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When we got to the Navy Yard, McGee looked queasy. Gibbs, however, was stoic as ever.

"You need to work on your driving." Gibbs said.

"I'm used to tanks and humvees. It'll take a while." I said, grinning as we got out of the car and watched McGee heave himself out and stumble. We walked to the NCIS building and went through security, same as always. When we stepped off the elevator, we were met by a frantic Ziva.

"I know what was off about Victoria." she told us, evidently angry at herself. "She was far too muscular. Most women that dress like her aren't so strong-looking. She mentioned nothing about going to the gym or training anywhere, though. I'm wondering why, because anyone as muscular as she is has to be at the gym an awful lot."

"Did she say anything that sounded like a cover for something else, like she would've been at the gym, but didn't want others to know?"

"She did say that she was with her family when Randy was killed. I'll see if she has any family in the area." Ziva said, turning on her heel to go back to her desk. She sat down and started typing away.

"I'll check on siblings, you check parents." I told Ziva, sitting at my desk and starting to type.

"I'll check phone records to see if she's talked to her family at all." McGee said.

"I'll see if Abby has anything, and Tony, you go to autopsy. I want you Reynolds boys to head to the evidence locker until we need you here." Gibbs said, and they trooped to the elevator.
A couple minutes of silence followed,  interrupted by only the clicking of keys as McGee, Ziva and I typed away.

"Not only does she not have family in this area," I finally said, "Her brothers and sister were killed in a car crash three years ago."

"Her parents were killed in that crash, too."

"So she was definitely lying." McGee said.

"I'll call Gibbs." I said, grabbing my phone.

Gibbs POV

As Abby was finishing, my phone rang. Liv popped up on the caller I.D. 

"Yeah, Gibbs." I answered. Liv started talking as fast as Abby does. "Slow down. What are you saying?" 

"Victoria's got no family. Her siblings and parents died in a car crash on their way to meet her at Reagan airport. She lied about being with her family." I heard Liv draw a breath, a little raspier than usual. I'd have to ask her about that later. She coughed a little, then continued. "And guess when she said she was with her family?" 

"Right in the time of death window." I guessed. 

"Bingo." Liv said. Just then, her phone rang. "Reynolds, what." she answered as usual. "Why are you calling me?" she asked, furrowing her brow. "I'm not the team leader." She sighed. "I mean, yes, I'll rally the troops, but why are you calli-" she was cut off by a dial tone. "Really?" Liv asked. Her intense gaze drifted to me. "I just got a call about another body. Petty Officer Thalia Noble." she said. "Why did they call me and not you?" I shrugged. "Well, gear up!" Liv called. 

The team sprang to action, grabbing bags and striding to the elevator. 

"Body's at Reagan National." Liv said. "A single gunshot was heard, then Noble collapsed." 

Tony POV
When we got to Reagan, we flashed our badges and found the body. Ducky and Jimmy were there already. We knew what to do, so we did it. I took photos, McGee, Ziva, and Liv got witness statements, and Liv's brothers spread out around the airport, looking for others who might have seen someone suspicious. One brother went to get security footage from a security camera facing the spot where Petty Officer Noble had been shot. 

We finished at the airport pretty fast, because people were getting curious. We also really wanted to avoid the media, though I'm pretty sure at least a few of the people I talked to had been in the middle of tweeting about it. 

Back at NCIS, we were working on finding something to tell Gibbs before he got back from Abby's lab. 

"We need to find Mark." Liv said suddenly. We all looked up, confused. "Her husband. I just saw that she's married to a guy named Mark. I'll send you the address and I'll call Gibbs. She dialed his number and they had a very short, very one-sided conversation. "He's on his way." Liv said. Gibbs appeared soon after that, and McGee, Ziva, Liv, and I grabbed our gear while Liv's brothers continued digging for information. 

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