Thank you!

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I need to give a huge thank you to storylover4real and  for the amazing suggestions to keep this book going. I now have 4 chapters prepared to be written. I figured I should share with you guys the chapter titles to get you all pretty excited because some intense stuff is about to happen.

Chapter 10 - Long Journeys

Chapter 11 - Beautiful Ice

Chapter 12 - Dangerous Waters

Chapter 13 - Crazy Encounters

Anyone kind of excited? Each chapter will hopefully be 1k - 3k words, making it all a lot longer!

Again, thank you!

(I'm still accepting any suggestions, I'd love to have some more to mess around with!)

Also snotlout is going to be gay. Everything could be a little gayer. Don't like don't continue reading. Or just watch him fail to flirt with men. Whatever floats your boat. Also thank you book for that wonderful idea.

Goodbye, Berk *CANCELED*Where stories live. Discover now