Scary Movie Night

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"Hey, you guys wana come over this weekend?" I asked Kevin and Angel as we walked out of school into the parking lot.

"Ya sure, it's not like I got anything better to do" Kevin said. Angel and I giggled, she nodded in reply and we all walked towards her car.

Once we got to my house we all decided to do our homework and get it out of the way.

"What's today's date?" Angel asked.

"Um... I dunno, lemme check" I said, pulling out my phone. "Ooooo.... Creepy.... It's Friday the 13th..." I said starring at my phone.

"Friday the 13th? SCARY MOVIE NIGHT!!!!" Kevin yelled. We both laughed and nodded in agreement.

"Home work first!!" Angel said, being the good student that she is.

"Isn't that weird though?" I asked, putting my phone down.

"What is?" They asked in sync.

"Well, today is friday the 13th and the same day an insane serial killer escapes?"

"Oh you heard about him to?" Kevin said, putting away his ELA homework and pulling out his math textbook.

"Sorta, THIS ONE changed the channel before we could get a description of the guy" I said, shoving Angel who was trying to focus.

"I didn't hear either, I caught it in the gossip this morning"

"Whatever, we're perfectly fine, I'm not worried at all!!" Angel said, putting away her math textbook. She took out her social studies notebooks and started to scribble down some notes.

About 30 minutes later, we all finished our homework. It was starting to get dark, so we quickly put our stuff away and hopped in the car. We drove down to a video store called "Movie Shack" to rent a scary movie.

We decided to get all the "Paranormal Activity" movies. We've never seen them before and we heard they were really good, so we decided to give it a chance. And what better day to watch a full movie horror movie series than Friday the 13th?!

"Should we order pizza or something?" I said, tapping on Kevin's shoulder.

"Sure, Angel, you want pizza to?" Kevin asked. Angel's eyes were glued to a documentary about The Revolutionary War. Of course that's what she's looking at.

"Hm?" Angel asked, dumbfounded.


"Oh... Ya, can we get a large pizza pie with half with onions and mushrooms? And the other half with garlic? And peporni? And some garlic nuts on the side?" Angel asked. Kevin and I just starred at her. There was one thing I forgot to mention about Angel. She..... CAN EAT!!! It's like she has four hundred stomachs!!!

So I decided to get her own pizza. Kevin was good with whatever I got, so I was going to get a pizza half plain and half with garlic for us to share.

The pizza shop was right next door, So as they were standing on line, waiting to check out their movies, I went next door to buy the pizza.

As I walked in, I was mobbed with people. The pizza shop seemed to be pretty crowed today. Every table was taken, the waiting section was full, and the line was just about to go outside, and being the hungry person that I am, I waited on line for my turn.

After about a minute or so of waiting, I got bored. So when no one was looking I occasionally skipped someone.

I was at the front of the line in no time!! IM A GENIUS!!!!

"Hi, may I get a large pizza pie with garlic, mushroom, unions, peporni, and some garlic nuts on the side?" I asked the clerk.

"Sure thing miss, anything else?"

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