Long Journeys

830 21 8

I~~ Hiccup's P.O.V ~~I

My butt hurts and I'm hungry. 

Yes, that is exactly what my mind is focused on right now. Not the beautifully stunning waters below me, or the perfectly blue sky, the pleasant winds, no. Not even Astrid, who, by the way, looks like a freaking goddess sitting atop a dragon. 

My mind is focused on two things and two things only. I am starving, and my butt aches. That's it.

And here I am, hair getting whipped by the fast winds (they were kinda pleasant but toothless decided he wanted to race the fish), dead tired and in need of food. And by the looks of it, we aren't going to be stopping anytime soon. Yay.

-- Time Skip with Toothless still racing fish --

7 hours later and nothing. No land, no ships, no dragons, absolutely nothing. I've given up and am laying on Toothless's back, strapped down so that I don't fall. The joys of long flights.

With nothing interesting, and the wind blowing so hard there's no use holding a conversation with anyone. Zach is sleeping, Heather is sitting on Kieran's dragon chatting with Kieran. I secretly think they'd make a great couple. Eret is currently doing tricks with Blue, which is stressing Taylor out since Blue waits till the last second to catch him. Eret was reading earlier. Why he brought a book while they were escaping an invaded island I have no clue.

And Astrid... oh Astrid. She still looks like a goddess, resting atop Stormfly's back sharpening her axe. That I had made. I feel slightly honoured that she still uses the thing. She has a small smile that's taken a liking to staying on her face, her cheeks tinted a slight pink (I'm guessing from the cold), and her hair blowing (how is this even possible) gently in the wind.

Sighing in admiration for the gorgeous blonde, I look up at the sky. For what seems like hours (it was really just thirty minutes) nothing interesting happened except for the distant and occasional yell from Taylor. 

But then the yelling got louder.

And more frequent.

To the point, I could make out the words spoken and by then it was nearly too late.


Toothless took a sharp dive to the right, nearly jerking me out of the saddle that I now clung so tightly to. We spiralled down towards the dark blue ocean, Toothless's wings whipping out to catch the wind and avoid the sudden mass amount of ships.

The sailors aboard the ships were moving quickly, darting around trying to shoot us straight out of the sky. 

We managed to zoom up into the cloud cover, and Toothless took off, sprinting away from the mayhem. He dodged arrows and nets, and slowly the shouts faded into the distance. 

Slowing to a stop, Toothless hovered over a small sea stack, his wings pushing the air and landing heavily on the rock pile. I slide off his back, my feet planting firmly on the mossy stone. Stepping to the edge of the rocks, I peer over the water to see distant dots moving through the sea and the sky. I look back at Toothless, who's faced away from the battle that he so quickly retreated from. 

Spotting a pebble laying on the ground, I threw it at him. It bounced off his large black head and tumbled into the water below. 

"Come on bud! We gotta go back an help them!" I yelled at the dragon, who in turn grumbled and shuffled to the side. I sigh. 

"Toothless they need our help. We can't just leave Astrid and all our new friends back there to die!"

He grumbled, shuffling his giant paws before turning to face me. He whined.

"Yes I know it's dangerous back there but it's just as dangerous for them! We have to repay their favour of housing us in some way!" I shouted, waving my arms frantically in the air. 

The sea stack suddenly shook as though a massive object had hit it. I whipped around, only to come face to face with Stormfly. But she hadn't come with Astrid so she could yell at me. Rather, she was carrying an Astrid that had an arrow lodged in her thigh. I quickly pulled her off Stormfly and tended to her wound. 

"Hiccup, I'm fine" 

"No Astrid, you're not fine. You've got an arrow lodged in your thigh and we have no clue what we're up against!"

Another thud hit the sea stack.

"We do have an idea Hiccup. It was one of Drago's patrol fleets."

More thuds. 

I turn to see all of the remaining gang, some of the dragons flying in the air due to the lack of space. 

"We've gotta get out of here Hic. Get Astrid back up on Stormfly, then get yourself on Toothless. Follow Zach and the gang, they'll take you to the Sanctuary. I'll loop around the ships and see if I can get any more shots in," Taylor said, mounting Ender and leaping into the sky.

Back to flying we go.


Hi? I'm sooooooo sorry about the long wait. With school and writer's block, I've just been so out of it. Feel free to kill me.

Anyways I love you all and thank you for being so supportive and so patient for this update. I'm hoping to get at least one update in every month... possibly two. 

Thanks so much guys!

~ Thatrandomdragon

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