Beautiful Ice

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A/N: I just realized I messed up the last chapter and forgot to add a bunch of things rip. 

I~ Hiccup's POV ~I 

It wasn't long after the attack that we all reached what Taylor likes to refer to as, The Sanctuary. A giant spiky ice structure. We had arrived by night, under the light of the moon. She led us into the tall structure, through tunnels, and into a deep cave. 

But the next morning, by gods I wish Taylor had told us what we had walked into. 

It was beautiful. Dragons... everywhere. All sorts. 

Every crevice... cave... all of the space was filled with the scaly beasts. 

There was one dragon that caught my eye in particular. Standing on the edge of a cliff, looking down in what I had assumed would be water, was instead a ginormous white beast. Bigger than the Red Death. He is simply magnificent. 

"Who are you?" 

I jumped around, facing a masked human that was holding a staff extremely close to my neck. Eyes wide, I loudly gulp, trying to back away as much as I could on the tiny ledge. 

"VAL!" Taylor comes sprinting out of a tunnel close to me and the person. 'Val' spun around to make eye contact with Taylor, standing up straight and lowering her staff. 

"Leave him be. He's with us," She quickly spoke, trying to catch her breath. 

'Val' nodded, turning to face me. "I know I had seen Zach and the gang earlier, but I had never seen him before... along with a blonde girl. Why did you all come here?"

Taylor hummed, tapping her foot on the mossy stones. "He's become a larger threat. Had to evacuate," she says. 


"Precisely. Way too many of his people to hold off. Tried to get out of there as soon as possible, but we were the only ones to get out of there alive. "

"Well, I'd say when has he ever not been a large threat? Are you saying he has suddenly gained an entire armada?" Val responds, placing their free hand on their hip. Taylor shook her head. 

"No, of course not. He doesn't have enough to even hope to sway people's minds to that extent. But, if he gets ahold of it we won't have to wait very long for that armada."

"What is it ?" I interrupt the two. They both look at me immediately, as though they forgot I was there. 

"The red death," they replied simultaneously. 

"Where were you last night Val? We came in and you were nowhere to be found." Taylor continues, ignoring me entirely. 

"Dealing with those dragon hunters again. They just never seem to stop," she replies. Taylor nods. 

"I better go deal with the gang, they are probably all up by now. Please refrain from attempted murder from this point on? Thanks."

Val laughs. "I'll be seeing you later to go over our course of action?"


With that, Taylor turned around to leave Val and me alone.  

"So, what is your name youngin'?" 

My head whips around to face Val. "It's Hiccup."

She gasps slightly, edging closer to my face. To say I was uncomfortable is an understatement, I was downright terrified. Her gloved hand brushed my chin, rubbing against an old scar I forget that I have. Again, she lets out a gasp.


"Yes...?" I answer questioningly. 

"Hiccup..." she paused, "Haddock?" 

"How-How do you know that?" Oh, how I wished I could jump off the Thor-forsaken cliff behind me. 

"A mother never forgets." She says simply, pulling her helmet off of her face to reveal her face. Her auburn hair was pulled back in a tight braid, and her green eyes staring into mine. 

"We have a lot of catching up to do."

I~ Time Skip (brought to you by Snotlout being gay as ever) ~I 

It was late afternoon when Valka and I arrived back at the sanctuary, or rather, met up with the group. All of them were gathered around a small table, huddled around a small map. Astrid, however, was off in the corner, talking to Stormfly. 

Zach was the one who noticed us first. "Val! Nice to see ya!" 

His words caused everyone to look up. Taylor gave a small smile before going to back to scribbling on a piece of parchment. Astrid had jumped up and tackled me in a hug, muttering something about thinking I was kidnapped or something. Heather got up and greeted Valka, whilst the rest of the group just stood there smiling and waving. Some muttered a 'Hey Valka' or 'Long time no see'. 

"Hey Astrid," I say, pulling away from her hug/tackle. Damnit, hiccup why did you do that. 

"Hey. Don't disappear like that again. Ever again. Stupid prick," She said with a smile, punching my shoulder before inviting me to sit with her and Stormfly. 

"What was the conversation before we came back?"

"Something about killing a dragon. Not sure why they, of all people, would want to kill a dragon though."

I nodded, trying to tune into their conversation. 

"-we haven't been there in a year. No doubt it has moved."

"Possibly, but that won't stop Drago from trying to get his grubby hands on it. The thing's untameable, we've tried. It's got nearly the same powers as the bewilderbeast - minus the firebreathing and lava dwelling - and we don't want to risk loosing the big guy."

"Our best bet is to go and over power it. Rather have it out of the equation than having it lurking around in the shadows."

"So killing it?"

"Yes. We need to go and kill the Red Death."

Astrid and I shared a look. We knew where it was. Why risk our friends' safety if we could deal with it ourselves?

We took off that night.

A/N: Hi? Don't kill me please? Hope this is satisfactory. For the next chapter, I'll give y'all a fun little hint (aka the title) at what may happen: 

Dangerous Waters

Have fun theorizing!

~ Aster

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