." Nikki said rolling her eyes.

"Was that--."

"If I were you I would've say another word." Sarah said.

"I like you." Nikki said to Sarah.

"Where's Ash?" I asked.

"Showering. He decided to exercise." Nikki said sitting down.

"You didn't exercise with him." I said.

"I'm too pregnant for that." Nikki said all of us laughing.

"Babe! Have you seen my shirt." Ashton yelled out.

"No! Wait I found it." Nikki said.

"Really where?" He asked coming out.

"I'm wearing it." Nikki said smiling at him.

"Your lucky I love you." Ash said kissing her forehead. "And this little one." He added pointing  to her  stomach.

"We love you too." Nikki said. Will me and Michael be like that. How will Michael react. Will he still love me? Will he still want to marry me? What if he doesn't want a kid?

"You know what I just realized." Calum said.

"What?" Luke asked.

"If all of us got married..... Wivesos." Calum said. We all started laughing. Only he would remember their first snapchat story. (A/n if 5SOS get married WiveSOS 😂😂😂) Me and Nikki soon drifted out side to the many trips of just needing a talk.

"How did we end up like this?" I asked Nikki.

"Honestly I don't know." She said looking at me.

"Do you think I'll turn in to my mom?" I asked tears forming in my eyes.

"Of course not." Nikki said.

"Nicole. I'm pregnant." I said.

"That's great news." She said smiling. I cried on her shoulder.

"What's wrong." She said rubbing my back.

"Wh-what if M-Mike isn't r-ready f-for a-a kid." I hiccuped through tears.

"If he isn't ready then you can come here. Your my sister. If he can't see how wonderful you are and how lucky he is to be having a kid with you then just come here." Nikki said.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too sis. I love you too." Nikki said.

"Sadie is everything alright?" Ash asked coming out. Nikki gave me the 'do you wanna tell him.' Look.

"Ash. I'm pregnant." I said.

"Michael would be so happy." Ash said.

"See I told you had nothing to worry about." Nikki said.

"How would he be happy?" I asked.

"We were just talking about having kids. Mike even said that he was ready." Ash said.

"What about tour?" I asked.

"If I can manage so can you." Nikki said.

"I guess I can." I said.

"I gotta go back. Bailey is telling a story about how she pranked Luke." Ash said walking back.

"Have you found out the gender?" I asked. We never brought up the pregnancy because it was an accident.

"I haven't told Ash yet, but it's a boy." She said.

"Your getting that baby boy you always wanted." I said.

"Ash wanted a girl, but I won the bet we made." She said.

"You made a bet on the gender of your kid." I asked laughing.

"It's not weird." She said.

"You and Ash have the oddest marriage." I said still laughing.

"No we have a great marriage that is just interesting." She said joining in.

"Let's go in." I said. We went in and started talking. It got late so me and Mike left. We got home and I wanted to break the news.

"Mike I have to tell you something." I said in the door way.

"What is it?" He asked pausing his game.

"What if I told you I'm pregnant?" I asked.

"I would be happy, why?"  He asked.

"Cause I am." I said looking down.

"This is amazing. I'm going to be a dad. I just. I love you." Mike said running from the couch to me and spinning me.

"I love you so much." Mike said.

"I love you too." I said.

"And I love you too. Even if you can't hear me." Mike said into my stomach.

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