Bonus: Medicine Herbs

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Other treatments & uses:

Alder Bark
Description: Bark of the alder tree.
Location: Grows mainly in boggy, wet terrain.
Usage: For tooth pain.
Effect: Eases toothaches

Beech Leaves
Description: Large, broad leaves that can be serrated, entire or sparsely toothed.
Location: Grows in almost any soil that is not waterlogged.
Usage: By medicine cats for carrying other herbs.
Effect: None.

Description: Arrow-head shaped leaves with pale white or pink trumpet shaped flowers.
Location: Grows almost anywhere.
Usage: Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place.

Borage Leaves
Description: It is easily distinguished by its small blue or pink star-shaped flowers and hairy leaves.
Location: Grows best in forests.
Usage: It is chewed and eaten by nursing .
Effect: It produces more and better milk. It also brings down fevers.

Description: Shrubs with small leaves and small yellow flowers.
Location: Unknown
Usage: It is used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds

Description: Has oval-shaped leaves with serrated edges. Stems grow 50-200cm tall, with large clusters of small flower buds on top.
Location: Usually found in dry, grassy meadows.
Usage: A traveling herb.
Effect: Is said to help stop minor bleeding on Twolegs. Keeps a cat's strength up.

Description: A plant with fuzzy green balls on long stems.
Location: It is common in hedges and other low, shrubby vegetation.
Usage: The burrs are put on the pelt where poultices are.
Effect: Stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin.

Description: A small, white flower with a large, yellow center.
Location: Can be found in Twoleg gardens.
Usage: Eaten.
Effect: Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind. Also given to traveling cats for strength.

Cob Nuts
Description: A smooth brown nut with a hard outside shell. A type of hazelnut.
Location: Under or near hazel trees that grow in sunny spots.
Usage: Made into ointments.

Description: A flowering plant with yellow or white flowers resembling dandelions. Grows best in newleaf.
Location: Grows by waterfall.
Usage: Leaves chewed into a pulp.
Effect: Eases breathing or kitten-cough, as well as cracked or sore pads.

Daisy Leaf
Description: Thick, dark green, oval shaped leaves.
Location: Almost everywhere.
Usage: Chewed into a paste.
Effect: Eases the pain of aching joints. It is also a travelling herb.

Description: Small bush with flowers resembling daisies. Has a sharp tangy smell and small soft leaves.
Location: Grows best along the water.
Usage: Eaten.
Effect: Reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills. Also heals aches and pains, especially good for headaches

Description: Plant with ovate leaves
Location: Unknown
Usage: Given daily.
Effect: Eases anxiety and grief.

Heather Nectar
Description: Nectar found in bell-shaped flowers.
Location: The bushes covering the tunnel to the Nursery.
Usage: Included in herbal mixtures.
Effect: Makes swallowing easier and sweetens mixtures.

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