Chapter 9

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The meadow was filled with vibrant colours. The sun shone ever so brightly, the breeze off the sea was relaxed and mellow. Yellowpaw was padding down the meadows with  Fallingpaw by her side along with their mentor's side by side.

"Right Fallingpaw, can you try catching some fish?" mewed Rabbitsong as she sat down by the river. Fallingpaw quickly paddled through the river catching up to a fish and claws it out of the water grasping its lifeless scaly body."Good keep doing laps against the current and strengthen your legs, don't forget to do stretches afterwards."

"Rabbitsong can I borrow you for a moment? I need to show Yellowpaw how to protect herself properly" Meowed Riverstone, Rabbitsong gave a quick nod and stepped towards the trampled grass circle.

Riverstone circled Rabbitsong on all fours, nimbly Rabbitsong leaps up into the air. Riverstone quickly straightens out her tail and coils it around Rabbitsong's forepaw shifting her balance in midair causing the mentor to skid into the grass unbalanced.

"That was incredible! Show me how to do it!" Pestered Yellowpaw bounding up to her mentor.

"No" Riverstone's meow was blunt "No buts! They won't fill bellies, nor protect the clan. This is only achieved by practice! Now carry on practising, it's the only way you can survive."

"'s like you're acting like Hawkeye." Muttered Yellowpaw as she practised her hunting techniques

"I'm allowed to boss you around after all I am your Mentor!" Retorted Riverstone.

"They both act like kits bickering over who is the rat" Remarked Rabbitsong.

Fallingpaw clamoured out of the river and picks up a fish in her mouth heading back to camp with Rabbitsong. The gentle sea breeze swayed in the air the wisteria was slightly wilted by the heat of the sun. Fallingpaw quietly put the fish on the fresh kill pile which was depleted of all prey, the water trickled off the cliff in a small steady stream dropping onto the ground below. Fallingpaw's back was plastered red by the heat of the sun making her extremely uncomfortable. Cypressfur quietly came out of the shade of the together tree and into the clearing looking at the fish on the fresh kill pile.

"Apprentice!" Snaps the frail elder at Fallingpaw, who meekly turns around to face Cypressfur.

"Yes, Cypressfur?" Fallingpaw mewed as she pushed the dirt from under her paws.

"what in Starclan is this?" Queried Cypressfur

"It's a fish I caught from the river" shyly explained Fallingpaw.

"I know it is! I've been around here for seasons, furball Apprentice. I'm taking it." Stated  Cypressfur picking up one of the fishes and joins the elders in the shade.

Yellowpaw approached her sister happily padding up to her. She places down a fat rabbit on the small pile beaming with pride.

"Look at what I caught Fallingpaw!" Meowed Yellowpaw as she puffed out her chest fur.

"How could you kill a creature that sweet looking!" Squeals Fallingpaw! "Its coat is so fluffy too...."

"Fallingpaw is just prey. We need to eat to become strong" Admitted Yellowpaw as she closed the little rabbit's eyes.

The two walk away from the pile and cross the fallen tree making sure no one else was in the area.

"Are we going at Moon high?" Meowed Yellowpaw trying to keep her voice down.

"Yes, there is a small tunnel just there it leads out through to the meadow, no cat guards it. I checked it out a few moons ago." Whispersld Fallingpaw as she squinted in the sun rays,

The two then walk over the tree and make their way to the crowd of cats.
"Alright! Fogstorm you are in charge of dusk patrol in the mountain side, Pinepelt, Riverstone and your apprentices will join" beckons Beetlenose as cats moved to form groups. "Slateface, Rabbitsong with your apprentices, go tothe forest. Finally, Nightingalewing and Sheepfur with Lizardpaw will patrol the marsh."

The group of cats spread out and exited the camp quickly as the sun was being swallowed by the water beyond the cliff.

"Now keep your eyes on the sky for eagles apprentices" ordered Fogstorm as he took the lead in the large clearing. The sounds of distant cawing of eagles filled the air as they circled above. "Only attack if they come close enough to the ground."

Yellowpaw followed her patrol obediently as she looked up in the sky. The Eagles have moved out of site in the clear sky. The sky was turning a dull orange as the cool sea breeze drove into the mountains.

"What are you looking at fleapelt?" Cooed Tanglepaw as he stopped in front of Yellowpaw.

"I'm looking for Eagles."Mutters Yellowpaw under her breath

"There is none." Replied Tanglepaw "are you going mad?"

"Says the walking prickle Bush that can be clawed by accident by an eagle" Mews Yellowpaw as she kept her head tilted upright to the sky.

The group looked around for any issues with the mountainside then headed back to camp. The flowers had bloomed in the meadow. A sea of colour painted the grassy greenplains as the cats tread over the flowers that easily came up to their bellies.

All was quiet in the forest beside the faint chirps of some blackbirds up high in the trees. The sun was setting quickly as the cats slowly padded through the lush greenery of shrubs and grass. Fallingpaw kept in tail length of her mentor Rabbitsong as they search the forest.

"Flamepaw, can you look around and see what you can find in the way of prey? How about Fallingpaw helps?Rabbitsong." Questions Slateface as she signals Flamepaw to come closer to the others.

"Okay, but Fallingpaw can only carry the prey. Orders from Foxstripe." Meows Rabbitsong "no going past the boundary."

Fallingpaw quietly follows Flamepaw from behind stopping in some dirt and rubbing herself in it masking her scent. "What are you doing?" Meowed Flamepaw as he loomed over Fallingpaw.

"I'm masking my scent from prey, don't you know how to do that?" Questions Fallingpaw as she scuffed some dust around her paws.

"I know! Let's move on, there is amouse up ahead." Rushed Flamepaw as he followed the trail of the mouse.

By the time he was done hunting, there was a total of four morsels to carry, all of them plump and healthy.

Warriors: The Clans Curse, The Second Sight (Book 1 Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now