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Ziva POV
Gibbs, Tony, and McGee piled into Gibbs' car as Liv and I got into hers. I had decided to go back to the Navy Yard with her so we could talk a bit, and I was also needing a break from DiNozzo and McGee.

"Are you really doing okay?" I asked. She glanced at me for a moment, not wanting to take her eyes off the road.

"I'm fine. It's hard having five brothers in the hospital, but we'll get through it." she said. I could hear the sadness in her voice, camouflaged under her thick Irish accent.

"You're not okay, are you." I said, more as a statement than a question.

"Not particularly." Liv admitted. "I wish my brothers hadn't enlisted in the first place, but then again, it made them happy. I never want them to be sad." she said.

"Family is complicated." I said, laughing.

"Really," Liv started. "brothers are just exhausting." she finished, chuckling. "But if you get the right ones, they'll let you use them for pillows." she added, grinning. I laughed. I felt a twinge of sadness. My brother was dead. At the same time, I knew he had deserved it. Abba had not deserved to die, though.

"Are your parents still alive?" I asked. "I know it's kind of an odd question, but.." I trailed off. Liv smiled.

"It's quite alright. My mum and dad still live in Texas, although occasionally they go back to Ireland for a few months to visit family." she said. "In fact, I think they're in Ireland right now. My gran and papo live in Ireland, as do a few of my aunts and uncles and their kids." I nodded.

"Papo?" I asked. I'd never heard that before.

"Grandpa. I called him that as a small child, and it stuck. Even my brothers call him papo." Liv explained, grinning. I smiled, too. bzzt! bzzt! A phone was vibrating. "Reynolds, what?" answered Liv, as usual. I looked over at her as she rolled her eyes. "Tony," she started. That explained the eye roll. "Tony, we're almost there. There was some traffic." she sighed. "I'm putting you on speaker." she said. She took the phone from her ear and pressed a button. "Okay, Tony, you're on speaker." she told him.

"Boss is flipping." came Tony's voice.

"Over what?" I asked. "Gibbs doesn't flip. He gets annoyed."

"No, he's flipping. I think it has something to do with what McGee found. I'll put you on speaker so they can explain." Tony said.

Olivia POV
"Hey guys. Turns out that the guys who kidnapped Liv were part of an organization. Frank, Andrew, and Max were part of it, too. They're looking to, quote, preserve the american legacy by forming an all pureblood american military." McGee said. "They have a website." he explained.

"The point is," came Gibbs' voice, "is that you're in danger at this moment. All the attacks on you were orchestrated attacks on a non-american Marine. In their eyes, you're a nuisance to the US since you weren't born here in the states. Get the hell back here NOW." he said.

"Will do." I said.

"Actually, looks like that danger Gibbs was talking about just caught up to us." Ziva said nervously, pointing out my window. A large black van like the ones we sometimes use on stakeouts had sped up next to us, and there was one behind us, too. As Ziva told the rest of the team this, Tim said something about tracking our phones.

The black sedan next to us was inching closer, and then it nudged the side of my car.

"I am not up for a new paint job." I growled. I could see the van behind us coming close, and the one on the side was inching back in. "Gibbs, I'm thinking that the next time I see you, it'll be in the hospital." I said.

"You do not have permission to get hurt, agent." I smiled, but there was no humor in it, only sadness.

"Then I guess I'm about to break a rule." I said sadly. That's when both cars struck. They smashed into the car at the same time. Ziva and I yelled as our car was smashed against the guardrail on the edge of the road. I heard the car crumple, and I felt myself losing consciousness. Blood was streaming down Ziva's face, and I'm sure I was no better off. I was aware of my leg hurting terribly, and then I wasn't aware of anything at all.

"Then I guess I'm about to break a rule." Liv said. Then a smash and then silence.

"Liv! LIV!" Gibbs yelled. "GODDAMMIT!" Gibbs slammed his fist down on my desk. "McGee! Location?" he demanded. I told him quickly as I grabbed my gear. Not even bothering to grab his coffee, Gibbs made a beeline to the elevator, me and Tony on his heels.

When the elevator opened, Tony, Gibbs, and I sprinted to the car and got in hurriedly. As soon as we were all in, Gibbs slammed on the accelerator and off we went. After what felt like an eternity, we pulled up. I had called emergency services on the way, and they sped up just as we did.

"Goddammit." Gibbs and Tony mumbled. I could only stare. The car was absolutely crumpled. There was no way Liv and Ziva had survived that. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes, but instead I unfroze and ran over to the wreckage. I could see Liv and Ziva, but they were both covered in blood and dirt. I couldn't tell if they were breathing. Emergency service workers were already at work trying to get to Liv and Ziva. After some digging, they got Ziva out, but Liv's leg was caught. I overheard a mention of having to do an emergency amputation.

Since there was nothing I could do for Liv, I went over to Ziva. She was in a gurney and had an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose. Gibbs was holding her hand, muttering in what I guessed was Hebrew. Boss knew a whole lot of languages, some that weren't even spoken any longer.

I glanced behind me as they pulled Liv out of the wreckage. Her body was limp, and I still couldn't tell if she was breathing. The EMTs were putting her on a gurney and putting and oxygen mask on her. Her left leg was wrecked, and I had a suspicion that she would end up with a prosthesis. Her shoulder looked pretty destroyed, too. They wheeled Liv over to us.

After they had loaded both of them into the back of the ambulance, Gibbs tossed the keys to Tony.

"I'm riding with Liv and Ziva. Meet us at Bethesda and notify Vance. When you're at Bethesda, find her brothers' room and tell them, too." Gibbs ordered.

Well, at least now we know why it's always Liv.

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