Chapter 2

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"Look Fallingkit there is a puddle here! We can see what we look like" mewed Yellowkit leading her smaller sister behind " I have green eyes like Mumma, but one is half brown?" Yellowkit quickly looks across to Fallingkit nodding happily. "My fur is so fluffy too and dappled with sunshine."

"I look nothing like you Yellowkit" mewed Fallingkit curiously

"Don't worry sis; you look like Mumma without the fur and the orange.!" Squeaked Yellowkit licking her sister's cheek.

The moon sat high in the sky; the night patrol has arrived back into the clan, a chilling breeze raced around the camp.

"Fear me pheasant! I will hunt you down and eat you!" Squealed Yellowkit as she rolled around on the moss covered floor trying to throw off Fallingkit's lightning speed, within a heart beat Yellowkit lunged onto Fallingkit's back with a triumphant purr she celebrated the catch of her littermate. Fallingkit squealed and went limp. Yellowkit retracts her claws quickly looking at her sister, instantly Fallingkit rolled away from her sister purring with satisfaction.

"Go to sleep you two now, tomorrow you two can explore the camp as much as you want" hisses Toadwhisker placing her head down back into the nest as Yellowkit gleefully let go of Fallingkit and they both go and curl up next to Toadwhisker.

"Tell us a story please Toadwhisker" pleaded Yellowkit and Fallingkit in unison.

"Fine but you have to sleep after it, deal?" Fallingkit and Yellowkit looked up at Toadwhisker nodding their heads enthusiastically, "Seasons ago in Cliffclan,about two seasons since the discovery of Cliffclan. There was a courageous and silent warrior called Palestream; The clan was still getting used to their territory and boundaries. One sunrise she was put in charge of leading a patrol in the forest, the patrol picked up a foul scent that still haunts the forest till this day." Spooked Toadwhisker looking at the kits widening her eyes in horror.

"No more! Please No More!"Squealed small Fallingkit hiding under Toadwhisker's tail.

"Ignore Fallingkit keep telling me the story!" Eagerly mewed Yellowkit.

"Palestream kept leading the patrol as one by one her clanmates disappeared. Soon the smell was overwhelming for her, she turned around, and there was a massive stripped beast. Its beady eyes stared into her soul; its jaws hung open with flesh and blood, the beast moved faster than any other thing Palestream has seen. The beast shut its jaws on her front leg..." Fallingkit's squeal interrupted Toadwhisker's story while Yellowkit sat there with her jaw wide open and her eyes widened.

"Palestream stood on her hind paws while the monster has her front leg securely in its jaws, with a fearsome strike she raked down the monsters' eye making it shrill in pain staggering away into the dark bushes. Palestream laid on the grassy floor yowling in pain, the monster left the warrior injured,with only three legs. Fear, not Yellowkit! The other patrol out in the marshes found her and raced her to the Chevilstar" Finished Toadwhisker

"What happened next! Did she live?" Mewed Yellowkit in curiosity

"Well she survived, She found out that she fought a Badger. Chevilstar then changed her name to Badgerleg; the leader tried to get rid of the badger only to loose her lives from Starclan. The Deputy took on the role of Leader then appointed Badgerleg to deputy. After a season she became Leader."Toadwhisker ended the story swiftly and tiredly moving the kits closer to her belly falling asleep. Fallingkit looked towards her littermate who seemed to be peacefully asleep; the kit began to close her eyes loosing her battle with sleep.

"Yellowkit what is that foul smell!?" Fallingkit squeaked and looked next to herself wide-eyed and shocked, Yellowkit wasn't anywhere to be seen. "Yellowkit? Where are you? Where am I?" Fallingkit raced around in the cavern until she found a crack in the smooth, wet wall. Fallingkit padded through the gap getting covered in water,spiders crawled around in their webs, bats squeaked and flapped surging towards another chamber where mews could be heard. Fallingkit started to run goofily down the to the jagged, wet path towards the voice that echoed in her ears.

Warriors: The Clans Curse, The Second Sight (Book 1 Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now