Safe House

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"Due to witness protection, I'll have to put you somewhere secretive and safe" Ed said "And I still want to know more about you, therefore, I'm taking you to my private home in California"

My eyes jolted wide open. "California?!" I exclaimed. I've always wanted to go to California!!

"Yup, but I gota warn you about something pretty important, it could be fatal if you don't listen very closely" Ed said, suddenly turning very serious. I gulped. I haven't seen him this serious since I got here. How bad could this be? Will Jason be at the air port? Is he here threatening to come kill me? Will he follow us? Am I going to be separated from Ed? Will there be people waiting to kill me there?!

Terrible events and ideas flooded into my head as I awaited his answer. "My sister will be there as well, and she's a terrible cook, so when you eat her food, make sure not to breathe so you don't taste it, and make sure to have a drink to wash it down. 'Cause damn!! One time for my birthday, he had cooked me a huge feast, and told me to stuff my face, it was only minutes later until I was on the toilet shitting my brains out, so be careful"

A blank expression plastered itself onto my face. That's it? That's so fatal? Did he forget that my insane father forced me to eat someone else's breast?

Ed still stood there, his expression still serious, and I couldn't stop the giggle from escaping my lips. Then another. And another. Until I was full blown laughing.

Ed stared at me as if I was crazy "Kids these days" he said, shaking his head. Ed walked over to my bags and picked them all up.

"C'mon, it's time to go" Ed said, grinning sheepishly.

I sobered down as I clicked the leash onto Roxie's collar and followed Ed out the door and down the hall. As I walked down the hall, officers waved goodbye and wished me luck. I'm happy that I'm leaving this place. It's scary. A few hours ago, I had to use the bathroom, and I got lost looking for it, and as I was aimlessly walking around this place, two police officers were holding a creepy looking man from behind by his hand cuffs, and as they walked by, the man hollered at me and said, "Hey baby!! You lookin' fine. Come here so I could throw your panties to the side and stick my tongue in your pussy, Eh?"

I was got really scared as he tried to lunge towards me. The police threw him down on the ground and shouted "Shut the fuck up rapist!!"

My god, I was sprinting fucking kilometers down that hallway, I was so scared. I nearly pissed myself to. So I'm happy we're leaving, because that was a close call and I don't want to have another one.

I followed Ed out to a shiny black car. It was nice, I have no idea what it was called, but I want to buy one... I'll ask Ed later.

Ed placed my bags in the trunk as I glided into the front seat, Roxy hopping onto my lap. Ed got in after me and started to drive.

Once we got there, I noticed there wasn't giant planes you usually see, they were all small jets... No way... Does he have a private jet?!

Ed seemed to read my face because he laughed, "Yeah, my job pays well"

"No shit" I playfully gasped. Ed laughed at my choice of words.

"Come on, I think you'll like it in there" Ed placed his hand on my back and pushed me towards the plane, actually, more like pulled me, I was still standing there dumbfounded starring at the plane.

I slowly climbed into the plane and looked around at the comfy seats and shiny glass tables.

Hmm... I can get used to this.


Yup, I was right. Lauren went to the police station. Just to check, I went to the police station pretending I was a tourist. I asked the women at the desk where the bathroom was and the fat bitch directed me to it.

I politely nodded and walked towards where she pointed to. Pft. Dumbass bitch, doesn't she recognize me? I AM wanted dead or alive after all. Ugh how does she to know who I am? I'm fucking famous dammit. I'm killing her later.

I wandered around the place, keeping my head down but my eyes and ears open, hoping to pick up an clues about Lauren's whereabouts. And sure enough, I did.

I walked passed a tall man with broad shoulders and he was talking on the phone. As I walked passed him, I heard the name Lauren pop up. I imidiatly stopped in my tracks.

I bended down and pretended to tie my shoe so I wouldn't seem suspicious just standing there in the middle of the hall way. I eavesdropped on the mans conversation.

"Yes, I would like to take her to my own safe house... It's in California sir... She trusts me and I can keep her safe... Yes I know all the rules and regulations... No, no one else but my sister knows where the safe house is, and my sister is currently there sir to keep an eye on things. She is a retired chief police officer, she knows the drill as well and will be a large help in keeping Ms. Lauren Ace safe sir... Yes sir... Okay... Yes I will... Thank you sir, I will be sure to keep you up to date... Goodbye sir"

With that, he hung up. So, this fucker is taking MY Lauren to California, huh? Well Lauren is still such a young girl, she can't go without her dad to protect her.

I slowly stood up, displaying absolutely no suspicion whatsoever and made my way towards the exit of the police station.

California, oh this is going to be fun.

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