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Abby drove as fast as she could without looking reckless. When we pulled into the driveway of the house, Abby looked over at me and grinned, then we got out of the car as fast as we could, which wasn't very fast for me. I have to use my hand to maneuver my prosthetic out of small cars like Abby's. Big cars are okay because I can just swing out. I usually have problems with the agency cars, too, but since my truck is the same color as the cars, Vance lets me use my truck so that we don't give people like Barnes time to escape while I maneuver my leg.

Abby got halfway up the front walk, then realized I wasn't with her. She ran back to me.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah." I said, grunting. "Small cars and prosthetics don't mix."

"Here, let me help." Abby said. She reached down and gently guided my leg out of the car, then pulled me to my feet.

"Thanks." I said. "Now let's go make friends with some rottweilers." Abby and I grinned at each other and we went inside, using a key for the new door that was required since someone still lived there.

When we stepped inside, Abby went on a doggy hunt while I got their food ready.

"Abby!" I called. "Come on, I'll get them in here for their food!" Abby came bounding into the kitchen, and I shook the plastic container that held their food, making a rattling noise. I heard a low, growly, woof and then four pairs of paws come padding into the kitchen. The dogs ate quickly, then noticed me and Abby. I had jumped onto the counter and Abby was still standing next to it. The dogs cocked their heads at us. I lowered myself slowly off the counter and squatted down. Luckily, my knee didn't pop like it usually does. My knees had done that since I was a teenager, and I didn't think much of it. In that moment, though, I thanked God for the rare occasions my remaining knee didn't crack.

"Hey guys." I said softly. "I'm Liv. This is Abby. We're going to take you back to a big building with lots of people who will love you." The dogs walked up to Abby and I slowly. I stretched out both hands. A dog licked each of them, and I scratched them on their heads. They gave me doggy grins, and I looked over and saw Abby happily petting the other two dogs. The dogs let us check their tags. Poseidon, Clifford, Luna, and Athena.

"Whoever named these dogs must've liked Greek gods." I said.

"Wasn't Petty Officer Noble mostly Greek?" Abby asked.

"That's right!" I said, suddenly remembering. "That makes sense." We petted the dogs for another few minutes, and I could tell the dogs loved us. We found treats and gave them some. "Let's go find their leashes." I said. "Then... wait. How will we get them in your car?" Abby blushed.

"I forgot about that." I tossed her the keys to my truck.

"Go trade cars in the parking lot, my truck is right next to where you always park." Abby nodded and raced out of the house.

Ten minutes later, she was back. The dogs and I were buddies now, but they warmed back up to Abby quickly. I had found their leashes, and I grabbed them and clipped them onto the dogs' collars. Abby took two and I took two, and we took them out to the car. They jumped in excitedly, and we tucked each one's leash into their collar to avoid entanglement. Abby got into the driver's seat, and I swung myself into the shotgun seat. I felt a dog snuffling around by my ear, and I turned to find Athena's head bumping against mine. I gave her a good head scratch, and she gave me a big doggy grin. That happened several times over the following ten minutes, and soon, we were parked. Abby and I jumped out of the truck and opened the back doors. Athena and Poseidon came to me, and Luna and Clifford went to Abby.

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