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I know how many of you like this book. Enjoy it, and want to see more, but I can't anymore. 

As much as I love you all and your support, I simply can't continue this story. Not in the direction it's going. It's been so long since it was originally started, and I have no motivation whatsoever to continue. 

So I'm gonna ask you guys something. 

You've got three choices, and comment on whatever one you want to see most. (please only comment once). 

Do you want me to attempt to rewrite this story, take the characters and redo the entirety of it?

Or do you want me to start up a one-shot book, turn this story into a one-shot (or two) and then continue to take requests?

Or should I just not do anything else, just leave this here and never update it?

I really hope you guys can tell me what you want me to do with this. I don't want to just leave you all here and stuff, but it's become so forced for me and I'm so busy. 


~ Aster

Goodbye, Berk *CANCELED*Where stories live. Discover now