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Hiccup POV

"Stormfly calm down!"
"Stormfly stop this!"

And so I woke up to screaming and shouting. I heard another scream and more shouting. I notice Astrid waking up and she looks just as confused as I am. I get off my cot and walk towards the front door of Taylor's home. Astrid appears beside me along with Toothless as I begin to open up the door.
"Stormfly calm down!"
"Why did your dragon have to take her fish Kat?"
"Hey don't look at me...Eek!" I see Taylor and Eret standing near a very angry nadder. Taylor's brown hair is looking very unkept and Eret's is... in the same situation. Taylor runs a hand through her hair. "Kat, why do you make me wake up to this?" She says. Another girl with black hair shrugs. "Not my fault Iron sight decided she wanted Stormfly's fish," the girl replies. 
"Well I think Iron is learning her lesson," Eret added as Stormfly shot a spine at a metallic dragon. A few more dragons noticed the fight and seemed to join Taylor and Eret as they attempted to calm the enraged nadder.
"That is one angry nadder," Astrid says as she leans against the door frame. I nod. The nadder is a sky blue color with yellow spots. It's beautiful. But very very mad. "Wait, Hiccup, how did you, train Toothless?" She asks me suddenly. I look at her. "I, uh, I stuck my hand out and turned my head away. Then I waited for him to, put his muzzle against the palm of my hand," I answer. Why did she just ask me that question? Oh no. Astrid begins to walk out into the frenzy between around four dragons and three people. "ASTRID WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" I shout out. I see Zach running down the wooden path. I think he yelled something along the lines of 'what is going on here', but with the screeching dragons and yelling people, it's near impossible to hear what he said. "Astrid I wouldn't do that if I were you!" I shout out, walking out of the house with Toothless growling beside me. I bet if that nadder tries to hurt me Toothless will probably murder it. At least that's what he seems to be saying. Astrid was walking up closer to the dragon on the ledge that we were all gathered on. The nadder noticed her and began marching over to her, tail raised and ready to shoot her spines. Astrid seemed a little unfazed though, as she stood there calmly. The dragon stopped roaring and growling as it stared at Astrid. I have to admit, I was pretty scared for her life. But the other dragons and Taylor and Eret's seemed to watch the nadder with curious eyes. Zach came up beside me.

"Stormfly has never done that to anyone," he says as the nadder lowers her tail and stops growling. Astrid held her hand out to the dragon. Storm fly sniffed it before settling her muzzle into Astrid's palm. Everyone there stared in awe as Stormfly squawked and nuzzled Astrid. "Yup, definitely a first from Stormfly," Zach says. Taylor and Eret begin to walk over to us. They were quietly talking to each other. "The nadder's name is Stormfly?" I ask him as Taylor and Eret come to stand beside us, two dragons trailing behind them. Zach nods. "Found her in a storm. Figured the name Stormfly would be a good name for her. She seems to like it, but she never accepted a rider. Moody as can be that dragon," Zach says, gesturing to the now very happy nadder. I notice Astrid laughing as Stormfly nuzzled her. "I wasn't expecting her to get a dragon so fast," I say to him. "At least Iron sight is ok," a black haired girl says, coming up to stand beside Taylor. "That's literally all you cared about isn't it?" Taylor asks her. She nods, "I mean, if you got hurt yeah I would care a little but not as much as I care about my Iron sight." The girls hands go up to pet the dragon that is standing beside her. Taylor rolls her eyes. "Nice to know how much you care for me Kat," Taylor says before punching her shoulder. "Ow!" The girl, Kat, yelps, "That hurt!" Taylor looked at her, amused. "Don't care." "Mean."

Geez, are all the people here this funny? Astrid walks up to us, Stormfly following behind her. "Well, looks like we finally got you a rider Stormfly," Eret says. Stormfly growls at him. He just laughs. "Oh. My. Gods. Taylor your hair!" Eret almost falls over laughing. I let out a laugh. Her hair is sticking out absolutely every where. Everyone else around us laugh as well, even the dragons do some sort of a chuckle. Taylor growls. "Have you seen yours? Oh and yours too Kat. Absolutely disastrous," She says, pointing to the two. They stop laughing. And now me, Astrid, and Zach are laughing even harder at their annoyed faces. "Hey, at least I took the time to brush it!" Zach exclaims after we finish our laughing. Taylor rolls her eyes and walks into her house, before coming back out with a brush. Eret notices it and runs at her. "Hey give me that brush!" "No give it to me!" Eret and Kat shriek as the run at a surprised Taylor. A white dragon appears beside Taylor and she hops on before flying off. "Oh great, she ran away," Kat says. Taylor lands behind me and Zach, calmly brushing out her hair. Now it just lays flat against her back. She then braids it and leaves it sitting on her shoulder. Eret and Kat still haven't noticed her and had run into her house to find another brush. All I can say is that there was a lot a yelling. Taylor walked up to Astrid. "You need it?" She asks, holding the brush out to Astrid. Astrid took it gratefully and began brushing out her hair. "Thank you Taylor," Astrid says. "HA I GOT THE BRUSH!" Eret yells as he runs out of the house. "GIVE IT TO ME!" Kat also yells. The two are chasing each other around the place. "I wonder when Kat is going to realize there are new people here because she honestly has not seemed to notice," Zach says to Taylor with a chuckle. Taylor laughs, "When she gets the brush probably." Zach chuckles. "Probably." I look out over the cliff that we are standing on. Below me are a bunch of buildings, and there are a TON of dragons lounging around the place. It looks a lot different in the sunlight. rather than the amount of light we had last night during the sunset. It still looks beautiful. There's a large lake off to the right and the forest that we came from to the left. Underneath all the buildings there seems to be a trading arena and a few... Are those feeding stations? They are. Now that I notice those, I'm starting to notice them all over the place. I see quite a few more people around the place, either flying on dragons or doing something with them.

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