Dangerous Waters

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A/N I said I'd update once a month and here I am :) 

Toothless's wings beat the air as he took off, Hiccup gripping the saddle as the icy wind whipped through his hair. The sixteen-year-old looked back at the icy island he had called home for 9 months. Over that time period, Taylor and the gang had been discussing an oncoming battle with the red death and keeping a close eye on 'Drago', whoever he was. They said he wanted to gain control of the large dragon, and he had been going from island to island, enslaving the residents and paying dragon hunters for each and every dragon they delivered him. Taylor mentioned something about him no longer paying some of them, but that's all rumour. At this rate, he'll have a large enough army to take on the very dragon Hiccup had set his course towards. 

He had prepared for the long journey, as he was very far from Berk, which meant he was even further from the nest. Wearing clothing that kept him warm against the cold climate, and food in his saddlebags, he was as prepared as he could be. 

Little did he know Astrid had followed after him, and his mother after Astrid. 

I~ Welcome to Berk ~I

Snotlout's heavy boots dug into the earth as he sprinted towards the great hall. He was late, which was going to look really bad in the eyes of the village, being the heir and all. Stoick had called a spontaneous meeting this morning, in the midst of winter preparation. He hurriedly climbed the stairs and was able to slide through the nearly closed doors. Stoick had already begun his speech if you could call it that. 

"Either we finish them, or they'll finish us! It's the only way we'll be rid of them."

The hall erupted into quiet muttering as Snotlout worked his way through the crowd of buff Vikings. Spotting his friends up by Stoick, he pushed his way to the front. 

"If we find the nest and destroy it," Stoick continued, "the dragons will leave. They'll find another home!" His knife pierced the map he had spread out on the large table. He stood up straight, huffing, and gestured to Fishlegs. "Fishlegs here has an idea that will mean we only have to go there one last time. Fishlegs?" 

The chubby teenager gulped, audible enough that Snotlout beside him cringed in disgust. One should never hear another's gulp. His stubby legs brought him up more towards the front, in sight of the entire village that had gathered in the large hall. He cleared his throat before speaking up. 

"If we were to use a dragon to guide us to the nest, we'll get there. It is their home, so naturally, they should be able to take us to it right?" he let out a nervous chuckle at the end of his statement. The crowd erupted into hushed murmurs and quiet arguments. Stoick huffed behind the large boy and slammed his fist on the table. 

"One more search, with a dragon, before the ice sets in and we can't leave this winter without fear of a dragon attack," He said, glaring at his villagers. 

"Who wants those blasted beasts away from here and will assist me in ridding them?" 

The hall erupted into cheers, and Snotlout slapped Fishlegs on the back. 

"Nice idea man, having a dragon leading us straight to Hel itself. I'm ready to beat some dragon ass."

Fishlegs let out a small smile. "It's all a guess really. But Stoick thinks it'll work. He's hoping to kill all those dragons that somehow swayed Hiccup's mind into siding with them." 

Snotlout shrugged, "Does it matter if it's all a guess? Everyone knows you as a nerd, we have every right to believe that whatever leaves your large mouth is true."

"I'm not sure if I'm supposed to take that as a compliment or not Snot," Fishlegs replied. The twins snorted. 

"At least we can kill all those scaly beasts. Get some payback for what they did to poor Astrid," said Ruffnut with a small smirk. Tuffnut nodded, standing by her side.

Snotlout smiled creepily, "Yeah, let's get them back. You mess with Astrid, you mess with us."

And with that, almost all of Berk set out in their boats, a Terrible Terror strapped to the floor of Stoick's vessel. 

They weren't prepared for what they'd find when they arrived, however. 

I~ Until next time ~I

A/N Hey ok so I promised I'd upload a chapter once a month, and guess who stuck to that promise! Happy (late) new year, I hope 2018 has been good so far for you guys (it hasn't been the best for me but eh). The next chapter might come out soon but idk. Sorry, this was so short, it's not all that important and stuff. No big battles or conversations. 

But what is berk going to find when they reach the island?

Are they gonna see Hiccup? or are they never going to make it?

Guess you guys are gonna have to wait till February :)

~ Aster

Goodbye, Berk *CANCELED*Where stories live. Discover now