A Week In Hell

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My eyes fluttered opened. I was laying on the cold, hard floor, starring up at the ceiling. I instantly sat up, then screeched in pain, and fell back down.

I had cuts all over my body. But I was clean. I guess that man washed me. But, my wounds were still wide open, covered in dried blood. At least I wasn't bleeding to death.

I slowly looked over at the wounds on my body. The good news is, none were to deep and fatal. But the bad news... Well, I'm still trapped in a pitch black basement, my best friend is probably bleeding to death somewhere in this room, my mother doesn't know where I am and is probably freaking out, and I'm in ALOT of pain!!

I very slowly sat up. I crawled over to a wall and used it for support as I managed to stand up.

I searched the walls for a light switch. Suddenly I felt something under my hand, luckily, it was the switch. I quickly flicked it on.

It took a second or two for my eyes to adjust. But then, they suddenly landed on Angel, laying in the same pool of blood, naked, in the center of the room.

I rushed toward her but my legs gave out half way. I crawled to her side. I couldn't stop the storm of tears that poured out of my eyes.

"Angel?! ANGEL!!!" I yelled.

I put my head down to her chest and listened for a heartbeat. Desperate, I put two fingers on her neck and wrist at the same time to check for a pulse.

Barely. It's the only word I could use to describe her.

Her pulse was moving so slow, I could barely feel it. And I could barely hear her heart beat. It was quiet and really slow. And I could barely feel or her her short breaths.

"Oh my god" I whispered. I had to help her. I hoped it wasn't to late. My head shot up and looked around the room. There were actually some doors.

I crawled to the first one. Locked.

I crawled to the second one. Locked. But a repulsive smell seeped from under it. I quickly recoiled from it and crawled to the third door.


I looked inside. Dust clouded the air. The light flickered on and off. I looked around. This room was disgusting to. It had buckets full of shit and piss in them!! There was an old, rusty sink in the corner of the room. I looked around some more and found some rags. I searched for a clean bucket, luckily I found the last one.

I fought against my pain and stood up. Letting out moans and more tears. I turned on the water and it was brown. Not even the light brown. Just full on, dirty, disgusting, chocolate brown water that you would find in places even worse than a sewer.

I gagged. I filled up the bucket with water and took a few rags.

I limped over to Angel.

I tried to clean her blood with the water. Hopping that it would suffice. Her wounds her way deeper than mine. Then I noticed something. Angel's boobs were gone. That man cut off her breast!! WHAT THE FUCK?! THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL THAT MAN IS MY FATHER!!!!

I started to weep, realizing that she's lost so much blood. She might not make it.

"I'm going to fix you up!! Okay? I promise!!" I shouted, knowing she won't respond. It was obvious she needed stitches. I looked around for something sharp.

I wondered back into the room and looked behind all the buckets. No luck. I looked behind the sink and found a safety pin.

I grabbed it and unraveled it to a straight line. Then I ripped off some of the string from the rag. Slowly I began to sew Angel's wounds. One by one they all closed. Once I was done, I sat back and looked at my best friend.

I placed Angel's head on my lap and slowly stroked her hair. I looked at the wounds that were poorly sewn and hoped that she was going to make it.

I started to cry as I looked at my best friend's "barely" body.

I prayed to god that she will survive, that WE will survive, that we will find a way to escape from this hell hole.

----- ONE WEEK LATER -----

Ever since the day Angel and I were taken here, ever since that night when the man came and attacked us, we haven't left the basement, we haven't eaten, we haven't bathed, we were completely and utterly stuck.

I check on Angel everyday, to make sure she was alive and still breathing. Barely.

"GOOD MORNING!!!!" A raspy voice shouted. It echoed throughout the basement and scared me. I quickly opened my eyes. I was resting next to Angel, snuggled up with her since it was so cold.

The lights flickered on and I saw the man.

"Wow, look at how sexy you look in the morning... But your friend.... Not so much" Said the man.


"Sorry, but I got bored and hungry. Have you ever tried breasts? Not chicken, but human? It tastes delicious."

"I hate you, your a sick bastard" I shouted.

"Oh, Laauuureeeennn.... That's no way to talk to your father!!" The man said, charging at me and kicking me in the jaw.

"AHH!!" I screamed. I fell back and landed on Angel pretty hard.

She gasped. Some of her wounds opened and blood starting dripping from the corner of her mouth. She started coughing, struggling for air.


"I-It-s-s *cough* *cough* O-*cough* O-k-K-ayy" Angel stuttered.

"No, no its not!!" I yelled, trying to pump air into her.

"Well, it looks like your busy here, so I'll just give your gift and leave" The man said. I ignored him and continued to try and keep Angel alive.

The man walked up the steep staircase and opened the door. But then, somebody else came stumbling down the stairs.




Let The Rain Fall by @truth000

This book is absolutely amazing. Though it is an anime fan fiction, so it may not be suitable for everyone, but based on the way the story is written, you do not have to know the anime (but knowing it makes the story way better!!!) the anime it's from is called "Fairy Tail"


' A Delinquent and a Bookworm.

A Teacher and a Student.

A Boy with an Unforgettable Past and Girl with no Past.

This is not a simple love story. Each couple will face sadness, anger, grief that will follow up to their love. People think love is so easy? Well, not in this story.

A NatsuxLucy, JellalxErza, and a GajeelxLevy fan fiction. '

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