New Faces

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Hiccups P.O.V

Well, the rest of the tour went smoothly. We went down the rest of the planks to ground level and saw the training arena, a few feeding stations and the 'nest'. Basically a place where all of the dragons here on Fury island, they honestly could've come up with a better name. You go through one of the five tunnels that lead to a ginormous cave deep within the mountain that The 'Edge', yes, that's the name of their little settlement, sounds better then 'Fury village' though, you have to admit, is built on. It was neat, to say the least. Of course, it had been modified a great deal, due to humans now living on the island, but the dragons seemed used to them staying there. Almost as if the few people who lived here were always here. Guess I'll have to ask Taylor, or Eret, why that is. They apparently have a population of 21, not counting the dragons. We are now busy heading back to, Serena I think it was, her place to pick up our new clothes. Stormfly and Toothless were casually chatting with other dragons, not exactly following us as we went back up the wooden ladders and stairs. The pathways were wide, and met actual ground at some points, but were mainly made of wood. The houses were mainly built into the giant cliff, the entrances protruding a few feet away from the rock. Taylor says we can see what they look like on the inside later, but for now, we just need new clothes. Of course, she made it a bit dramatic by plugging her nose and waving her hand as if to wipe away (does that make sense?) the odor that came off the two of us. Eret had rolled his eyes and we chuckled. I really, really do like this place.

"Oh Serena..." Taylor sang as she knocked on the seamstresses house door. "Come on in!" A voice shouts from inside. Taylor opens the door as she walks in. We followed, Eret closing the door behind us. "About time," the black haired girl says, shaking her head playfully, "I've waited hourssss." Drama queen. I guess Taylor agreed, along with Astrid. "Stop being so dramatic, 'dramarena'," she teases. Serena chuckles. Must be an inside joke I guess. "Ah, while I was at the Out post today, I happened to find something for you Tay..." She trails, turning her back and walking towards a doorway. "These two first!" Taylor shouts after Serena's retreating figure, pointing at the two of us. Serena turns her head and nods, "Fineeee." Taylor shakes her head, "Gods, that girl I swear." I turn to her, and so does Astrid. "So, who are the other 18 people?" Astrid asks. Taylor turns her gaze towards her, "You'll meet them all tonight, promise. Kinda don't wanna spoil the fun in meeting them personally." Me and Astrid nod. Makes sense.

"I'M BACK!" Serena shouts dramatically as she walks back into the room, a pile of clothes in her hands. She sets them down on a table, before handing me a set of clothes, consisting of quite a few things. She points to a door to the far side of the small room, which I guess is meant for her very few customers to come by and chat about getting new clothes. That sounded stupid. Yes I know that idiotic brain now shut up! I walk over to it and pull open the door, finding a mirror, a stool, and a hook. I take off my previous clothes I was wearing and slip on the new ones. It consists of brown leggings, a very soft forest green tunic, and a fur vest. It's just like my outfit I just took off, except cleaner and a lot more comfy. It also fit my body well, unlike my previous outfit, in which the shirt was incredibly baggy. I open the door and there stood the group of four people who had been standing there from earlier. Serena walked up, looked me over, then pat my shoulder. "Lookin good there buddy!" She says happily before handing Astrid her set. Then she waved her to the door. "Off you go!" She says as Astrid walked into the small room. I set my dirty clothes aside, spotting a few more pairs of clothing that looked like what I was wearing just the tunics and leggings were different. "Those are yours as well by the way," Serena says. "Thank you," I say with a smile.

I hear the door open, and I turn to look at Astrid who looked like a freaking goddess. She was wearing clothes that looked like what Taylor was wearing, but in her own unique style. And she looked gorgeous. Ok, Hiccup, stop, just stop okay? It's basically what she wore before, but a lot less deadly looking. "Thank you, Serena," She says as Serena looks her over. Serena nods, "Never a problem Astrid!" She walks over to Taylor, "Now, I did say I got something for you and your gonna love it. Remember how you complained to me about your favorite dark blue tunic making you itchy?" Taylor pouted, "Yes, how could I forget?" Serena smiled, before holding up another tunic, "Softer material, less itching. Ya like it?" Taylor takes the piece of fabric, "No," she trails, and Serena looks away, "I love it!" She says with a laugh. Serena growled, "Every time! You get me every time!" She mumbles. Me, Eret and Astrid laugh. "Anyway Serena, we gotta run. See you later!" Taylor says before shuffling out the door, everyone else trailing behind. The door closes, and we hear Serena suddenly shriek, "AMETHYST NO! NO STOP! BAD DRAGON!" Taylor chuckles, "And that would be Amethyst doing something bad. I swear the night fury annoys Serena just for the fun of it." Eret nods. "You can be sure of that!"


It's been a few hours and it's now sunset. Taylor and Eret are leading me and Astrid to their Meade hall here on the edge. It's small though, not gonna lie. And not much mead, they don't drink it very much. They say it's hard to transport over here. I guess it is, considering they don't want to be found.

"And we're here!" Eret says dramatically. He pulls open the doors and struts inside. I spot Zach chatting with a few girls, a mug in his right hand. He looks up as the doors swing open. "Ah, your majesty. You've finally arrived!" He says, dramatically bowing down. "Why yes I have Sir Zach. Now, bring me my mug!" Eret replies playfully. "Ain't no one bringin you your mug," Another boy says, drinking from his own mug. Eret shakes his head. "And here I thought I could be lazy," he mutters. "Not allowed to be lazy on the edge babe," Taylor says, before walking off. "Have fun Hiccup, Astrid!" she shouts back at us. Zach motions for the girls he was talking to to follow him. He walks up to me and Astrid. I immediately recognise the black haired girl, but the other has brown hair and soft green eyes. She's also wearing a sort of cloak, made of dragon scales it seems. Same with Zach. Taylor and Eret have walked off, not sure exactly what their doing.

"Hello again!" Zach says as he walks up to Astrid and I. Kat looks at me, and the other girl smiles. "Hello," I reply, waving. They approach us, motioning for us to sit down at the table next to us. We sit down on the benches, Astrid on my left, Kat on my right. Zach and the brown haired girl sit across from us. "Hello, I'm Heather," The brown haired girl says, sticking a hand out for a handshake. I take the offer, "Hiccup," I say and she moves her hand in front of Astrid, and Astrid shakes her hand, "Astrid," she says.



AND I'm back. Sorry for the hugeeeeee wait. School... oh dear. I'm like, failing in Spanish so I've been working on that and then I've got writers block and add those together along with my excessive amount of homework and rehearsing for an improv performance, I've got quite the busy schedule, and writing doesn't come easy. Anyway, thanks for 400 views! Wow... thats a lot XD. Please leave comments, I love reading them :D I know a previous version of this part was up and then was taken down due to the fact that it unsaved the 1,000 extra words I had written. . sigh . More to come in the next chapter!!!!

Thatrandomdragon is out!

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