Goodbye, Berk

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STOP!!! Before you continue into this story, please know that it is canceled. I am no longer working on this story BUT there is a rewritten version you can find on my profile. Trust me, it's much better than this crap lol. I do know a lot of people like this version but... I'm not updating it ever again... cuz it's shit and has no plot anymore like... just don't read this crap I beg of you.

If you haven't exited to find the updated version... enjoy I guess...

Hiccup POV

"Ah, you've done it Hiccup! You get to kill the dragon!" Gobber exclaimed as Fishlegs came up behind me and set me on his shoulder, the gang, minus Astrid, cheering alongside him.

"Yeah, yes, I can't wait... I'm so..."


"Leaving. We're leaving. Let's pack up. Looks like you and me are taking a little vacation...forever." I say as I walk up to a large rock in the cove. Setting my basket down, I mumble an 'ah man' as I begin to mess around with my harness. I hear an odd scrapping noise and look up.
"AH What the?!" I yelp, taking quite a good amount of steps backward. I see Astrid sitting atop the rock, sharpening her axe.

I begin to stammer, "Uh, heh, What are you doing here?" I manage to say.

"I want to know what's going on. No one just gets as good as you do. Especially you. Start talking," she replies.
"Uh, heh."
"Are you training with someone?" She adds.
"Training?" I ask between my stammering. Well isn't this going great Hiccup!
"It better not involve this," She says, grabbing ahold of my flight harness.
"I, I know this looks really bad, but you see..." Smooth. "This is uh..." I continue to mumble before I am pushed into the ground. "Aaah!" I gasp as I collide with the cold, unforgiving ground.

"Ah, you're right. You're right. You're right. I'm through with the lies. I, I've been making... Outfits!" Nice save dummy. Stop it idiotic brain! 

"So..." I shrug my shoulders, "you got me. It's time everyone knew." I grabbed her hand and put it on my chest. "Drag me back, go ahead, Here we go... Ow!" I exclaim as she twists my arm, once again sending me into the cold and unforgiving ground. 

"Why would you do that?" I mumble. She then kicked me in the stomach, saying something about lies, then she dropped the handle of her axe onto my stomach. Ouch, that's gonna hurt for a while. Then she said something about 'everything else'. To be honest I was no longer paying attention. I heard a dragon roar. "Oh man..."

Astrid gasped. "Get down!" Again with the cold, unforgiving ground! Toothless began to bound over, roaring. 

"Run, Run!" Astrid said, preparing to swing at Toothless. I leaped up and shoved Astrid to the ground. Now it's your turn to meet with the cold, unforgiving ground I think in the back of my mind as I toss the axe aside. I then attempt to calm Toothless down.

Well, this could go better.

(Skipping romantic flight blah blah NEXT DAY!)

Today's the day Hiccup. Now, what the hell are you going to do about LEAVING?! I sigh. I'm going to attempt to show the good side of dragons. Yup, you heard me, I'm going to tame the nightmare in front of the entire tribe. Oh, this is going to fail miserably. Unless... An idea sparked in my head. Oh, that would never work. To little time, to little time. Ugh, get it together Hiccup! This is useless.

(Ze amazing time skip)

"Hiccup! Hiccup! Hiccup!" The crowd cheered as I made my way down to the gate into the arena. My father made some sort of speech against my 'uselessness' what a nice father I have.

"Be careful with that dragon." A voice said from behind me. It was Astrid.

"It's not the dragon I'm worried about," I reply, looking at my father as he made his way towards his chair.

"What are you going to do?" Astrid asks.

"Put an end to this, I have to try. Astrid, if something happens in there, if something, goes wrong... Just make sure they don't find Toothless."

"I will. Just, promise me it won't go wrong."

I open my mouth to respond, but Gobber interrupts me. Gee thanks for that. "It's time Hiccup, knock 'em dead." 

I walk out into the arena, and Gobber shuts the gate. The crowd is cheering my name. Time to get this over with I guess. I walk up to the rack of weapons, grab a shield, then grab a small little dagger. I notice my dad say something to Gobber, but I could care less. I take a deep breath. "I'm ready," I say. The monstrous nightmare gate opens. The dragon bursts out, on fire, growling. It looked around at the crowd with menacing eyes. It clambered around before it noticed me standing there, fear evident in my eyes. The fire that consumed it's body died out as it stared at me. It inched forward as I took a step back away from it. I dropped my dagger, then my shield. I raised my hands up and through my helmet to the ground. 

"I'm not one of them," I say to the nightmare as it looked at me, confused. My dad yelled, slamming his hammer into the metal bars around the arena. The dragon freaked. I ran to the other side of the arena. I heard Astrid yell my name as I tripped. I heard a night fury's signature whistle and the next thing I knew, Toothless was standing in front of me, growling at the nightmare. My father looked at toothless with a murderous look and I knew at that moment, we had to go. I sent an apologetic look at Astrid as I jumped onto Toothless's back and flew off into the sky. I spared a glance back at Berk, seeing the faces of people whose eyes followed Toothless as he leveled off and continued flying, flying far, far away from Berk.

And hello peeps of the internet! Thatrandomdragon here to ask you how you liked this chapter of my first HTTYD fanfic! Of course, I've written fanfic before but this is my first on Wattpad so I'm a bit new to how to use it. I understand this was going off of the movie a lot, but next chapter I promise has a little more action in it. Now I've read fanfics with this sorta idea to it and I've found some with pacing that went way too fast. I mean, one chapter he's leaving, the next it's four weeks later and he's defeating the red death, then another 2 years in the next chapter pass by and he's revealed himself! So, I'm going to avoid being 'that writer' I mean 2 years of him... What? Making a home? Finding new people and dragons and you skip it all? Uh, no way will you see that in this story. Ok, that rant is done XD. But yeah, I do hope this story is going to end up somewhere in your mind as a good one. Ok, I'm done boring you guys BYE!

Goodbye, Berk *CANCELED*Where stories live. Discover now