june 28, 2016

302 26 3

you were out today.
with those friends of yours,
wearing the bracelet you "bought" the other night.
your face full of makeup
your phone full of secrets
and your mind full of him
why do you have plans almost every single day?
"i won't be home 'til tomorrow,
tonight's very important for me, sorry."
sorry, you say.
but are you really sorry?
sorry for the things you've done
sorry for the pain you've caused
sorry for everything
are you really?
there's one more thing you have to apologise about, too:
our anniversary,
did you greet me?
did you stay with me the whole day?
did you forget?
am i not giving you enough?
am i useless?
am i nothing to you?
in fact,
what am i to you?
i wish you happiness, heeyoung.
even if you don't wish the same for me.

chance [hoseok]Where stories live. Discover now